The Right Side of History™
The Right Side of History™



@SargonofAkkad Says:
Come and watch me on the podcast:
@sakkra93 Says:
In my mind, only God has the right and ability to decide which of us are truly the righteous. Let the idiots who oppose us claim to be the right all they want, the truth will be revealed at the pearly gates.
@timoffreethought580 Says:
We NEED the menial tasks ,struggle is required or we get cynical and lazy . An idle mind is the devils playground.
@Insaineiac Says:
It's the same mindset of Winston Churchill. I know history will favour me because I'm the one recording it, and it pretty much did go exactly the way he wanted until the power of the internet set the record straight. The only people who think of history in this narrow minded way are people with extremist agendas of some kind or another that they're trying to justify both to themselves and to others. _'Everything bad in the world was the ones I don't like, and the ones I side with were perfect and infallible and never contributed to any wrongdoing whatsoever!'_ This is how people are trained to inaccurately perceive history, even as they live through it around them!! That way you'll never understand enough about history's mistakes to avoid repeating them.
@yokosucks Says:
Intentions are all that matter to them. Outcomes are irrelevant because they are ‘right’ ipso facto.
@suburbansurvival8239 Says:
"The right side of history" is such a loaded phrase. Keep in mind that this is the side of moral relativism, but they sure do want to push only their ideas as good and moral. It also assumes the current moral system is permanent. The way we live would be considered evil, lazy, and self-indulgent in so many other places and periods of history. Are we to assume that they're all wrong?
@TheresaReichley Says:
Any deity that wants McDonald’s as a telos of history is not worthy of worship. Deity isn’t about material goods, it’s about transcendence and morality and spirituality.
@MrQuick999 Says:
Both sides elites meet Pope the commander of Christianity that blessed Epstein. Read Matthew 19:12 about becoming an Eunuch and make sure to note the last part means claiming your parts are removed and wanting to be treated like a female. Female bathrooms and stuff. Religious masses: "I identify as a Dog! I know what I'm saying! No No that's your interpretation of what a Dog is!" < No reflection.. Demonic.
@danblack5402 Says:
“I’m on the right side of history,” is just code for “I’m better than you.”
@cfluff6716 Says:
“Right side of history”… more accurately “to be historically moral till the end of time”
@Navarothravenheart2688 Says:
One should not try to be on "right side of history", insted one should try to be on the side of Katechon in dawn of Kali Yuga.
@jackthepickledhound Says:
Although totally correct because logic argues the definitions of words and the phrase has no context or perspective over time, therefore no basis in reality. On the other hand, in my own defense as I employ those seemingly important words I can justify my thinking, slightly. I begin with the moment I am living and I implore some hope of a positive outcome as the end result of my beliefs. As a plebe with no power, as a debt slave pretending to be a constructive member of society, hope for a better tomorrow is better than living without. This political hope that I can grab onto is patently different than what others expect and this is how we can multiple sides ofa history that hasn't been written yet. I'm sure that some people carry with this phrase some of the past, the past they are in alignment with, I don't. I am here as a result of the past but I can only and fairly discriminate all of history when I anticipate the future. And yes, the phrase is both a threat and an acceptance of defeat. Geopolitics is a blood sport for the next generations. Being willing to fight enemies of your ideas simultaneously means that there is a chance of being defeated.
@williamvorkosigan5151 Says:
Stop dunking on rational Atheists. All religions I know anything about are deeply immoral. Islam is awful, in it's texts Christianity is even worse. At it's very heart, it raises up the scape goating of Jesus not as deeply immoral but a wonderful good.
@Mike138Todd Says:
I've always hated the phrase too, It's rather presumptuous of someone to utter it. History is always written by the victor of a struggle, it's how some things get written down wrong because the people who won wants to be morally right. To say "we're on the right side of history" is assuming you already won the struggle to subvert a culture, without ever fighting a single battle and they have the right to write our history here on out.
@mikedaugherty5501 Says:
People who say "right side of history" lack the ability to explain why the things they value are objectively beneficial to the future.
@bbgun061 Says:
There is no "right side of history." There is only good or evil. God will judge.
@PasOdMater Says:
Around 10 years ago, at College, I got kicked out of class because I laughed at my professor when he quoted that old MLK chesnut "the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice". He asked me what was so funny and I said that history is written by the winners and that if the Austrian painter won we'd think he was moral. That's when he threw me out.
@mcdoogle_robotman Says:
The wretches who proclaim that their on the right side will always find themselves along the wall with the rest of the people who were against them.
