How Reuters' fact-check highlights the spin on excess death rates in highly vaccinated countries
How Reuters' fact-check highlights the spin on excess death rates in highly vaccinated countries



@PureAwareness76 Says:
Thank you, I Love you! 😍 Please, keep up the good work! Cheerz from a Hungarian working in the UK.
@dougiep2769 Says:
Don't ever go to a doctor's office in Ontario Canada alone.. biggest liars on earth...
@dougiep2769 Says:
Ohhhh what a surprise.. Canadian leadership lying.. pedo land ottawa
@beckbindery Says:
So glad to be fake vax free !!!!!
@peterhudson7819 Says:
I thought that the reason for the excess death was obvious. Biggest experiment/crime against humanity in history. Its being ignored because the ones who caused this do not want to take responsibility for their actions, coersions. Informed consent, the patient doctor relationship, the hippocratic oath, and basic human decency were all thrown out the window. So many of the injured and dead are that way because they thought that they were protecting others, or because they were told that they could either take the intervention, or throw their livelihoods away... this whole thing has truely been an abomination, and unfortunately those responsible for it all are walking away with fat bank accounts instead of lengthy prison sentences...
@nicopohl2060 Says:
Relax. "Fact checkers" is fork-tongued collectivist lizardspik for "Apparatchick".
@ML-uk6lu Says:
"Commone sense" does not apply in our current government.
@stansony4885 Says:
Fake check is fake check since covid. Just dump it.
@epiphanyjayne Says:
Great Info 👍 thanks
@ianbennett1491 Says:
Most of the world is jabbed .I believe we are sitting on the biggest time bomb ever.Anyone censoring comments after what we now know as facts are also guilty of covering up this lunacy
@SpaceManAus Says:
I want to know more about who created the bio weapon used on humanity, there is no way this was created by nature.
@evad7933 Says:
There seems to be cyclicity/seasonality in this data. How would vaccines account for that? Are you suggesting COVID vaccines have been administered on a seasonal basis?
@Poppin-Seeds Says:
Population regulation
@jeffhillstead3302 Says:
If they blame Covid it's a probable lie.. My 33 unit building had 6 deaths after they had covid Jab's.. 😢 Is that normal..! 👎
@paulom1315 Says:
Comments non abusive and basic simple truth are banned and I am banned for a day.. NO COMMENTS ALLOWED THAT AGREE WITH REBEL TRUTH INFO
@PhilippeCarriere Says: 30 million and still counting excess deaths 🧐 hope one day you'll consider interviewing Dr John Campbell 🧐
@jamesweist8599 Says:
PureBlood here , glad i am
@SueBoucher Says:
I have a huge story for you with evidence of Nano fibers and nanoparticles in my vaccines, which they are now using bots to target me while sleeping, with digital images software from research labs and hospitals
@markymarc37 Says:
Haven't made comment until this one...the second I opened the this ..there was a screen that come up telling me that my comment was deleted..and a warning that I would be banned
@jakeneal5659 Says:
Too bad they too woldnt honor their oath to do no harm huh...
@jakeneal5659 Says:
Patient- Hey doc... what in that vile? Doc- I dont know.. they paper that came with it is blank.. Patient- You dont find that suspicious? Doc- nope.. the bonus we all receive is worth it. Now.. you mite feel a slight pinch.. Patient- woozy.. unstable.. splat..on the ground twitching and bleeding out of holes not normal to bleed from.
@seasonstudios Says:
My question is about time. What is the estimated time between jabs and deaths? In other words are people getting jabbed and shortly afterwards are they dying or are some people dying years after they were jabbed? This is my question although I'm not sure if I want to know the answer.
@seasonstudios Says:
When will all the madness end? Thanks Ugolini.
@104thebigguy6 Says:
Just ask embalmers what they started seeing for the 1st time EVER in 2021'
@tonyb6485 Says:
Reauters is a rotten corporate apple
@chrisdeason4904 Says:
Interesting Portugal has the largest pool of RH negative population in the world, i beleive 30% of the population..beginning to wonder if there is with intent...
@davidprimeau3368 Says:
dr john campbell also has a great youtube channel
@divergentone777 Says:
Reuter's is a glorified hub for gaslighting truth-tellers
@iseiyoulaitre Says:
The Doctor has the 5th Element Stones on his desk and you missed it! With Bruce Willis being sick, who will save the planet now from Evil. I am a meat popsicle.
@user-onpointe Says:
David Thomson's Reuters is like Al Jazeera
@glennabarry1261 Says:
Almost 20% excess death rate in Canada……over 60 ,000 this year alone
@SamsungS23-eb7fn Says:
Instead of fact checks could we call them disinformation checks?
@InGODweTrust007 Says:
@bissetttom1738 Says:
Reuters job is not to fact check but to convince the public otherwise. pretty evil wouldn't you say.
@SuccessmarketingWEB Says:
This is the type of reporting we need on CBC and CTV and Global News
@sambudd7592 Says:
Samuel Clemens said; there are lies, damn lies and then there's statistics. Thx for the work!
@donstinn4070 Says:
The truth will be revealed whether or not youtube or google wants it to be so the people will open their eyes one day and realize the simple truth is actually the truth.
@teresa67factoid95 Says:
And then to add insult to injury they post a link to the government’s gaslighting misinformation website
@RUWize Says:
Great job as always Tamara!
@Tomn8er Says:
They do check facts. Meaning if you post a fact they don't agree with, you will be flagged.
@fernandosamf1185 Says:
Better know it. Youtube takes people off for hate speech etc. That is just not there . Youtube needs Getting rid of .
@tommyli6301 Says:
They are still sensoring comments here in this platform.
@ez5087 Says:
They are very good at hiding the truth. They poisened everyone.
@jamesparker1071 Says:
The fact is that when Big Pharma and Big Tech collude with Big Government, We, The People, always suffer.
@esecallum Says:
How Drug Companies Shape Medical Education, News and Public Policy Then there is the pharmaceutical industry's influence on medical education and practice. Most of the continuing medical education is funded by drug companies, creating a bias in the information doctors receive. Calley Means reveals that when he worked in the pharmaceutical industry, it was an open secret that the primary purpose of drug ads on TV wasn't to convince consumers to ask for specific medications, but to subvert the news business itself. This revelation might leave you reeling. The idea that pharmaceutical companies are buying airtime not just to advertise their products, but to influence the very content of the news you watch, is deeply disturbing. It explains why you rarely see investigative reporting on issues related to drug safety or effectiveness. But the influence doesn't stop there. Pharmaceutical companies have infiltrated medical research at every level. The National Institutes of Health (NIH), which you might have thought was an independent government agency, is deeply entangled with the pharmaceutical industry. Most NIH grants go to research that has conflicts of interest with pharmaceutical drugs.
@esecallum Says:
*We are being VAXICUTED by pfizer* *We need to return the favor quickly.*
@onthebuses Says:
Scotland Sharing 🍺📡🍺
@robk5427 Says:
They're checking for facts they don't want you to know about.
@robertcampbell6521 Says:
Pure and simple from what I have seen if you did participate in the experiment your immune system is screwed
@Cespasbeau Says:
Thanks for sticking it to the 'fact checkers'. Expose any uncovered guilt. Your fans will be cheering you ON!!

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