


@thekingofafrican7771 Says:
Let,s go Vladimir Putin and the best ledare
@JDDC-tq7qm Says:
This year alone Putin has visited China, North Korea and Vietnam i wish India would get on board so USA would not be able to bully anyone no more
@The-Reset_ Says:
🇺🇸 is the great titanic ship 🚢 thts sinking. They hating on the come-up of other countries.
@southernafricanboy4148 Says:
Jesus Can someone summarise this please😢
@evgeniam685 Says:
He is restoring former Tartaria civilization. Western countries gonna be last.
@SoutheastAsianBoy-j3z Says:
In an economic sense, big powers often compete with each other to maintain or gain as many as customers as they can. But in a political context, they often say they strengthen cooperation for regional and international peace and security 😂
@imaxinebrown694 Says:
Russia needs to prepare for what is coming! The elections in the West is occupying Europe’s attention right now. But they intend to destroy Russia!
@mystictraveler8642 Says:
American Mentality? What does that even mean?
@trueconde5623 Says:
America got their asses kicked in Vietnam and will all saw what they did to Rambo
@jay6667 Says:
It seems like it’s a threat to other nations. I heard from former weapons analyst Scott Ritter that China & Russia may form a defense agreement with North Korea. It would be interesting if Vietnam became like the next China rich like the second or third biggest economy in the world behind China due to making money of the labor the US brings.
@mojavedesertsonorandesert9531 Says:
Zach, people may not realize lots of parts we get says made in China all the while Chineese companies use N. Korea for many parts-ship to China then shipped all over the world! 😂
@lilacer6841 Says:
Vietnam war was also because France refused to leave Vietnam
@nnbb3765 Says:
6/ ON THE COMPREHENSIVE STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN THE DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KOREA AND THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Article 19 The parties cooperate in the field of printing and publishing activities. The parties encourage the promotion of Korean and Russian literature in their states, promote the study of the Korean language in the Russian Federation and the Russian language in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and also promote mutual acquaintance and communication between the peoples of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation. Article 20 The parties promote broad cooperation in the media sphere in order to increase the level of knowledge about the life of the peoples of the two countries, promote objective information about the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation and bilateral cooperation in the global media space, further create favorable conditions for interaction between national media, strengthen coordination in countering disinformation and aggressive information campaigns. Article 21 The Parties actively cooperate in order to conclude and subsequently implement industry agreements aimed at implementing this Treaty, as well as agreements in other areas not provided for by this Treaty. Article 22 This Treaty is subject to ratification and enters into force on the date of exchange of instruments of ratification. From the date of entry into force of this Treaty, the Treaty on Friendship, Good Neighborhood and Cooperation between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation of February 9, 2000 shall cease. Article 23 This Treaty is valid for an indefinite period. If one of the Parties intends to terminate this Agreement, it must notify the other Party in writing. The Agreement is terminated one year from the date of receipt of written notice by the other Party. Done in Pyongyang on June 19, 2024, in two copies, each in Korean and Russian, both texts being equally authentic. FOR THE KOREAN PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC Kim Jong-un FOR THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION OF THE REPUBLIC V. Putin
@nnbb3765 Says:
5/ ON THE COMPREHENSIVE STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN THE DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KOREA AND THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Article 17 The parties cooperate in the fight against international terrorism and other challenges and threats, including extremism, transnational organized crime, human trafficking and hostage-taking, illegal migration, illicit financial flows, legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime, terrorist financing and proliferation financing weapons of mass destruction, illegal actions that pose a threat to the safety of civil aviation and maritime navigation, illegal trafficking in goods, funds and monetary instruments, as well as illegal trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, weapons, cultural and historical values. Article 18 The parties interact in the field of international information security and strive to strengthen bilateral cooperation, including through the development of an appropriate regulatory framework and deepening interdepartmental dialogue. The parties contribute to the formation of a system for ensuring international information security, including through the development of universal legally binding documents. The Parties advocate equal rights for states in managing the Internet information and telecommunications network, as well as against the malicious use of ICT in order to discredit the dignity and reputation of sovereign states and encroach on their sovereign rights, and consider any attempts to limit the sovereign right to regulate and ensure security unacceptable national segments of the global network. The parties are expanding cooperation in the field of combating the use of ICTs for criminal purposes, including the exchange of information to prevent, detect, suppress and investigate crimes and other offenses related to the use of ICTs. The Parties coordinate actions and jointly promote initiatives within international organizations and other negotiation platforms, cooperate in the field of digital development, exchange information and create conditions for interaction between the competent authorities of the Parties.
