Xaviaer DuRousseau DEBUNKS Systemic Racism Argument
Xaviaer DuRousseau DEBUNKS Systemic Racism Argument



@thefrenchgardener1865 Says:
Dr. West needs to find a dentist of ANY color to fix his distracting mouth....
@thefrenchgardener1865 Says:
Dr West needs to find a dentist of ANY color to fix his poor oral hygiene ....
@beefybmw9532 Says:
What’s true is true whether or not you have the oppressed telling it. I don’t need to hear it from a black queer to understand that Black people aren’t hunted in America and they have racial superiority at the moment in the eyes of anybody and everybody left wing or who’s afraid of the left.
@roxeloggins Says:
Whats the stupidest thing a Black Man can do ...Think hes speaking for all Black Americans....🤔
@TymeRaider Says:
Amen !!!! Racism is not going anywhere as long as criminal originations like BLM can make millions off of it, unless we end that we will never end racism
@mickallanson9357 Says:
The demand for racism is greater than the supply
@dv174bx8 Says:
West is a 🤡, living in the past. Still in the plantation. He need a haircut and a shave to see if his mind clears up.
@DouglasMurreyKnows Says:
so well said!!!
@brianzuchelli2988 Says:
Racism, homelessness are 2 huge industries.
@joshualoyal7222 Says:
Xaviaer, nothing but respect.. You were blessed with intelligence and a beautiful command when speaking. Good luck my friend!!
@daysend1341 Says:
I'm not saying anyone has a better or worse than anyone else but at least someone acknowledging that it's not as bad as 90% of people say means a lot. We need more logical people in the world like this man.
@richardpare3538 Says:
It is extremely sad reading and watching Dr. West, as he is one of the most delusional and racist people in this country. One of the actually amusing things about him is his rabid stance on "cultural appropriation", all while wearing Western clothes, shoes, and glasses, riding in Western transportation,and eating Western foods. If he actually practiced what he preached, he would be mostly barefoot, wear traditional African clothing, walk to wherever he has to go, and not wear glasses. Delusional hypocrisy at it's best!
@tamarindovillage2799 Says:
Cornell West uses "brother" when talking to someone he disagrees with, and what he's saying really is the "N" word to them. I'm no dog-whistle using person, but it's pretty darned clear, Brother.
@rosemarietolentino3218 Says:
The battlefield is in your mind. It is written!
@tomsmith6882 Says:
An ideology that means you are helped to succeed, then if you succeed you are viewed as overcoming a unique hardship, and if you fail it isn’t your fault, is like a drug. No wonder they cling to it
@danerook Says:
Cornell west is the one who is ignorant
@darkhighwayman1757 Says:
Cornell still thinks it's the 60s.
@geraldriley9949 Says:
Let's just act like history never happened. There were never slaves, segregatoin, jim crow, gentrification, redlining, Tulsa Massacre, birth to prison pipeline etc
@Gracie12753 Says:
We LOVE Xavier!
@brettwiedel3544 Says:
West still on the plantation 😂
@michaeldmoyers Says:
He is a professional race baiting victim that takes no accountability for his actions
@sneesnar35 Says:
I can which one has been to Boston!!!
@ChefDuane Says:
If white supremacy truly existed Dr. West would not even be allowed to speak. Who is he kidding?
@TXLionHeart Says:
Where's the lie!?
@colin1818 Says:
Anybody that claims that "white supremacy" is a major issue in America today should be laughed out of every room. It's scare tactics based on nothing. As Dr. Sowell would say, "an argument without an argument"
@netdoctor1 Says:
No sympathy. No respect. These charlatans are pulling race relations into the past with every ounce of their energies. Face it: without the race card, their hand is bust. *Losers*
@aimtrusolutions2320 Says:
The race grifters will never let us die, otherwise they are unemployed.
@davidstockdale4187 Says:
@Cbutter0 Says:
White supremacy would be real if they could just say ONE word and not get in trouble. Whites would face legal issues and lose positions in the work place for just one word. However, if that coin was flipped, no one would care. Supremacy would mean more power in those situations. Who has more power?
@jasonybarra214 Says:
Dr. West wants to be Frederick Douglass look at him. The difference is Frederick Douglass helped free his people. Dr. West holds them back just like Al Sharpton not good people.
@wise_up_dems. Says:
Another race pimp.
@robertsmithington8892 Says:
Some people confuse racism with the reaction they get to their bad and hostile behavior.
@spacemonkey2915 Says:
Dr. West is a black boomer that hasn't figured out a new hustle. He just recycles the same ol song and dance.
@gregkasza1925 Says:
Imagine going thru life and thinking there are all these white supremacists lurking are very corner.
@seasant6 Says:
Stuck in the past is sooo true. Old dude wants to still feel valid, so beats the beat. The music has change old man
@Watusifarm Says:
It’s his grift! It’s given him his wealth and status 😂. Race baiting is good money these days
@bundy4prez462 Says:
If there's no white supremacy, he's out business.
@spaceracer23 Says:
West is nothing but an employee of the democrat party.
@tylerscofield9799 Says:
Funny how the more he keeps race at the forefront of issues the more he profit he will make off said race issues, and if racism goes away he is out of a job. I honestly think these people do see racism and they believe everyone else is the bad people. Because you can look at something hard enough and see exactly what u want to see
@lubystkaolamonola529 Says:
Everyone who yells "white supremacy", "oppression" must suffer from BDSM syndrome. They took pleasure of playing the victim.
@73challenger5031 Says:
Because it's a grift. They make money every time MSM puts them on camera.
@OsamaBinLooney Says:
it often racists that blame something on racism
@tbobtbob330 Says:
"White supremacy" will be a thing so long as it's a useful narrative for individuals to gain power or extract resources.
@dennisbusha5032 Says:
Race baiter ....
@luvya9471 Says:
Has “Dr”West ever worked an honest day in his life.? That would be my question .
@nonombre7159 Says:
Cornell West just wants to stay relevant as a scam artist. The same guy who cried racism when an officer asked for his id on an alarm call. The officer didn't know who he was so of course he's racist. Just a typical race hustler idiot.
@redred2772 Says:
West is nothing but a race hustler and Im not his f*cking brother.
@BenDover010 Says:
Life is a constant struggle since NOTHING is for free. Everyone struggles in their own ways.
@BruceSinnott Says:
The only people keeping racism alive is racists, and it doesn't matter what side of the racist ball you're on. The ignorance of a few affect and inhibit the progression of the masses.
@GlimmerOG Says:
If you hold white people to a higher standard than black people, you promote white supremacy.

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