Welcome ad with hijab-clad woman sparks religious symbol debate: Montrealers react
Welcome ad with hijab-clad woman sparks religious symbol debate: Montrealers react



@Joemamarickroll Says:
If they are removing religious symbols then that picture should not be allowed either . It does not represent the majority of women here anyways and if Valerie plants really cared about the Natives Land she would step down and offer her job to a native but she won’t because she’s a hypocrite.
@rishi505 Says:
Justin T is worse PM OF CANADA .unlimted international students and Refugees
@truthseeker-wj1iu Says:
How about First Nations of Canada, and Canadian Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Bahais, Zoroastrians, Atheists, and followers of all other faiths and religions? Why they are not being show cased, and only Islam?
@christianrobertdemassy900 Says:
Ca n’a aucun sens.
@hothatch1520 Says:
The image of a Muslim woman in religious clothing represents Islamic culture NOT secular Canadian culture !!!
@oliviasimpson4396 Says:
We will all be reformed and wearing hijabs.
@EveA-b8g Says:
Shameful!! We are women! We are not oppressed by Islam!! Stop forcing this disgusting agenda!!! What happened to women’s rights??? What is happening to my beautiful Canada!! CHRIST IS KING!!! 👑
@rosannaanisi4642 Says:
I don’t agree with that picture at all 👎🏻
@rosannaanisi4642 Says:
Watching this gives me high blood pressure. I don’t agree with that picture. Not at all. If it’s removed for one religion than should be for all. Women should not portray themselves as subservient and that is what it symbolizes. Nope 👎🏻
@tass9044 Says:
@barbaraolson887 Says:
What bothers me is the unequal application of laws and policies.
@do-user-6502 Says:
Christ is the King if you forsake him he will forsake you and your land , these are all the results of not putting Christ first on which the country was originally built on
@do-user-6502 Says:
i am a graphic designer and these days i have mentioned a non woke and no promotion of religion (islam) clause in my contract
@Violet-n2l Says:
There are lots of women with hijabs in Toronto and I don't see anything wrong with having them on posters but the ttc has a niquab (face covered) woman on posters and I really don't like that. I don't think anyone wearing shouldn't be treated disrespectfully but don't think it should be encouraged or normalized
@Weimar893 Says:
Sad such a great province and a wonderful city is bending over for the Islamic conquers. Beond shameful what Castor junior has done to Canada.
@mattsmith6666 Says:
I've been saying it for years. This country is gone! Too many imports of the wrong kind. Take that anyway you want. Just look around. It's everywhere. And it's ugly. I don't like what Trudeau has let happen to Canada. It's just sad.
@ZebraAfrica Says:
No to Christianity. Yes to radical Islam. I can't stop laughing at Canadians, what is next, Sharia law?
@jody-ne7xs Says:
Montreal and ottawa should be a trial run for Sharia law! This is a great idea to help Canadians learn our new culture.
@jocelynmaltais8368 Says:
Les québécois sont politiquement analphabètes
@SunShineLady-d4r Says:
When people immigrate to another culture, they need to assimilate and integrate in that hosting generous welcoming country that opened their door to accept them as citizens.
@Blueskies1180 Says:
I’ve said it before and will say it again, Islam has been trying to take over nations for centuries! It got as far as taking over vast parts of Asia with their rulers forcing conversion and atrocities against anyone who spoke against them. Now they are back at again, trying yet again. They will not give up, the “west” has been bought off and is helping these terrorists infiltrate the “west”. I don’t know how we get out of the grips of Islamic extremism…
@ultraman72 Says:
I’ve been served recently by a person in a burka. Near Montreal. The laws don’t apply to that community
@koolblokecanbr Says:
What a huge load of BS ! With so many more important economic issues to address, why all the unecessary commotion ? 🙄 And it's the same media that keeps whining about freedom of expression. Double standards, eh ? 😉
@mitcholineck5345 Says:
Keep the Middle East in the Middle East.....
@mj24672 Says:
We don’t need to please everyone who comes to our land. If they don’t like to be in a Christian country and don’t like our way of life, they should move elsewhere.
@paulthomas281 Says:
Long live French Canada and Québec, the real defender of liberalism and secularism in hellish, multi-cultural Canada.
@mj24672 Says:
We are a Christian country. This doesn’t happen in Pakistan nor other Islamic countries. What is happening to our country? This is the end of Canada.
