What's Not Fair about Free Trade? | 5-Minute Videos
What's Not Fair about Free Trade? | 5-Minute Videos



@markspeeps Says:
Utter nonsense. Explain that to unemployed workers whose jobs moved to Mexico or China. It is always easy to say when you're not effected.
@Jimmyfitzable Says:
Horrible video
@kforest2745 Says:
Btw when I hear a mind insult an entire country not its own I know right away that a**hole is a narcissist and to disregard his thoughts at once.
@kforest2745 Says:
5:39 Define “richer.” I don’t buy it. Who’s getting “richer” and where is that going, how about into that stupid sex robot you’re all hoping for or the floating restaurant in space or the AI for your fake videos none of which is necessary and none of which will make people’s lives “richer.” Ok so fk off and return when you’re not in someone else’s skull.
@kforest2745 Says:
5:37 Knew that was coming “the way to protect our industries is to make them more competitive” Meanwhile, you’ve had how many wars? But who’s fking counting that when there’s imaginary bucks to count.
@kforest2745 Says:
No there’s no such thing as “shock economy” it’s minds that design and enable that. If Canada was such a fkn poor country then explain how the indigenous survived the millions of years they did there without a fkn economy. So good on North Korea for focusing on self-sufficiency it obviously has big fkn plans you know nothing about for survival. And just think you give no attention to self-sufficiency all the while a target.
@kforest2745 Says:
5:35 Before you can say why a new idea is bad you HAVE to FIRST look at your own idea you claim it attacks. How many “jobs, industries, exports” are even necessary when a lot of these waste the species time and create extremely poor human behaviour and illness over a long, long time that manipulates them into a stuck place you call “between a rock and hard place.” You don’t think that any of the species see the long-term manipulations over time? As for the “cost” it doesn’t even exist, the species only stupidly pays it. You all complain about wanting to be paid for your time and space and yet you don’t do a single fkn thing to free yourselves from that ideology. Go ahead, keep grinding on earth, see where that gets you.
@kforest2745 Says:
So free trade is still seen as a Trojan horse and democracy is still in the way of profit. Well ignorance hates to hear it but life is not about profit it’s not about slavery it’s not about profiting/leeching from the public it’s not about using the public at all, it’s not about a lot of ideologies. What life IS about is the essentials not a dick’s imagination and his walk-in closet. So fk off, grow up, feed yourself, and leave everybody the fk alone stop being a fkn mooch and imagining a fkn class for yourself.
@javindhillon6294 Says:
General consensus of comments : Yes, but : We need self sufficiency in some areas, Geopolitical adversaries are a thing
@StatesEye Says:
Meh. I wholly agree that free trade is the way to go.....but only where trade is truly free. Sadly, that does not get us very far.
@mo86r97 Says:
Vilest ideology.
@FarmingUnclear Says:
Free trade leads to open borders. First you trade products. Then you trade ideas. Sooner or later, you trade people too.
@johnbland1422 Says:
So cheap labor from another country, should be able to wipe out an industry in our nation. Our citizens living on the streets ain't our problem, we have our cheap stuff, that's not worth the $5 it cost.
@robinj.9329 Says:
Sorry, there is so much here that I disagree with. By flooding the American markets with cheap, low quality goods made by slave-labor in Communist China: we have DESTROY the American middle-class AND allowed our worst enemy to build up it's Military. It is now a genuine THREAT to the peace of the entire World AND may start the Nuclear War that destroyed Civilization!!!
@Tavsan123 Says:
Your Drump is A Protectionist.
@johncrocker4209 Says:
"Fare Trade" only works between nations when both nations agree on the rules. If you think we shouldn't hold our imports to our standards. Then you're pro slave labor, no safety or environmental standards. Other nations are willing to dispose of a few lives if it means getting more of our market.
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@lowcashranch1412 Says:
Sounds great until China blockades Taiwan and the US ends up at war to defend our access to the superconductors that are almost solely produced in Taiwan, and our society and military cannot function without. Dennis, were you on vacation when they produced this?
@Bob-rb9zw Says:
A real hindrance to participating in the economy is if you don't have a job because it was moved to China. Cheaper imports destroy your own industries. Other countries can close their doors at anytime, leaving you with no way to get what you need.
@Johnathan_The_Terrible Says:
To all the anti-trade imbeciles malding over this video, You aren't capitalists, you're mercantilists.
@arrowghost Says:
Did you miss out what Donald Trump was doing? He wants free but also fair trade. And don't be out of touch with China, the people aren't rich, the CCP are richer and still wants to take over Taiwan with our own money given to the PLA military
@chickengrease8320 Says:
From a purely economic perspective I agree. The issue is national security. If China invaded Taiwan we would be forced to intervene since all of our chips are made there. Any time we depend so completely on another country we get dragged into their affairs. Also stocking up on food is a great idea in case of a crisis which seems more likely each day.
