shocking speech by a strong African man
shocking speech by a strong African man



@BmovinzFirstorlast Says:
2063 🤦🏾‍♂️ bruh can you guys wait that long let’s be honest
@drfyoungesq1190 Says:
We love our esteemed Professor Lumumba, however he must realize the positive changes sweeping the Continent and stop singing the Blues! : In many cases, our Afrika Consortia has observed, and I have reviewed problems, disputes, threshold legal issues arising because of the failing of Diaspora investors, or their select project developers investing, acquiring land for projects without researching and truly understanding the Rights of the Indigenous Tribal People in the land! It appears, the Diaspora investors rely solely on the legal fiction, and believe that the 'fictitious nation states created by colonialism' and puppet governments have the right to give away land for free, allow the sale or mortgage of the land without considering “the inalienable rights” of the Indigenous Tribal People and their Sovereignty over the land that existed prior to colonialism and neo-colonialism! The Sovereignty over the land was bestowed upon the Indigenous Tribal People by The Creator of all that exists! Before the Continent of Afrika was divided into 'fictitious nation states and borders' by the Western European state colonialist in 1884-5, and their subsequent co-conspirators! The Western Eurasian Continent colonialist countries and their conspirators, agreed among themselves how to best avoid war among themselves over the mineral resources and natural wealth of the Continent of Afrika! All Sons and Daughters of Afrika in the Diaspora including African citizens must understand this reality and not put their faith or investments in the wrong entities hands when repatriating wealth, investing in the Continent of Afrika and any of the 'fictitious nation states' created by the colonialist in their Berlin Conference of 1884-5! The government officials and the military of the ‘nation states created by colonialist’ are merely trustees of the land, and their sole duty is to protect the Sovereignty, Birth Rights and Inheritance Rights of the Indigenous Tribal People to their land and all the benefits of the land! Government Leaders or any government officials that conspire or collude with corrupt Tribal Chiefs, Kings or Queens, and agree or force the Indigenous Tribal People to give up their Sovereignty over the land are violating their position of trusteeship! They are knowingly or without knowledge acting as 'neo-colonialists' perpetuating the fiction that the United Nations has blessed the fictitious 'nation states' with Sovereignty and all power! Investors from the Diaspora must understand and realize how to invest and honor the rights of the Indigenous Tribal people, the true owners of the land! Diaspora and all investors must understand the AU Agenda 2063 development timeline is absurd! Individual Afrikan Countries must and are now focusing on their individual infrastructure priority serving the immediate needs of the Indigenous People, villages and rural communities! The created 'nation states' now understand and are considering how Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali and the AES return Sovereignty over the wealth and resources of the land to the Indigenous Tribal People! The wise new young leaders and the old who bow to the 21stCenturyRevolutionarySpirit of Afrika’s Youth: Do not fall into the 'debt trap' of obtaining or agreeing to interest-based debt financing for the development of projects from private foreign financers, IMF or World Bank loans! Focus is on agriculture, feeding the people and not remaining dependent on foreign imports! Focus is on developing, retuning control over and efficiently using local resources in developing the country! Focus is on an Afrikan Agenda 2030 5-year timeline! Focus is on villages and rural community development plans, step by step! Focus is on creating projects and jobs for the youth! The AU and ECOWAS have always been 'Trojan Horses' and gatekeepers serving only the colonialist and neo-colonialist's objectives and the debt financing for whatever the IMF, World Bank would dictate and approve. The AU Agenda 2063 is a debt trap for Western debt financing of mega projects! Afrika must be vigilant and aware of neo-colonialists’ and their Trojan Horse agents’ plots! The financing of mega projects and obtaining technology can be facilitated by effectively, and intelligently leveraging the value of minerals and natural wealth of the country. Glocalize not Globalization! Glocalize all manufacturing and production, step by step is the mantra our PeaceZone3rdStoneVisionaryAfrikan based Consortia & Co-operatives!
@TedForbes-j4i Says:
You can't get better advice on consultation than this anywhere. However, there are always those without vision, and without talent blocking progress, innovation, and development.
@mara88i Says:
When a cat dreams of ruling the jungle, 🐱 ➡️ 🦁 does it truly believe its taste for mice will suffice? To become a lion, must it not also mark its territory, roar, and enforce order in the wild?
