Atlanta Bus Hijacker WARNED News Reporters Before He Did It!
Atlanta Bus Hijacker WARNED News Reporters Before He Did It!



@davidcohen7106 Says:
Reminds me of the 22 years I spent on Drugs and Vodka. I've been arrested 22 times. I remember the 50 man riots is San Diego's Downtown jail. The 25 Cent shots of tequila . 35 years clean and sober here
@georgeacuna9769 Says:
@frozentundra7446 Says:
Schizophrenic, Bipolar, and manic depressive - wow. All the more reason to always respect people you meet; you never know what they are going through.
@gabrielmillien7439 Says:
Bring back mental health hospital's.
@TomatoWisdom Says:
The walking dead is upon us, thanks to drugs, including rx
@nthgth Says:
They never should have closed all those -asylums- mental hospitals. Also, _this_ kind of bus situation is what _Speed 2_ should've been about. Not a damn cruise ship.
@bryanmathew2079 Says:
3---Days ago, Crickets... & 19 Priors How is he...o u t
@TB-nn6wb Says:
He has a girl??
@patricialear8001 Says:
Fear was the trigger. Check out my book Mental Illness The Mysyery of Mysteries
@patricialear8001 Says:
Great comments Anthony.
@walterleamy4623 Says:
ABL- the news crew interviewing him should have immediately got him help!!! Good lord he’s clearly manic and about a dozen red flags were waving
@walterleamy4623 Says:
When did mental institutions become a bad idea? With the billions sent to Ukraine, etc., how many institutions could we have put into place?
@lucasgilles390 Says:
All i see in the comments are people talking about the hijacking of the bus. What about him witnessing a mass shooting and being bi-polar. Does anyone even watch the entire video or read entire news articles before commenting anymore? No, because most people already know what they want to say based on their preconceived judgment.
@jacquelineburrows8208 Says:
Could you imagine how many mental health hospitals and facilities the US could have built and how many health care counselors could be hired with the 65 billion we just sent to Ukraine -or the 450 billion per year we give to illegals?
@DETmichigan-yy6lf Says:
Arrested 19 times? If that's not black privilege nothing is
@fire12731 Says:
Pathetic that he was let out.
@dentpeninde Says:
I want to say something. I sincerely appreciate this woman's understanding the danger her son presents. She was extremely sincere and her empathy to the victims of her son tells me she is a beautiful Christian woman. May God bless her and remove the demons from her son's life!❤
@throatwobblermangrove8510 Says:
If you're responsible for your actions when taking mind-altering medications you shouldn't be using (i.e., drugs or alcohol while driving), then you should also be responsible for your actions when NOT taking mind-altering medications that you should be using. It's no one's responsibility but the individual to ensure that he takes his medications, and others shouldn't be expected to suffer the consequences of his irresponsibility. People in America have been conditioned to use anything they can as an excuse for bad behavior. Funny that these conditions are not new, but the behavior is.
@allday2772 Says:
Rookie, why would you stand 1 foot away with a gun. Dumb
@galadrielwoods2332 Says:
Truly a horribly sad situation. 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
@wilsoncrunch1330 Says:
He has to keep it over 55
@numbernine3436 Says:
I'm so tired of seeing our citizens neglected. This guy clearly needs meds. Anyone who has encountered him knows this to be the case. Now a person has needlessly gotten killed. We have so many issues but we're dealing with other countries problems. Our courts are prosecuting individuals who pose no threat to society. While we let others walk freely among us. An El Salvador immigrant has killed a young lady who was out for a walk. He'd murdered someone in his home country and was let into ours. Those problems could easily be prevented. I dont understand the mindset of judges & lawmakers.
@MICKEY4356 Says:
He talks like Joe Biden.....
@ef2512 Says:
I am so glad I no longer live in Atlanta. I was born there and loved it but it has been destroyed by leftist.
@SimpleTruth1309 Says:
And his Lawyer will swear that he’s a ‘model citizen’ when he’s taking his meds. Because, many model citizens have been arrested 19 times.
@hlynnkeith9334 Says:
Joseph Grier went off his meds. Likely he was depressed and taking antidepressants. He beat the depression and swung to the manic side. Rather than take his antimanic meds, he chose to ride the manic high. In his manic state, he knew right from wrong BUT DID NOT CARE. That is the nature of bipolar disorder. Should he be off the streets? Yes. Should he be in prison? No.
@toddd7444 Says:
how did he get a gun////////////////??????????????
@tfad6511 Says:
The guy who wasn't minding his own business and pulled his gun was at fault. He wanted to fuck around and he found out.
@deborahsunflower939 Says:
Around 7:00 that pressurized speech is totally manic.
@westwindpainting Says:
He could have been such an incredible jihadist
@themobseat Says:
"Mostly peaceful hijacker."
@partsshooter Says:
This illness correlated with simp mentality is destructive!
@corneliusedwards7107 Says:
My younger brother suffered from mental illness.He hated taking those meds.Long story short he eventually took his own life.Having a love one that's manic and or schizophrenic is problematic, heartbreaking and it drains you
@compa_choo Says:
This really the only type of argument anti gun leftists can use. Cuz if youre gonna pull out a gun how are you gonna get it snatched and killed with it 🤦🏽‍♂️ not everyone deserves to have a gun and that's the most ill ever agree with a leftist on. Guarantee you none of this would've happened if it was a competent gun owner that pulled it out
@rayne9323 Says:
Mental illness or not. He witnessed a shooting only for some stranger to point a gun at him minutes later. That would set off any normal man thinking he's about to die. I kinda feel bad for the dude. He needs his meds but even if he weren't mentally ill, this would scare anyone.
@TruthTwoTell Says:
After they got done with the interview with him someone involved with the interview should have got that guy some help. He was asking for help and everybody ignored him. If someone had two families lives wouldn't be ruined today.
@KellyWalsh-rf1gu Says:
The man should have never introduced a gun into this situation. RIP
@DickShooter Says:
He must drive a lot. My work shirts look just like that with the holes across my chest.
@natehydrv1661 Says:
The original reporter just went with it for clicks, so sad and careless.
@GrimReaper1971 Says:
I bet you the media was pist off that the suspect is the usual suspects....
@chriskelly509 Says:
Arrested 19 times.... I wonder why we didn't hear about this mass shooting....
@unclejoker9975 Says:
9:49 THIS!
@ohmynester Says:
A lot chicks have no standards in men…sheesh
@codyd4247 Says:
@Invalidcookie-bv4cx Says:
i was "upstate" and I was a celly with someone with Mania. I was the only person that could keep him under control because I was aware of how he was getting and would clam him down. It was scary at times but he was a good dude. He broke into a Hotel and stole a Golf Cart on the Course and drove it through the hotel. He said he wanted to go to prison to get "Tough". I thought wow, he needs help.. he's a fool.
@cgk.thankgod Says:
When you are cognitive and aware of your illness yet fail to take medication and refuse help. I blame big pharma though. The many types of drugs and cocktails of those drugs, plus the increases in doses just fucking up and worsening every pill popping person with anything from depression to schizo. It's all labeled "mental illness" to get you taking their scripts.
@oneenigma4u Says:
I would say insanity defense is a slam dunk victory here.
@PAS_2020 Says:
Hey-o. The progressives say defund the police. Send the social workers. But I do say this is the first time in my life I feel this guy.
@kerirae4777 Says:
Mental healthcare is severely lacking in this country!!!
@ohhhhhnooooo Says:
there is nothing we can do about it. It is what it is. you can't just tell him to go see shrink. He is disabled. That may be permanent.

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