'Incompetent' UK police have become 'the Stasi': Laurence Fox
'Incompetent' UK police have become 'the Stasi': Laurence Fox



@CanadianCommoner Says:
UK police are now nothing more than the government's goons.
@bigkanuna Says:
How is it that the Catholic church can screen out pedophiles, but the British establishment and police can't, but don't worry when Islam takes over they'll put a stop to it.
@christastic100 Says:
The Uk is in the grip of a potential dictatorship that wants to control the narrative fully. It will tax us to oblivion and we will have to have cars that report us for the slightest thing to fine us like a video game. All this will be done “for our own good “ Dystopian society ahead for the Uk . Anyone who disagrees with the narrative will called FAR RIGHT
@peterverkoelen6474 Says:
Wef boy..he gotta go soon..?
@gerrystevens9041 Says:
i'm kicking myself now i supported reform uk through thick and thin and now they are kowtowing to thelizard dupe starmer and his commie gang re the vicious sentences for whites only...i should have chosen RECLAIM and FOX. but i thought he had no team...farage/widdecombe seem to be controlled opposition we need EVERY right wing to get into parliament and lay down the law including rearm the english commons.
@Surferant666 Says:
The right are right! The left -are always fascist wrong uns. Nazis everywhere.
@Surferant666 Says:
I wake Up- I go straight back to bed! I can't find- the motivation. Surrounded by- The Zombie nation!
@johnnymarshall5828 Says:
All those who have a high profile like Elon Musk are very brave to just speak common sense and truth. If one of the worlds most intelligent men see's the rot we should hear him out.
@mrwhitestone7461 Says:
The police sgt, promoted allegedly for DEI. What if it's more than DEI. What if it is a religious nepotism bias. If, for instance, a well organised compliant religious ideology, that has common practices, that load bias to promote and install a fifth column of the religiously aligned, who have the intent to corrupt the system, to take over all of the governing bodies, that control our peace and security, that protects our way of life and our cultural heritage. A system with extreme intent, so deranged that they will stoop to any level to win even to the point of civil war and collapse of the nation. (eg. The Lebanon). With DEI, a hot socialist marxist communist racist topic. The deranged socialist marxist communist would with willful blindness to the purpose of the religious bias be fully compliant. What would be your religion of choice in a mass migration multi-cultural Gt Britain of today. 1400yrs of Islam, we can read that the followers of mhmnd, a false prophet, feel compelled to follow his instructions and participate in an Islamic migration jihad. They leave their homes to migrate to the land of the unbeliever with the intent to wait until they have sufficient numbers to fight the unbeliever in his own land. The three stages of jihad is an interesting video made by Dr. David Wood, of Acts 17 apologetics some years ago. You can find it still on YouTube. Can't find it. Leave a reply. I'll send the link.
@aimaction7393 Says:
@stansalmon9531 Says:
This started with the Tory government Starmer is continuing with the same policy, I despise Starmer, Corbyn was a far more honest and decent man than Starmer will ever be, but the media and corbyns own party betrayed him, I have been a life long labour voter will never vote labour again.
@jeffrey19771000 Says:
@DenBlackburn Says:
Starmer is scared so he throws these laws through to create a wall to protect himself, but im now hearing that there is internal turmoil, so im really hoping it will bring this liying goverment down, and I say liying, because their manifesto was not worth printing with everything they have gone back on.
@Foreasttravels Says:
British Met police suffer diarrhea everytime they see people wearing chequered scarves, shouting Alaokbar.
@rottenbeggar Says:
Whoever voted Keir Stalin & his Smarma Army! Shame on you !
@mtgigi Says:
It's weaponised incompetence.. Narcissistic in nature. Doing what their WEF puppet masters tell them to do.
@matthewcaldwell1411 Says:
Police are villains nowadays
@techkungfu7139 Says:
Uk is no longer a great or powerful country. It's just a tired ghost of itself!
@Romans10.8-9 Says:
Then the word of the Lord came to me. 6 He said, “Can I not do with you, Israel, as this potter does?” declares the Lord. “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel. 7 If at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, 8 and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned. 9 And if at another time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be built up and planted, 10 and if it does evil in my sight and does not obey me, then I will reconsider the good I had intended to do for it. 11 “Now therefore say to the people of Judah and those living in Jerusalem, ‘This is what the Lord says: Look! I am preparing a disaster for you and devising a plan against you. So turn from your evil ways, each one of you, and reform your ways and your actions.’ 12 But they will reply, ‘It’s no use. We will continue with our own plans; we will all follow the stubbornness of our evil hearts.’” 13 Therefore this is what the Lord says: “Inquire among the nations: Who has ever heard anything like this? A most horrible thing has been done by Virgin Israel. 14 Does the snow of Lebanon ever vanish from its rocky slopes? Do its cool waters from distant sources ever stop flowing?[a] 15 Yet my people have forgotten me; they burn incense to worthless idols, which made them stumble in their ways, in the ancient paths. They made them walk in byways, on roads not built up. 16 Their land will be an object of horror and of lasting scorn; all who pass by will be appalled and will shake their heads. 17 Like a wind from the east, I will scatter them before their enemies; I will show them my back and not my face in the day of their disaster.” 18 They said, “Come, let’s make plans against Jeremiah; for the teaching of the law by the priest will not cease, nor will counsel from the wise, nor the word from the prophets. So come, let’s attack him with our tongues and pay no attention to anything he says.”