@ancient1967 Says:
Made in Africa by Africans. The time is NOW!✊🏾🌍✊🏾Ase’!🙏🏾✨
@TwinTiger88 Says:
😂😂 Africa 2061 should be Africa 2161 😂😂 nothing will change until the leaders and will of the people change 😂😂 good luck with that 😂🙏🤡
@ThomsoyaWires-mb3wk Says:
Talk smart is good but let us go practical and will succeed .
@justicesomeday Says:
@UrsaneMax-w4v Says:
Before Africa must rice as soon as possible in 10 yrs time with allthe genuis on America black genuis arround the world give a hand
@NatureWins22 Says:
He is telling the truth. 🤦🏾‍♀️ I just won’t wait. Do it now! Love from a black woman🇭🇹🇩🇴 Jersey.
@NatureWins22 Says:
2063!!!!!!!!!!! No! I won’t wait that long
@freemanmakor5462 Says:
Black Africa must control the Schooling System in Africa with emphasis on our history to awaken us Africans.
@drfyoungesq1190 Says:
Agenda 2063 absurd! Individual Afrikan Countries should focus on their individual infrastructure priority serving the immediate needs of the villages and rural communities! Take the approach of Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali and the AES approach! Do not focus on mega projects and debt financing. Solar panels can easily bring electricity to a village, rural family household. Focus on agriculture, feeding the people and not dependent on imports! Focus on control and efficient use of local resources. Agenda 2030 should be the focus -- 5-year timelines - villages and rural community development plans! Step by step. The AU and ECOWAS have been 'Trojan Horses', gatekeepers serving colonialist and neo-colonialist objectives and debt financing of whatever the IMF, World Bank would dictate and approve -- Agenda 2063 is a debt trap and a bag of dreams of continental mega projects! Glocalize not Globalization! Glocalize, step by step is the mantra our Afrikan based Consortia and Co-operatives embrace and implement without interest-based financing!
@ade008 Says:
PLO Lumumba 🤩 speaks of road, rail infrastructure, R&D.. etc like they are ENDS rather than MEANS. Even AI is a means, conceived to serve the specific ends of its conceiving minds. In short we must not allow well meaning PLOs to convince us to ape the "visible means" that we observe, without also describing the ultimate ends for which they serve. Our own Philosophical Foundations will define our own Ends, just as Confusianism underpins Chinese civilisation, Socrates for West. Orisha. Peace, out.
@marieoliver7381 Says:
@marieoliver7381 Says:
@princekonadu5069 Says:
I liked it before watching ❤
@x.classgamer3842 Says:
Plo Lumumba is so wise
@NotJuliaHerbert Says:
We don't have leaders in Africa but rulers and looters
@margaretkingori664 Says:
This is iT. "IT" has been done wr can do it. How? By getting the barriers of all soughts that are there OUT.
@BonsuBigWhale Says:
2063 agenda was sent to the dustbin of history as soon as ECOWAS and AU chose to side with the Globalists and neocolonial entities against the Sahel Alliance. The AES is not returning to the regional or continental organizations. There is an impasse with regards to their interests, and loyalties. If anything it would have to be ECOWAS and AU states that seek to join AES, based on AES terms. It is simply unreasonable to think that any of those countries would choose to return to the neocolonial circumstance that their neighbors will continue to find excuses to maintain. The continent and regions will remain multinational zones. Even the EAC to EAF project, which was the best prospect for a unitary agenda, will not include Congo. 2063 agenda is already mooted.
@simon5887 Says:
Most of these current leaders now are puppets of the west and only talk about development but don't want to. Museveni in uganda, those old menn in Nigeria, Cameroon, among all.
@willt8606 Says:
Sounds like the same as United Nations sustainable development goals NWO agenda 2030 .
@KilfordGomba Says:
@remyn9 Says:
Why wait until 2063, why not in 10 years while some of us are still alive
@dray-zna9331 Says:
Am the 4th one to comment
@girwawehhary6605 Says:
African leaders are not free they depends on others. They are controlled from outside
@g.g1217 Says:
@ElizabethEnow-s1u Says:
Those are the jobs creations he is telling the leaders to create for their people God bless you brother

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