@drj3604 Says:
"Free Trade" practiced as it is now is seldom a two-way street, as even our supposed "free trade" partners put all kinds of tariff and non-tariff barriers that greatly limit the amount and price of US goods reaching their markets. There is also the matter of national security, which further weakens the fair trade argument.
@OneWildTurkey Says:
Loads of logical fallacies that I can't even count.
@Mr5Stars Says:
This "FREE TRADE MAXIMALIST" fails to acknowledge that nothing in this world is all bad, nor it's all good. You can't have "Free Trade" with an adversary who has for decades steals intellectual property , acts in bad faith to undermine you ......I am looking at you China :-)
@Shenaniganwhat Says:
The problem with this video is it refuses to acknowledge that you can't let your nation get too dependent on other nations when it comes to things like food productions. It's not a matter that we don't see the benefit with trading overall in seeking better quality of life for everyone. It's just you can't be so naive to basically export all of you essential needs elsewhere when lets be honest the money situation is no longer making much sense. The DNA argument is ridiculous there are plenty of people during winter time just act like the convenience will always be there no matter what. Yes lower taxes and regulations that's awesome talk more about that to make us competitive. The North Korea argument is just more of an example of bad government running everything while extremely isolated.
@Big_Black_Dick Says:
😕 wtf is this? 🤔 so the mask comes off finally huh 😑 u guys are globalist, ur the enemy, no foreigner should be allowed to sell anything in these United States, our markets are for the American people only, every country should just stay to themselves really,,, 🤔 like a prime directive just like in star trek 😂 lol
@chaddisrud535 Says:
First Dennis Praeger is a federal government fellating coward. He loves his big federal government and often puts its on a pedastal as the great producer of liberty. Second, governments can peacefully avoid war by using trade. If another Hitler arose and the rest of the nations simply closed their economic doors, that nation would likely suffer such extreme economic problems, it wouldn’t be able to run its war machine. No bullets would have to be fired. Wars are run by governments, even “cold wars”. Therefore, national and (in the case of the USA) union governments have the authority and responsibility to use foreign trade agreements for strategic reasons to avoid war. A business or businesses would not be a good mechanism. Businesses primarily exist to create short term profits for their investors. They are amoral tools, which too often are used for evil purposes. Chattel slavery is a perfect example of what would happen if business is left entirely to itself. When the goal is to create a situation for investors to get filthy rich off of the backs of poor people (the goal of most cowards who get degrees in business), evil happens. Sometimes the common people need to organize into unions or governments to force unethical business people (the majority of those who run large businesses) into behaving ethically. Billionaires generally don’t become billionaires by producing billions of dollars of wealth. They don’t earn that much money. They develop systems in which poor people have no reasonable choice, but, to make them wealthy. They filthiest wealthy humans to ever exist were in the USA approximately 100-150 years ago. They were an example of what happens when business people could influence law without constraints.
@benkuxhouse787 Says:
I like this MP Daniel Hannon a lot, but I so strongly disagree with this video. I guess they’re still globalist at Prager. That ship is sailed that it has been the biggest disaster for the West total gift to the communist regime of China. It did nothing for the United States.
@ThatOneGeekyFamilytoo Says:
Yeah… I’m just not a big fan of slave labor…
@bharathirajkumar Says:
Well China taxes car imports at 100%. why should US have 0 taxes on Chinese cars?
@alexzhang3870 Says:
Lmao the comment section is hilarious, people calling out neo-liberalism as supporting communism😂 Reagan would be proud
@Poly-ticks-pv6ro Says:
I don't even think that White House videos get a ratio like this one - 93% dislikes wow
@jbro4779 Says:
This guy's argument sounds counterintuitive. It is manufactured goods that creat jobs and a middle class. If all manufacturing goes to China, America has to suffer a loss of skilled jobs. Also, China steals all the technological info from the products that are made there...like computer chips. Products from China may be less expensive but who can afford them when everyone is working non-skilled service jobs with little hope of improving income,
@jefferyharshman3319 Says:
Sorry this is BS. The more prosperous China has become the more belligerent to its neighbors and hostile to the US it has become. Anyone remember COVID and the PPE shortage because China held so much of it? Free trade especially does not work with a regime which is an ideological and political rival.