@nnbb3765 Says:
4/ ON THE COMPREHENSIVE STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN THE DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KOREA AND THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Article 13 The parties are developing cooperation in matters of mutual recognition of standards, test reports and certificates of conformity, direct application of standards, exchange of experience and the latest achievements in the field of ensuring uniformity of measurements, training of experts and promoting the recognition of test results between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation. Article 14 Each Party protects the legal rights and interests of legal entities and citizens of the other Party located on its territory. The parties cooperate on the provision of legal assistance in civil and criminal cases, the extradition and transfer of persons sentenced to imprisonment, as well as the implementation of agreements in the field of return of assets obtained by criminal means. Article 15 The parties are deepening contacts between the legislative, executive and law enforcement bodies of the two countries, exchanging experiences and opinions in the field of adoption and application of laws and on other issues of mutual interest. Article 16 The Parties oppose the use of unilateral coercive measures, including those of an extraterritorial nature, and consider their introduction illegal and contrary to the UN Charter and international law. The parties coordinate efforts and interact in order to support multilateral initiatives aimed at eliminating the practice of using such measures in international relations. The Parties guarantee the non-application of unilateral coercive measures aimed directly or indirectly at one of the Parties, individuals and legal entities of such Party or their property under the jurisdiction of such Party, goods, work, services, information, results of intellectual activity, including exclusive rights to them, originating from one Party, intended for the other Party. The Parties shall refrain from joining unilateral enforcement measures or supporting such measures of any third party if such measures affect or are directed directly or indirectly at one of the Parties, individuals and legal entities of such Party or their property under the jurisdiction of such third party, goods originating from one Party, intended for the other Party, and (or) works, services, information, results of intellectual activity, including exclusive rights to them, provided by suppliers of the other Party. If unilateral coercive measures are introduced against one of the Parties by any third party, the Parties shall make practical efforts to reduce the risks, eliminate or minimize the direct and indirect impact of such measures on mutual economic relations, individuals or legal entities of the Parties or their property located in the jurisdiction Parties, goods originating from one Party, intended for the other Party, and (or) works, services, information, results of intellectual activity, including exclusive rights to them provided by suppliers of the Parties. The Parties shall also take steps to limit the dissemination of information that could be used by such third party to impose and escalate such measures.
@nnbb3765 Says:
3/ ON THE COMPREHENSIVE STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN THE DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KOREA AND THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Article 10 The parties promote the expansion and development of cooperation in trade, economic, investment, scientific and technical fields. The parties make efforts to increase the volume of mutual trade, create favorable conditions for economic cooperation in customs, monetary and financial and other areas, and also encourage and protect mutual investments in accordance with the Agreement between the Government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Government of the Russian Federation on the promotion and mutual protection of investments of November 28, 1996. The Parties provide assistance to special/free economic zones of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation and organizations with their participation. The parties develop exchanges and cooperation, and also actively encourage joint research in the field of science and technology, including such areas as space, biology, peaceful nuclear energy, artificial intelligence, information technology and others. Article 11 The parties support the development of interregional and cross-border cooperation in areas of mutual interest, based on its special importance for expanding the entire range of bilateral relations. The parties create favorable conditions for establishing direct connections between the regions of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation, promote mutual awareness of their economic and investment potential, including through business missions, conferences, exhibitions, fairs and other joint interregional events. Article 12 The parties are strengthening exchanges and cooperation in the fields of agriculture, education, healthcare, sports, culture, tourism and other areas, and interacting in the field of environmental protection, prevention and relief from natural disasters. @Slavyangrad
@nnbb3765 Says:
