'It was a matter of time': Jasper-area locals react to federal mismanagement of wildfire
'It was a matter of time': Jasper-area locals react to federal mismanagement of wildfire



@RebelNewsOnline Says:
Help support relief efforts! Visit http://www.HelpJasper.ca for more information.
@judgejudy8027 Says:
Great show . Thank you!!!
@yveslepine9263 Says:
Fully agree. But some biologists and foresters totally differed It is not Trudeau s fault per se. This is going on since at least 30 years. Hoodlums are in Park Canada. Quite a few at Department of Fisheries and Oceans too but that’s another story
@zachwalden317 Says:
But why would the government prevent a forest fire? They get all the power and control
@isabellshoff8225 Says:
Trudeau must go!
@coloradosprings7147 Says:
U can thank your woke left liberal government 👏 👍 🙄
@criticalmass613 Says:
And Justin accuses the Conservatives of letting Canada burn. Unbelievable! Unfortunately Canadians are stupid enough to believe him.
@markanthony7184 Says:
They Maui'd Jasper!
@gailjohnston9253 Says:
Alberta needs to take all those national parks back.
@gailjohnston9253 Says:
Fire him! He's a corrupt liar.
@joycereynolds4397 Says:
The liberal mismanagement once again, one more way these liberal/ndp are out to destroy this country & the taxpayer. Lots of $$$ to fly around the world, staying at $6,000.00/night hotel rooms, luxury service on flights costing taxpayers 100's of thousands of $$, $$$ for UNRWA that are proven terrorists & other terrorist countries, our $$$ needs to look after Canadians & this country. Vote every liberal/ndp out.
@decuevas244 Says:
Evil is burning the world on purpose. Jesus is coming soon. God bless everyone.
@garywagner2466 Says:
If you want a real laugh, torture yourself by reading the CBC (sorry, I mean the PMO) coverage. It’s a truly astounding flow of lies and bullsh!t. Anyone who has spent time in Jasper is angry about the fire damage, which was preventable. Parks Canada failed, and their staff are desperate to keep their cushy jobs. No one, least of all Stevie the ex-con, will be held accountable. The other comical aspect is that so many Canadians, most of whom have never been to the national mountain parks, make impressively idiotic comments on these events. Our population is getting dumber every day. But that does not stop them from demonstrating their ignorance on social media. “Directed Energy Weapons.” Give your heads a shake. You are embarrassing yourselves.
@andyvogt5468 Says:
It's the same dead pine that fuels the fires in BC,. It's forest mismanagement, not climate.
@vicom134 Says:
So she cuts massively in fire prevention since 2019, increased it just this year and it’s still the federal government’s fault?
@Veryrandy8508 Says:
Steven is a fool . #trudy must go
@paullambert6485 Says:
If there are any people non deserving and not qualified for their jobs its Trudeaus cabinet.
@rhondamartel5838 Says:
Oh Steven.. How do Canadians know ur lying? Ur lips r moving!!
@FazzyBear3926 Says:
Jasper Trudeau needs to Resign IMMEDIATELY
@gwater8441 Says:
Guilbeault needs his prison orange jump suit again there you people
@girlsloveganja3459 Says:
No offense but why did locals not do anything?
@ianleslie6971 Says:
I have to agree with the first woman in your video. Stephanie Guilbeault is just reprehensible, but the previous government also. They let the preservationists win.
@jasons6021 Says:
Everything that Wackeau and Guilty-beault do have been absolute failures!
@sha2828 Says:
So ashamed of the state of our country. Thanks Trudeaus, Mulroney, Steven Harper, Jean Chretien. for letting the important things go to wrack and ruin.
@WesWoychyshyn Says:
Total federal government losers!🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
@georgeconstanza6505 Says:
😂 Can't we just once stop with this partisanship bullshit. How many forest fires have we had over the years in the area that's fully under the control of the provincial government?
@nicholasbaker8158 Says:
Treason, get rid of Guilbeault and take his remuneration, pensions, and any entitlements he may be eligible to receive as a minister.
@TheRealHungryHobo Says:
... Because fire fighting isn't a provincial responsibility? Have you all ever seen the Federal fire fighting department? No, because it doesn't exist. Fire fighting in Alberta being underfunded directly the result of Alberta cutting funds for their firefighters, and not "Federal mismanagement." Conservatives cut public services - this is what happens. Conservatives blame the Liberal federal government, and are literally crying for the Feds to spend more money on public services. Lmao. Vote for cuts, then cry that you got cuts and blame the people who you also simultaneously accuse of spending too much money for not spending enough money. Genuinely is there one intelligent Conservative? Is it possible?
@lightbluehaze Says:
im seeing alot of green trees for a forest fire
@peterbutz642 Says:
Letting this federal government manage the parks has proven to be a disaster The current government couldn’t manage a popsicle stand
@rgroppi1305 Says:
Government arson
@louistiloup Says:
Poor detection system equal out of control fires period !
@halinaploska4456 Says:
This was done by….as……, that’s why
@catholicfaithofmine2664 Says:
They get millions in emergency relief. It pays to have emergencies.
@thegatekeeper715 Says:
He actually has the gaul to say that they saved 70% of the town because of their mitigation techniques. These lying Liberals of the Trudeau regime have got to go. We DEMAND an election NOW !!!
@huggybear3098 Says:
Yet again Trudeau bailed on Canadians!
@heavensmountains323 Says:
Parks does not take outside advice & never has. Even before the pine beetle infestation, they could have done something but didn’t listen to wisdom from outside their jurisdiction. Walking on the trails in the last few years has been a step by step crunchy reminder that it is only a matter of time before a cigarette butt or lightening strike takes the town in flames. With the heat we recently had & the town so full, they didn’t even think to ‘close the gates’ in a proactive measure of preventing chaos in the event of a fire. Arrogance and bureaucratic nonsense to the max!
@ritchmoore1442 Says:
The sad part is that this government has so many Canadian's struggling that those that would donate just can't. 🤬
@fp2687 Says:
If smith didn't make 30% cuts to the fire department. We wouldn't have these issues. Blame smith our premier of Alberta
@johnslusarenko3309 Says:
Make Jasper a provincial park.
@deepthoughts8393 Says:
@whitestacks5762 Says:
This is the same thing that happend in Hawaii, this is a land grab
@everydayfun9531 Says:
Bro no place in canada is safe anymore we demand a no vote confidence and demand trudeau to resign!
@GoHighOctane500LC Says:
Gilbeault is a liar. We shouldn't allow federal political appointees to manage parks in Alberta. The idea national parks should be managed by feds is SICK.
@TerranVisitor Says:
I too sad regarding Jasper and it's residence. However, for the future, it's imperative that it is mentioned the extensive use of wood roofing. Seems unwise to use such practices in this location. If such material is used, a water dispensing system needs to be installed on the roof. Also, fire break lines - perhaps at a distance from the community, should be maintained.
@popawheelie488 Says:
I'm sensing some heavy lawsuits for forest mismanagement from the insurance companies, business owners and residence.
@ndenise3460 Says:
Trees all the way into town, no fire breaks absolutely lady, complete BS
@IsabellaM._ Says:
SG should be imprisoned
@meekshallinherit3966 Says:
Lies, lies... they refused waterbombers in Fort Mc fires... they do not use all resources available... they just let it burn
@DC_PRL Says:
so everyone knows about the problem and they sit around and complaint...get local rednecks with chainsaw and take care of it and tell the feds to f off

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