@paulinegauthier1867 Says:
I didn't realize that islam built Canada. I thought that was the Christian French and Brits. Crisse. PUT the crucifix back!! Non à islam!
@DevotionCorner Says:
I think they will change the flag of Quebec to become have the cross 😢 It’s so sad 😞
@RolandDeschainee Says:
How is that not demeaning to Canadian woman, IMO the message they are conveying is that the Ladies of Montreal are subservient to the men of the city, it puts woman's rights in the toilet
@Sally23429 Says:
Virgin Mary wore a Hijab (veil)
@Sally23429 Says:
One question for the Christians here: what did Virgin Mary wear on her head? A garbage bag? No, she wore a VEIL - a HIJAB (means "VEIL"). The bible literally tells women to cover their hair, especially during prayer and to dress modestly. If you travel to the middle East (where Christianity was FOUNDED by the way - Jesus was born in Bethlehem, in present day Palestine) - CHRISTIAN WOMEN WEARE HIJAB. Muslims and Jewish women, rather than practicing hypocrisy like the Christians, actually have the COURAGE to follow the commands of our Lord rather than the commands of the males in society we live in that tells us the less quantity of clothing, the better.
@carmenlajoie2719 Says:
Its called Engineering & Infrastructure, should see how China is building Ports-Highways-Airports-Domestic Manufacturing...CGTN The Point-Hub-Heat, Shanghai Eye, RT International-Telasur-Middle East Eye-Aljazeera-TRT World.. Why everyone's joining BRI-BRICS. Reporterfy Media-Cyrus Janssen
@jdog2345 Says:
Disgraceful, why are we allowing this. So perhaps one of these individuals should have a large cross on…
@lindagrandmaison7860 Says:
No hijab is not canadian.
@cedricaron3949 Says:
The people the less capable to produce elect the people the less capable to govern. Hijab in the West has nothing to do with religion, it’s a political statement of support for djihâd. By the way: Non-ceded territory = stolen? So my land registry certificate is bogus ?
@cedricaron3949 Says:
The people the less capable to produce elect the people the less capable to govern. Hijab in the West has nothing to do with religion, it’s a political statement of support for djihâd.
@ilfyf Says:
Soon, there will be a hijab police in Canada, just like in Iran.
@TruztNoI Says:
lets be honest burocracts love wasted money and fk islam is not a religion....
@Alfonso-gp9mk Says:
PLanned islamic invasion promoted by the wef-controlled coalition. TRAITORS>.
@Alfonso-gp9mk Says:
FACT: OUR western countries were built and flourished on an EUROPEAN CHRISTIAN based culture. If anyone has any issues with that and don’t want to integrate, GTFO. But it happens that the wef-controlled woke communist government has been BETRAYING Canadians for 9 years!
@AG-xc5ni Says:
And you wonder why people call your network racist. This is nothing. You don't have better things to research???
@michellemailloux2483 Says:
The Catholic Faith is the True Faith - history proves it! Christ is King! Put the crucifixes back on the walls of every entity. So sad how Quebec was such a very Catholic province at one time. Too bad that this entire country was not French Catholic. Quebec will now face more severe chastisements than the rest of Canada because she had the True Faith and like a spoiled, bratty child, she became selfish and took the love of God, the Father ,Son, and Holy Ghost for granted.
@jay1970 Says:
I feel this inclusion thing has gone too far. I came to the USA to be nothing but American. I really don’t want to force my Indian culture on anyone. The worse thing is that, most of these people don’t really support Canadian values or appreciate the welcome they received.
@jkgcank9 Says:
Women in hijabs aren’t part of any Canadian history. #BanHijabsInCanada
@rtj630 Says:
I prefer to not be represented by anyone religious. Especially not someone from a religion that subjugates women. No thanks. She does not represent me at all. And the whole thing about unceded Mohawk territory... it's nothing but a virtue signal. It's like dangling a sandwich in front of them then yoinking it away and eating it. Plus... it is not their land anymore.
@lahire1295 Says:
When they spit on your ancestors beliefs, that should be a day of embarrassment/revolt but the population is way too woke to even care about it. It's really shocking
@TheCanadianrockies Says:
Valérie va bientôt se planter.
@minos51 Says:
ton bras sait porter l'épée et il sait porter la croix
@judylav5 Says:
Stop shoving religious ideology down our throats...Montreal, Quebec, Canada is NOT A MUSLIM CITY. We have laws that ban visible religious symbols in government buildings!

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