2/ ON THE COMPREHENSIVE STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN THE DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KOREA AND THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Article 6 The parties support each other's peaceful policies and measures aimed at protecting their state sovereignty, ensuring their security and stability, defending their right to development, and also actively cooperate with each other in pursuing such policies aimed at establishing a fair multipolar new world order. Article 7 Guided by the goals of maintaining international peace and security, the Parties consult and cooperate with each other within the framework of international organizations, including the UN and its specialized agencies, on issues of global and regional development that directly or indirectly may pose a challenge to the common interests and security of the Parties. The Parties shall cooperate and mutually support the membership of each Party in relevant international and regional organizations. Article 8 The parties create mechanisms for joint activities to strengthen defense capabilities in the interests of preventing war and ensuring regional and international peace and security. Article 9 The parties are interacting to jointly confront growing challenges and threats in areas of strategic importance, including food and energy security, information and communications technology (ICT) security, climate change, healthcare and supply chains. @Slavyangrad
@nnbb3765 Says:
1/ON THE COMPREHENSIVE STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN THE DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KOREA AND THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Article 2 The parties, through dialogue and negotiations, including at the highest level, exchange views on issues of bilateral relations and the international agenda of mutual interest, and also strengthen joint coordination and interaction on international platforms. In an effort to establish global strategic stability and a new fair and equitable international order, the Parties maintain close communication with each other and strengthen tactical and strategic cooperation. Article 3 The Parties shall cooperate with each other to ensure lasting regional and international peace and security. In the event of an immediate threat of an act of armed aggression against one of the Parties, the Parties, at the request of one of the Parties, shall immediately use bilateral channels for consultations in order to coordinate their positions and agree on possible practical measures to assist each other to help eliminate the emerging threat. Article 4 If one of the Parties is subjected to an armed attack by any state or several states and thus finds itself in a state of war, the other Party will immediately provide military and other assistance with all means at its disposal in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter and in accordance with legislation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation. Article 5 Each Party undertakes not to enter into agreements with third states directed against the sovereignty, security, territorial integrity, right to free choice and development of political, social, economic and cultural systems and other key interests of the other Party, and not to take part in such actions. The Parties do not allow third states to use their territory for the purpose of violating the sovereignty, security, or territorial integrity of the other Party. @Slavyangrad
@SeedofgoldFarm Says:
Preparation and share enemies. Who will got US allies when Russia 🇷🇺 busy with colonial hegemony USA
@lickatonge1945 Says:
hi from Trinidad and Tobago. your reports are always so informative and never lacking. love from Trini my brother...
@emmanuelfelix6075 Says:
" has United States forgotten all the due to the people of Vietnam" or has the Vietnam people forgotten what American did to them."
@sofiabamhamed8507 Says:
It is funny how USA is again teaching us about human rights and democracy, values they don't even follow but impose on other countries
@soulblack621 Says:
South Korea has and is currently supplying Ukraine with ammunition. Which is why Russia/South Korea relations have soured.
@Akatukunda-l4w Says:
Am happy to see Russia visiting two countries that is Win
@JeffersonOuma-f4g Says:
Brother Zack I hope you well my Man ❤❤❤ all d best Brother. ❤❤❤
@BillySmart-tk1wu Says:
Brother Zack it easy Russia to give North Korea that technology 😅😅
@BillySmart-tk1wu Says:
This world isn't for USA or Russia no one can tel what to do or what u should not do... Who's USA to tel RUSSIA don't talk to NORTH KOREA OR VIETNAM.... WHY USA talk to FRANCE AND ENGLAND AND DOES GROUPS OF NATO whatever ur calling.... Anyone can do whatever he wants BECAUSE THIS EARTH isn't for AMERICAN OR RUSSIAN OR ELSE.... STOP UR NONSENSE PLEASE 🇨🇩🇨🇩🇨🇩🇨🇩
@Dana-df5iu Says:
America, it's ok to sit this one out, your not right all the time.😮
@muntuyeravictor3107 Says:
These issues r 4 super power countries. Mean while am just an operator at work. My workmates also show small super power. Everything is going crazy left right
@desiebawden61 Says:
Don’t care what America thinks . I know how many bombs they have dropped for decades ,in wars based on lies 🌎
@BrightRise-ss1wu Says:
I support mother Russia and Vladimir Putin for defending democracy and freedom from white European criminals who believe that they are born superior to everyone else on this earth.