@daveroe4961 Says:
How can you be on the right side of history when your side has committed so many grievous wrongs? History will absolve me.
@GayFrogsTho Says:
Such an arrogant statement to make. "I have completely figured out the past, present and the future. And therefore appoint myself arbiter".
@SouthernersSax Says:
Would you say that decrying the concept of "the right side of history" puts you on the right side of history?
@toekneesee Says:
#CarlBenjaminForCultureSecretary #ReformUK #UKPolitics
@lordscrewtape2897 Says:
" the problem with the modern world is not that it's skeptical...but that it's dogmatic... without knowing it"....G. K. Chesterton..
@lordscrewtape2897 Says:
" the problem with the modern world is not that it's skeptical...but that it's dogmatic... without knowing it"....G. K. Chesterton..
@andrewmihelich6020 Says:
Arthur Leff nailed it in the 70s in "Unspeakable Ethics, Unnatural Law"
@brendancoulter5761 Says:
A moral man does not claim to be on the right side of history. A moral man cares about what is right, not how others will see them in the future. Those that care what history thinks of them are pursuing praise and safety, not morality.
@RJH755 Says:
Paulzego destroyed you
@tylerfast106 Says:
This is my single most favourite video Carl has ever done.
@vectoranvil Says:
White Europeans from Elizabeth II. to Bismarck and Churchill represent what you can do if you believe in yourself. They were driven by greed, faith and racism and that gave them the ability to create grandiouse things, from abysmal to heavenly. It was the British Raj that dehumanized Indians and it was again the British Empire that fought for a century against slavery. How does this compare to the snotty people of the modern West? What were they able to achieve by whining and feeling shame for the the past??
@brianpederson7315 Says:
How long have humans been using opinion instead of truth? Forever...
@ginghinaandrei5013 Says:
+The difference is, I know I am right.+
@TrevorToonArt Says:
In America the left supported slavery, lynching, KKK, planned parenthood, Jim Crow, Segregation, Communism/Socialism, abortion, Identity Politics, and now DEI. When the fuck have they ever been on the "right side" of anything?
@fredericksaxton3991 Says:
The arrogance of the Climate activists who are actually revelling in the fact that they have arrived at JUST the right moment to Save the Planet. And every one else is wrong.
@rodgersullivan3274 Says:
History is a tool of the state used only for the benefit of the state or its cronies. A very large portion of history is subjective at least in the terms of who was right and who was wrong.
@JohnnyCageRock Says:
The pro human rights side is always the right-side of history. You are conflating two different things here Whig history and being on the Right side of history. Also, of course everyone claims they are on the right side of history, the segregationist thought they were saving American culture, the Reich thought they were saving the German people. The point of bringing up the Right side of history is more in link with not being on the wrong side of it: people wanting to "protect the culture and proud ethnic heritage of their people" and thinking the biggest problem in their society is ethnically heterogeneous immigration (legal or not) are 99.9% of the time on the demonstrably wrong side of history. Now when we see the people opposing the civil rights protest, we don't see cultural defenders, we see them for what they really were,: racist, close minded pearl clutchers. Sure keep bringing up how "cultural marxist are infiltrating our culture and destroying what it means to be British" Yeah replace marxism by bolsheviks and British by German and you have copied word for word Nazi propaganda. No there is no part in history where defending Death camps or slavery put you on the right side of history. Can we stop pretending like everything is a shade of gray and some things are actually black and white? The British Empire were the victors during most of our contemporary era, have they written themselves as the good guys, sure, but we are all calling bullshit on it , which pisses off a lot of conservatives by the way calling revisionism an evil cultural marxist plot in academia. Actually it is just Academia saying, wait if "history is written by the victors" it might be relevant to see what the historians from the losers side wrote and see what we can corroborate. Which for the history of the British empire require archeology of mass graves a disturbing amount of times. By the way, history being written by the victors is kind of getting proven wrong. One, in this age of information, the "victors" can no longer control a unified narrative, two Fascism (losers ideology of WW2) is making a comeback. Showing that history simply rhymes whoever gets to tell their version of it. "The right side of history doesn't tell us what we should be doing" Well that is just blatantly wrong. What the hell do you think public education, not sending kids in coal mines, minimum wage and overtime is? Do you think it was people defending the status quo that made it happen? Want a more recent example: Brexit. How is the UK economy going? Yeah turns out the people whose main concern is "keep brown people out" (red flag to know you're on the wrong side and yes I said Brown people, because let's be honest here no matter how much you hate Europe, it wasn't the French or the Germans that moved to the UK that made you feel "invaded") don't know anything about trade and leverage and made you objectively poorer no matter