@arthur.greenwood Says:
Based video. Seething protectionists in the comments probably don't even know what comparative advantage is
@jacobp.2024 Says:
This was bad, *really* bad. I'd like to focus on the 'protectionism' point, specifically when he talks about 'encouraging competition' with adversarial powers in our global economy. Here's the problem: *we can't.* We. Can't. Compete. The level of self-destructive and amoral rapid industrialization that manufacturing powerhouses like China have undergone would *DECIMATE* our country's ecology and *exploit* our country's working man to a degree I don't think PragerU quite fathoms. OSHA and the EPA could not exist in their current forms, nor could even loose safety standards be enforced, that's a given. We could not have safe workers to compete with China's near total lack of safety and disregard for ecological damage. We couldn't have child labor laws, none at all; our workers need to start young and early, to even begin competing. We couldn't have quality products, law, or copyright protections honored fairly; China's cutthroat market relies on undercutting other countries by stealing their IP and flooding foreign markets with cheap, low quality consumer goods. We would have to enforce an equally cutthroat Machiavellian market wherein IP is not protected, fair application of the law does not exist, and industries of interest to the state are given a blind eye by prosecutors and state officials to do as they please -- so long as they serve the national interest. Anything less simply can't compete; it can't BEGIN to compete. So to 'compete' with China's industry, we would have to destroy our country as China destroys theirs. Even the most corrupt protectionist politician, at MINIMUM, is still protecting our country's ecology and quality of life, so I would much rather put my faith in the pocket of a wildly corrupt protectionist than anyone who wants to emulate China's industry practices. We should not be trying to compete; we should not be trying to DRAG ourselves to the *lows* that our adversaries will stoop to in the pursuit of industrial efficiency. We are a country of principles, and *protecting* those principles back home, and safeguarding our *future,* should always take precedent over competition.. Or we may find ourselves in a pollution-ridden slum, missing fingers and waiting for our child to bring bread money home from the factory, asking ourselves 'why are we even competing? what's the point?.. Is this the country we want to work to build?.."
@markgrissom Says:
All he says is true to a certain extent, but the authors proposition is the utopian solution, the 'discount the dark side of human nature' ideal. Given the tendency of man and nations to covet their neighbors stuff, the best we can hope for is a "trade-off" as Thomas Sowell has said. A trade-off that will never measure up to the ideal, but one that will at best prevent repeating the horrors of the first half of the 20th century. Kind of like the times we live in since the end of WWII.
@3sierra15 Says:
Joseph Stalin on the "folly" of free free trade: "When we hang the capitalists they will sell us the rope we use." That really worked out well for ol' Joe, didn't it?
@patrickpalmer5928 Says:
Steel is a terrible anecdote, Chinese steel is truly crap! What if China had indeed kept all the medications it produced and did not export them during Covid? There are some industries that are essential and need to me American made or Indian made or Korean made for the good of that country. Your drive to have cheap junk from overseas is not a panacea, it promotes sub quality product.
@stuartdavis798 Says:
Giving money to people who want to kill you (buying their goods) and will use that money to buy the weapons to kill you and pay their soldiers to kill you doesn't seem to be a great idea. If only economics were involved this guy would be right, but, alas, there are a lot of people who want to kill you. If I remember, the Japanese bought the steel from the Second Avenue Subway (above ground at the time) and used it to build the aircraft carriers that attacked Pearl Harbor. Great ,we got the money for the steel but not so great for those killed in WWII.
@andrewperez7992 Says:
Why do the thumbnail shows Taiwan as part of China?
@atenas80525 Says:
@atenas80525 Says:
What TRIPE! Seriously, Prager U, this is about the most intellectually lightweight video you have produced. Try a little element called "Full Cost Accounting", in which basic things, like, oh, say, "security" matter, when 80-90% of our antibiotics are produced in China/India, that may be the most economically cheapest, today, but what happens in regime change when they decide not to sell to us and we lose antibiotics OVER NIGHT? For such a "learned" individual, you would think he would know the Japanese lesson of "just in time" manufacturing and what a failure it was. One tsunami devastated them and then they realized that certain components had to be kept in overstock to prevent a disruption. Ask Europe how they are feeling about their energy supplies now that Russia supplies most of their natural gas. Energy is now a weapon because of simpletons like this fella. PATHETIC. Actually, DANGEROUS. There are other considerations to take into account. He is just as bad as the isolationists
@Orwell001 Says:
Free trade only works when it involves countries who care about each other's economics. China and North Korea do not care about world economics and use against other countries. You cannot have free trade involving communist or socialist countries, as it is a capitalistic idea which is inherently against their belief.
@ronaldanderson6481 Says:
Start with repealing the "Jones Act "
@TheJeep1967 Says:
This is one of the very few Prager U videos that I don't agree with. The things I disagree with are too numerous to lay out here, so I'll just say the only thing I agreed with was lowering taxes and cutting regulations. Everything else was poorly supported or just ridiculous. Especially the North Korea reference.

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