Make Financial Literacy Fun with PragerU Kids
Make Financial Literacy Fun with PragerU Kids



@OldMajor Says:
*This is a FREE Country? Don't Pizz down my back and tell me it is Raining.* According to Our Gov: Spying, Violence, Lying,Theft, & Corruption of Any Kind is Unacceptable in our Society... Unless the Spying, Violence, Lying, Theft, & Corruption is Perpetrated by the Gov! Send all of the Government Criminals to Beautiful Gitmo on the Caribbean for a long long long vacation. The Government makes the RULES! You will be RULED! The Government will make you Shut-up, Obey, & Pay!
@anthonysanlucas6437 Says:
We are definitely adding these to our homeschool curriculum. However, respectfully, can you please consider removing or replacing the “Kids” in your moniker? Maybe Youths or Curriculum. Many preteens resent any reference to kids.
@nerysghemor5781 Says:
The toys bucket could be split too, into toys/games that are educational and help with future goals and others that are purely for fun. For me this wasn’t an issue because one of the biggest things I spent on was books. But that’s another layer of planning that might be helpful as a kid gets a little older.
@TickedOffPriest Says:
Kids who learn this now will pay off their own loans.
@trdscfjc Says:
A college piggy bank? Sure if you want to spend 200k for your kid to be a transgender Communist who hates you, ok.
@Thekowaikaiju Says:
"Give the toddlers shopping carts" A sick indoctrinating introduction to capitalist inhumanity.
@xenodarsh3475 Says:
I wouldnt send my kids to college if i was at gunpoint. Colleges are n@zi training grounds to brainwash young minds to destroy the country. Just take that million dollars and buy a 1 bathroom no bedroom stall in the ghetto in california. Thats about what it costs.
@merlinwizard1000 Says:
5th, 29 June 2024
@987654321wormy Says:
When I joined the army I had a Sergeant who gave me great advice, he said "pay yourself first." I established an amount to save or invest every month and any raise or extra I got went towards that, and I never tried to keep up with the Jones. After 30 years when I retired I had more than enough to never have to work again.
@Couldhavebeensomeone Says:
I wish people taught me incentives and 30% tax margins before I started working. Now all I see is how much I lose.

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