@grumpysadoldgit Says:
The left are running this country same in the USA and Canada
@RobertMunro-wb6jb Says:
Doesn’t Tommy work for rebel media or used too ???
@richardfowell5687 Says:
Tirrany is rife in the uk now thanks to our political elite
@modgirl7242 Says:
You know it’s not a civilised country when people have to leave their homes because they speak the truth and then they feel fearful of police, Governments how can they imprison people for their views
@jhdholiday7253 Says:
They are trying to get Americans extradited for free speech. Lol. 1776. All I have to say.
@richardmacdonald8637 Says:
Starmer , the man that defended Saville ????? Says it all !!!!!
@MsStack42 Says:
" You Are Now Entering the UK Please Keep Your Hands to Yourself."
@ianpunter4486 Says:
Naive, or what?
@sasm-s8i Says:
The International Community must be condemn for allowing Hamas to hold hostages for over 300 days. UN is evil. UN should know better and be better than Hamas Dissolve and Replace UN now !!!
@shirleychandler2780 Says:
Stay safe Lawrence
@Michael-s5b2z Says:
I wonder when will Laurence be arrested again. Hopefully not long now.
@perfectcaptain Says:
Starmer is the Stasi ....... that is now very clear
@JonahBread Says:
GB news has lost so much of its credibility since Laurence Fox & Dan Wooten left!!
@dfor50 Says:
I wish this interview was longer. It was right on the money.
@The_Last_Rick Says:
It is a strange time we live in where people who stand well to the left of Karl Marx, call every one that doesn’t *“The Far Right”.*
@khankrum1 Says:
Starmer is a Stalinist leading the UK into a totalitarian state
@NANA-ze3xc Says:
Fox looks so so bitter but about what exactly?
@rhonatemple2776 Says:
Love Lawrence Fox. Glad you have taken a stand Lawrence. Sorry that it has been rough. Support what you are doing! Calgary Alberta 🇨🇦
@JesusLovesYou9999 Says:
I doubt very much that the police has had any input whatsoever as to how they apply the law . The police take orders . Police administrators take orders . They don't create law or decide how it is applied . Now all of this is not to say that overly zealous , abusive police officers and or police administrators don't exist . The are many examples of them on public record . However , for the most part , police officers and police administrators by and large , simply , do what they are told by the powers that exist above them .
@SB-du9if Says:
Mr Starmer and his friends in the police force, Government and Mainstream Media haven't realised that they are part of the population called Infidels After they have outlived their usefulness they will be treated the same way as everyone else who doesn't bow to the will of Allah The problem in the UK and the rest of the Western World has nothing to do with Race, it is an Ideological problem An Ideology that is Against Western Values, Way of Life, Religion and Freedom
@anne-mariegreenhalgh2835 Says:
Lawrence Fox is one of our heroes.
@abuelafromhell Says:
Who exactly is Starmer working for? As far as I know, Britain has never had a Prime Minister who is against Britain and the British people before. The lunatics are definitely running the asylum. The whole world has gone mad. Please pray for the safety of Tommy Robinson and Laurence Fox 🙏🙏🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
@MrClingclong Says:
If anyone watching this from abroad is thinking Britain has gone nuts, then they would be right, it has. For many years our authorities have bent over backwards to cover-up or just not investigate crimes committed by people who follow the religion of peace (ha!) But people have found out, and they are angry.
@xavieryates9782 Says:
The West DOES NOT breathe its last breaths! While it's clear that these are crazy times, every action creates a reaction, and history is a testament to that. The failure of the political class has created the riots and civil disarray, with the aid of the police, and they will be corrected by the common folk, as has always happened.
@jamjedi1972 Says:
Wow, it is really turning into 1984. The UK is further along than the others with Canada a close second. They are taking down ALL the western countries, mine (US) may be the hardest to take down. Course I say that, everyday I’m shocked just how easily manipulated some are.
@Tomfoolery1972 Says:
Ezra's constant inhaling and swallowing tic is off the charts in this one 🤔
@dubdub680 Says:
The fact that you have to lead with "he's not racist i swear" means the left has won
@fernandosamf1185 Says:
The elets , wef. Black rock, open society, etc. Are all in on control of the police ---- in canada
@tonyb6485 Says:
Law is blinde for uk citizens. It work swiftly fir the elite orders. Itv8s time the citizens say enough. Arrest kier!
@paulcobbett8940 Says:
Starmer The Coward has committed subjudicy by pre judging the public order cases in the UK by saying in his speeches:- "clearly driven by far right hatred" "These thugs are mobile" "they move from community to community " This pre judging is ILLEGAL
@mpre1965 Says:
Americans aren’t going to be quaking in their boots over these threats.

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