how many illegal aliens came in. Want something for the future: Trans issues. Saying people that want trans rights are groomers is copying the same arguments that was made against gay rights (in case people are too dense to understand it is a demonstrably wrong argument to make). It is the right side of history I can tell you in advance. A society cannot both value freedom yet restrict people from acting, dressing or biologically getting closer to a gender other than the one attributed to the sex they were born as. I can put it in gamer terms if you want. The right side of history in its modern context is like, accessibility features in a game. Everyone can get the Spiderman 2 game on the PS5, but it added a customizable level of parry timing and swing assist. Do adding these features takeaway from the experience of those that do not use them, no. It offends some purist who would simply argue "this game just isn't for you" out of a misplaced sense of uniqueness from having less people being able to play and enjoy the same game. Can you have legitimate complaint when it goes too far and affect others, sure. The problem is too often these complaints are against the very idea, not its application and people making them are using the EXACT same debunked argument as fascists or other authoritarians anti-human right ideology. For example: If you criticize the French revolution because of Robespierre instilling an age of terror ON PURPOSE and trying to make a new state religion about himself. You are not on the wrong side of history. If you criticize the French revolution because it brought democratic and feminist ideas with it and than were to make the argument that these ideas led to moral decline and therefore why the guillotine was used so much as if it couldn't have happened otherwise, you are on the wrong side of history. Do you see the difference?
@Arctura42 Says:
Oh how I've missed the classic Sargon videos. Feels like the eve of something grand!
@stonemorris5356 Says:
@paradoxparty Says:
Those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it. If someone is repeating actions and behaviors that in the past we consider abhorrent. Then it is safe to say they are in the wrong side of history.
@styxrakash4639 Says:
Peer pressure with future times being leveraged. Truly an over extended position for someone to find themselves in an argument
@ocarinaplaya Says:
The left identify as the allies while behaving like the axis.
@LaurusHG Says:
Anybody with any conviction in what they believe in, believes they are on the right side of history regardless of whether they say it or not, but that's not to say that Adolf Hitler, Chairman Mao, Joseph Stalin, Nero, who believed they were on the 'right side of history' were just as incorrect as Clement Attlee, Winston Churchill, John F Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln and almost everyone else in political history who also thought they were. And who decides this? Society ultimately, as it does most everything else. Historically, progressive, liberal ideals have been almost unanimously decided to be 'the right side of history' while socially conservative, illiberal ideals the 'wrong side of history', if you disagree with this as I'm sure many do, then by all means provide an argument for why people should think otherwise, but it's lead to the most prosperous, rich and free era of western society in history.
@JakeQRook Says:
The argument and statement are constructed this way on purpose. Religious people have seen this coming for generations. If there is no higher power to determine right and wrong, then it’s completely relativistic and fake. Morality cannot be objective without this and therefore, might absolutely would make right.
@braddarkstar Says:
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
@pose6208 Says:
Leftism like Islam is worthless without total subjugation.
@centurion8446 Says:
They are stuck in the 60's thinking they are "expanding rights" but don't appreciate fragile society and civilsation can be. Hence the emphasis on it by "bigoted" previous generations And that's without going into the fact they are incapable of even comprehending the policies they are pushing can take things backward
@tripthethird3605 Says:
i mean i will say womens rights activists were on the right side of history, its kinda wrong that they lived in our country and werent allowed to vote for a long time or in a lot of cases get/keep a job and faced a lot of discrimination in the workplace. chances are you already knew this but my conscience weighs down me when i say the feminists are wrong for saying that, they used to be i just dont think they are anymore. edit: it might not be wrong to say women’s rights activists shouldnt be allowed to vote but women in general should for sure
@harrysmith8338 Says:
When hearing the stupidity, of "being on the right side of history", remind them, that history, is written, by the victors, as spoil. And "history", has been "spoiled", over and over, and over again.
@haydenholdsworth9632 Says:
@RorytheRomulan Says:
I needed to hear this again.
@Uesurii_San Says:
I personally prefer the Christian view of history. "In this world, there will be many trials and sorrows. But be of good chear, for I have overcome the world." The good people will lose, and lose miserably, but we believe in a God who loves us, and no matter how bad it gets, we can look back at our lives, the people we lost, who hurt us, our failing bodies and we can say "It's okay. Because this is not the end."

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