EXCLUSIVE: Google CEO 'committed' to help Trudeau achieve political goals
EXCLUSIVE: Google CEO 'committed' to help Trudeau achieve political goals



@RebelNewsOnline Says:
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@flynn4838 Says:
Install and use Startpage.
@garrithjoynt3018 Says:
The WEF's Covid Cult Penetrators and their C Enterprises are the common enemy! Nürnberg 2.0
@IRBry Says:
isn’t trudeaus dad fidel castro?
@StephenDodd-e7v Says:
We will stop using Google, and use Brave a lot more.
@mikethornton7263 Says:
Another criminal joining trudeau ,s reign of terror HURRY UP PIERRE
@michaelwalker2492 Says:
I find it fun to trick the censor algorithm. Unless, they completely ban the English language, they cannot win, and even then just change language. This has all been done before, and the censors always lose.
@YukiPyro Says:
Google an American Company is openly admitting to meddling into Canada's Elections.
@therainforest4314 Says:
They've been shadow-banning me for at least 7 years, off and on.
@kforest2745 Says:
Well he knows how to get more pathetic every hour anyway
@therainforest4314 Says:
@Meowonamission Says:
Sounds like something he'd do to try and hide his bs
@jimelcome1 Says:
Get rid of google period
@Silver-Canada Says:
When will the Woke Madness End?
@The_AI_Pimp Says:
Well I will not be using Google anymore.
@EddieJarnowski Says:
Well it was nice while it lasted. Too many easily fooled people out there now.
@dt8460 Says:
Chinada Your corrupt Trudeau You want to hide all the negative remarks about you and that’s the only thing you want to Just like China and Russia
@richiemarshall2755 Says:
WEF the Natzi party at work worldwide
@TheeSlickShady_Dave_K Says:
Also, Canadians want the names of all of the MPs in our federal government who are accused of foreign interference Time is running out, Canadians are becoming impatient about this It is treason
@TheeSlickShady_Dave_K Says:
Go0ogle and go0ogle-tube continue to sensor and ban, Suppressing free speech Pretty soon people will just stop using these services 🤷🏼‍♂️ Society will be divided into "Digital people" and "Naturals" and more people will gravitate towards being Natural people We value free speech more than we value forced woke ads and censorship
@TheeSlickShady_Dave_K Says:
Thank you Sheila Thank you Rebel News
@MalicSoulstorm Says:
It always leads back to the World Economic Forum.
@conway2121 Says:
Imagine this clown when he's out of office, He will be broke in 6 months the way he blows money.
@conway2121 Says:
Good thing there is more then google today, Trudeaus feewings are getting hurt because he cant handle the truth we all hate his guts and want him gone like yesterday.
@lokin4truth Says:
If anybody needs to be censored for disinformation/misinformation on google or alphabet communications its the Trudeau//Singh coalition members. Trudeau cant help himself from deceitful or misleading communications!
@juneannxavier5963 Says:
Y you Guys At REBEL News IS DOING AN Amazing Job Reporting the TRUTH. THE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL
@colinheadrick98 Says:
Google is the newest natzee of the world.
@Diane-r1r Says:
Google is also a traitor
@SyntaxWyntax Says:
when the fk will ppl go protest in front of that fools house, work and any other place he or his family goes to
@mikes8809 Says:
Well since the google clowns work with the ccp, why wouldn't they work with Turdeau
@markwilliams3994 Says:
They are full of it. They are not interested in true safety. Just their own corrupt agenda!!
@margysfavourites8444 Says:
Note the name on the google letter ……
@truthseeker9346 Says:
Google owns Youtube!
@jimroy7839 Says:
Canada needs to file law suit against Google.
@michaelattoe5710 Says:
Who uses Google anymore to do any serious research? 1 simply cannot find websites relevant to one search parameters using Google. As an example, just try doing a simple search trying to find information on oppositional points of view to vaccines in general, and you will get page after page after page how about covid-19 and promoting the MRNA injections, and they also took away the ability to select 10 pages ahead, essentially forcing a user to scroll through these pages and pages to get to any useful information, if it is there at all. Another topic one can use to demonstrate this is to do a search to find any relevant information opposing the official government narrative of residential schools for Indians in Canada. This is true of any topic in opposition to points of view favored by google. It is essentially designed to exhaust people from their search for relevant information before they find it. If I really want to find something relevant, I use the Brave search engine or better yet the Brave browser that uses that search engine. Even searches with DuckDuckGo are now producing the same irrelevant results to what one is searching for as described above for google.
@PawanYadav-s8i Says:
good reporting
@maxcloutier5285 Says:
I do have a lot of my comments that are deleted. One of them was : The liberals spent the money, we will have to refund. Was that disinformation ?
@oldie4210 Says:
Apparently the WEF whistleblower stated freeland promised the censorship when encouraging Davos Oligarchs now was the time to move on canada
@brianvanderkley3445 Says:
Trudy needs to go.
@Acto22 Says:
Canadians shud get rid of the traitor before canadian embassies are attacked worldwide.
@jamesweist8599 Says:
Just like China, jail time please, traitors to Canada and the People.
@MikeTrainormusic Says:
It's all CH*INA. Can't even say this without censoring it or it gets removed. Gee, I wonder who runs Google and Justin Trudeau
@scottmallender9738 Says:
Trudeau is such a wimp of a man. Censorship of any info that’s critical of his government and agenda. Face the music like any true man in power would…
@janetboehm2716 Says:
Any and all businesses should stay our or be remanded for political interference
@partner230 Says:
Google will go down as soon as x moves up with his search engine. Then goodbye Fake corrupted bought out Lying Google
@TrevorsBench Says:
Expose the rot
@peterfraser1152 Says:
It's quite a challenge for Trudeau to get his Panzers, Messerschmitts, and Stukas across to Poland?
@positivelydisliked Says:
The best thing about "woke" people and their "things", it just tells me what to not support! Youtube being the last "woke thing" for me to get rid of! If you use or purchase their products, you are part of the problem! Remove yourself as that problem!!
@AngerOfTheLand Says:
Google Ceo is an Indian, of course he'd help Trudeau invade our country with them.
@michaelcarriere2201 Says:
Google supports a corrupt New World Order agenda.

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