'It's gone and we lost everything': Jasper evacuee says wildfire was 'devastating'
'It's gone and we lost everything': Jasper evacuee says wildfire was 'devastating'



@maxbishop2713 Says:
Let's get the story straight these are not wildfires these are direct energy weapons if you don't know what that means do some research typical wood burning fires do not melt aluminum this is the same type of fire that was in Maui when will people stand up and realize what is going on
@JohnnySportsfan Says:
Deliberate neglect of forest management practices to push the climate agenda. They also prolong the fires with back burns and attempts at cleaning fuel, which is a good practice, but they will exploit the stats on hectarage, evacuees, cost etc. to again push their grift. Arson is another catalyst, but these were legitimate lightning strikes with the ensuing fires fueled by deliberate neglect.
@jeanmarie656 Says:
This is so devastating and to think that if Trudeau and Steven Guilbeault had followed through with their promise to clean out the dead wood this fire may not have been as disastrous to so many that have lost everything. To think that they call this tragedy climate change instead of neglect to follow through is an immoral unforgivable prop that they boast about what didn’t burn.
@polinakosovsky6561 Says:
Thank you Rebel News
@justicewarrior9166 Says:
We blame liberals and ndp for this
@Sellout-Singh Says:
#TrudeauMustGo Before anyone says it when you’re in power for nine years, you have a responsibility to make things better and when you don’t, it’s time to go
@eliseand35173 Says:
Thank you for reporting on this. Heard about fires in Canada, but no specific information. Continued prayers for all those affected.
@jimmccoal2693 Says:
Im sure JT is grinning ear to ear.
@nomad90125 Says:
You're still alive, God will give you a new start. Have faith.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@hunter65mm Says:
Canada does not have enough water bombers ! WHY ????....cause Justy would rather send $$millions to Africa for gender studies.....
@shelleygaddy3699 Says:
DEW not a wild fire fyi
@rodgergarvie327 Says:
Roughly 5,200 actually live in Jasper, the rest were Tourists! Why are you stating 25 Thousand? 20 thousand still have homes and lost vacation time!
@WaIIyMaven Says:
I've got a buddy who was flat roofing in Jasper when the fire evacuation occurred, and the building he's working on is still standing, and hopefully his stuff is all cool
Dry your eyes and get busy rebuilding your town! Be thankful for your lives.
@AussieBodybuilder Says:
The main problem with Rebel News is they have weird looking news reporters
@jamesbull890 Says:
The interference of the fluffy bunny brigade and government bureaucracy have reduced sensible forest management so they are now denser with more dry dead fall and fire breaks have been allowed to grow over. Photos from the 1800's show must less forest with more widely spaced trees.
@meekshallinherit3966 Says:
When are we going to start calling these fires what they are?? Intentional weapon of mass destruction.. DEW
@davetersigni132 Says:
Laser weapons going to be a complete land grab after all this guaranteed they had plans for this💯🎯🤟🏻✨
@Suecanadian Says:
Why wasn't it soaked down hours ahead?
@fluffyanne1177 Says:
Liberal paid arsonists to push the manufactured climate crisis
@sphinxkat Says:
Melted metal...hmmm🤔
@chrislindsay60 Says:
It is directed energy weapon , try and melt an aluminum rim , see what it takes ,
@prairierider7569 Says:
Because the WEF/ccp build back better agenda, coke on you know it, I’ve been following you for almost a decade rebel news and you’ve mentioned it before, he’ll it’s even on google.. WEF and build back better July 13th, 2020, in order to build back better we must reinvent capitalism! Banff was too big to burn to become the elites playground so Jasper had to do.. Don’t believe me, fine but your ignorant if you don’t connect all the dots
@sherricooper6966 Says:
@cleveland3357 Says:
Wildfire or Arson?
@breeze8363 Says:
God bless you and all those in your community

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