@raghedanan3959 Says:
The future will be “ The Global South especially Africa “.
@sunnyrobinson2128 Says:
Protect Putin at all cost from Black America 🇺🇸 🫡
@brentlybennett357 Says:
China is in decline and scrabbling into Africa
The west has more enemies than friends.
@JerryL4rry Says:
North Korea already have nukes they don't need any from Russia.
@GlenNeilson-o4c Says:
Russia never promised to give weapons. He said if you do it to us we reserve the right.
@GlenNeilson-o4c Says:
America only gos to war for resources. Thats it . Doesn't matter how thay dress it up its allways for resources. What do you think the Ukrainian war is about. Resources plan and simply. Democracy sovereign state. Nonsense. Us sacrificing Ukrainian lives to attack Russia clear as day.
@brendaberry5114 Says:
Nobody has violated International Law like the USA and ISRAEL. Such Hypocrisy.
@GlenNeilson-o4c Says:
We are at war. Economic political information physical resources. What makes you think the relationship between the us and Vietnam is very good. It may look good on the surface. But bet if you dig deeper. The us will be profiteering from it more than the Vietnamese.
@theoriginalblacknerd4524 Says:
My question is how is China going to respond. The CCP and Vietnam have a problematic relationship because of the South China Sea and China's 9 dash line, US business and military ties and the 19799 war they had when China tried to attack Vietnam right after the US had left and got smoked just like the US. North Korea visit is simple they need shells and manpower. The North Koreans have plenty of both to trade for food and energy because the CCP is not giving North Korea enough help. While Putin is trying to preserve Russia's seat on the UN security council the CCP is busy buying up the eastern half of Russia. The funny thing is I think Putin and Macron are doing the same thing - trying to remain as one of the 5 permanent members of the UN Security council. Global power projection is required to be at the table - India and Türkiye have been positioning themselves to replace the France and Russia at the big table. Russia is trying to put on a show because the reality is Russia can't beat a country that has neither a real navy or air force and 1/4 of Russia's size. France's global reach is disappearing right before our very eyes. While India and Türkiye's global reach is expanding. Just my opinion
@dennishunter5552 Says:
This old man in the Whitehouse blew up his Nordstream pipeline to begin with and talks like this?
@juniorkalongo9740 Says:
Guantanamo is not a concentration for torture.. prison into a foreign land that what is an example of democracy leaders. journalist says no sense and just gets paid for it. imposing your will on the other with sanction is not autocratic. UN is not respected, so who is autocratic in the UN.
@margaretkingori664 Says:
Zack thanks. The analysis was factual and truthful. Ignore the invalid and atrocious attack on it. The Almighty will validate you.and all people of goodwill. Well done African son in your own Country.
@vlventureworx1776 Says:
The Viet Nam War had many malevolent motives; including GENOCIDING BLACK PEOPLE TO THE FRONT LINE TO DIE. Thinking of the Greatest Muhammad Ali, who stood even as the stripped him
@jahifaraji Says:
Let's be honest the United Snakes of America is a major problem for any non European nation that has resources and refuses to summit to it oppression
@ListenThis-th8rc Says:
Russia is only caucasion country against white supremacy for centuries. Yes, they receives their benifits from it, but they do not want it that way.. They write history as how they knows it in truth.
@davidoryiman2398 Says:
Vietnam suffer just like Russia and africa war of the Europeans and the Americans, lm black also Russian north Korea has been a friend of Russia almost 60 years now
@glenpaul1346 Says:
Who care about what America think or say .America is a bandit country and have no moral authority nor credablity.
@FirminoArendse-yu4mz Says:
❤❤❤❤❤congo 🇨🇩 ♥️ ❤️ 💖

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