Male Reproductive Rights and the possible Origins of Marriage.
Male Reproductive Rights and the possible Origins of Marriage.



@annarboriter Says:
This thought experiment is ambitious but overlooks one critical feature of human physiology: concealed ovulation. For the vast majority of human existence, we made no connection between sexual copulation and reproduction. Women simply produced babies on their own while men collectively hunted and fished to support them with sustenance. The paleolithic lasted more than 250k years during which our base psychology developed. It was not until the advent of agriculture that men finally understood their full role as fathers; and thus patriarchy displaced matriarchy. Civilization which only began about 10k years ago and requires sedentary agriculture allowed for an increase in population but our inherent psychological disposition persists. Marriage didn't exist until men began understanding that every child is the product of one man and one woman. Women lost their matriarchal powers as the perceived sole progenitors and feminists capitalize on the anger about their displacement as matriarchs; hence the constant calls to destroy the patriarchy upon which they rely for all the benefits of civilization
@ChefEarthenware Says:
I would suggest that it's probably not likely that marriage (or pairing of some sort) was a result of reaction to the reproductive burden of women. It's probably more likely that those societies in which men didn't play a part simply died out. We know that sexual specialisation works, because we don't see higher organisms which are hermaphroditic. In the case of humans, this gave us women able to devote attention to their children and men doing the providing and defending. On the question if funding single mothers, we'd just see the same as we have seen with the Welfare State - people would realise that there was free money available and maneuver themselves to take advantage of it. Then taxes go up to pay for it, people become less productive and society loses the ability to pay for social services. We can all see this coming when we look at the projections for welfare and state pension costs. The answer to all this, of course, is to stop people from viewing sex as a recreational activity.
@womenagainstfeminismreturns Says:
Happy Fathers' Days!! Yup this is a werid video. It's just ideas and nothing to be taken fully seriously. If society wanted equality then Male Reproductive Rights are something to be taken seriously. But male reproductive rights dont work for society and kids. Exploring the parallels between what society did when women wanted reproductive rights verses what happens when men need it. These are just ideas and I dont mean offense to anyone. I will get back to posting videos from non feminist women soon. Im a bit busy at the moment with home things but I have videos that i will try to slowly post to keep the channel active!! Thanks for your support 🎉🎉😊
@rootcanal7188 Says:
Thanks for the video. Unfortunately, men don't have reproductive rights. There was the Frank Serpico case, where he won initially, but lost on appeal, and ended up having 90% of his disability pension garnished to pay child support on the child he was tricked into fathering

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