


@MarkDice Says:
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@Rubberbandman0529 Says:
Would have been nice if he enacted this 3 1/2 years ago. Well, election time is coming up
@patrickmccarthy7877 Says:
John Stewart Liebowitz
@patrickmccarthy7877 Says:
Biden should be tried for treason for violating his oath, to protect our nation from enemies foreign and domestic.
@patrickmccarthy7877 Says:
Why does sniffy Joe always sound like he's drunk?
@patrickmccarthy7877 Says:
His Fraudulancy, the clown 🤡 president.
@tonylavrich1690 Says:
@plunktun2384 Says:
Troompa Loompa for prison Trump is senile and dementia ridden
@Geekerella00 Says:
Look kids.. The zombie apocalypse
@ballaservices9275 Says:
There's nothing this Democrat administration has done that you can point to and say it was a good move. Nothing. But letting 30m migrants just stroll into the country was irresponsibility at an ridiculous level. And the only reason they want to try and stem the flow (or appear to be trying to do something), is that Democrats in cities like New York and Chicago are complaining that their services are being undermined by these illegals. They are losing voters. It should be proof positive that this administration doesn't care about America - all it cares about is votes. Thanks are due to Greg Abbott for his genius move to ship some of the illegals up to their 'sanctuary ' cities.
@ron8935 Says:
We had 20 million illegal immigrants living in this country during the 2010 census and it was discovered Obama's cover-up of that within months of the 2010 census..... Believe me Mark there have been 30 million or more for the past 10 years I'm going to go with 44 million now😮
@nedwalport4426 Says:
VOTE FOR JOE! to go to Gitmo.
@RogueSanta Says:
I almost thought there was a fly on my screen
@tyronepowell147 Says:
@judysmith509 Says:
Say what you want you cannot justify this no stupid Democrat can even justify this. I’d be so embarrassed to say I ever voted for that and let it go on instead of doing the right thing. I’m putting a stop to it. Just remember if you aren’t part of the solution you’re the problem😂
@przemeksz8203 Says:
at least he didn't shit himself
@badtupram Says:
So for the past 40 months or so we've had to put up with Biden and his administration allowing thousands of illegal aliens across our southern borders and been forced to pay for them, and now, just five months away from the election, he's decided to act like he's going to take a strong stance against it? No one's buying this load of crap.
@WilliamPoveromo Says:
@mrnice111 Says:
What no one is talking about it that Biden is the most qualified person the Democrats have to be President.
@joeychicago6322 Says:
O wow i still can't stand john Stewart. Just seeing this small clip, wow...
@MyTube4Utoo Says:
"Holy Shart, Batman!" 💩
@tropeller9535 Says:
I can't even say what we all should do because Youtube censores it.
@klondike99 Says:
He can't even control his own bowels
@zillsburyy1 Says:
@rzella8022 Says:
Haha, pats, "Good boy!" That's what I do for my dog.
@obamaissatan590 Says:
It's depressing to witness the destruction of America
@robertboebinger7719 Says:
Fake president Geritol Joe 🤡🤡👿
@robertalan4717 Says:
America is done, on an increasing spiral dive. Our democracy is a farce.
@dockjm Says:
Yes.. economy may be #1... BUT that, itself is probably 50% connected to the illegal invasion.
@ResQmomKim Says:
I thought you were referring to him shitting himself again.
@brianriggs2335 Says:
I cant wait to see tomorrows video 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@rickkuhn6577 Says:
Weve become an oligarchy. When you dont know who is running the country there is no accountability
@neriorus Says:
2:25 too little too late.
@neriorus Says:
No more ice cream for him for a week…
@Origen17 Says:
He's wearing a mask, Mark. Those are not the original JRB's ears. Plain as day.
@kajinsautumn9833 Says:
I wonder what has happened to the thousands upon thousands of missing children that have come across with NO ONE checking on where they are?
@joemama1691 Says:
So America creates immigrants through their wars, sanctions and proxy wars ohh and funding a massacre in Gaza. But you can’t look after them? Stop bombing them! Vile country
@chrispy2262 Says:
Hahaha now it's election time democrats always do this shit lol MAGA 2024
@chrispy2262 Says:
Looks like most people in a elderly home lol
@shellyg0228 Says:
Kamala Harris is the absolute worst woman on the planet right behind Hillary Clinton
@shellyg0228 Says:
I cannot believe after listening to this asshole mumble that he is actually on a ticket for president what a train wreck we are doomed if this asshole gets back in
@mazda309 Says:
Oh my God! My government makes me want to throw up!
@Fingers888 Says:
Clown show
@mcosme85 Says:
Did you see that in France, at the D Day celebration, he pooped himself?
@suzanh7777 Says:
40 million I.A.I. total will be in the U.S. by December 2024. (Illegal Alien Invaders).
@Tiffany-mu6br Says:
The dude's eyes are so black there is nothing there. So demonic. Creepy. We love under a govt of literal demons.
@kurts4867 Says:
omg I feel a bit sorry for his staff who must be terrified .... He has dementia
@paralyzes Says:
Joe had more important things to do, like having a serving of tapioca pudding. What a colossal BOOB!
@roguefive512 Says:
Mayorkas is a Traitor to the real United States
@roguefive512 Says:
Puppet of the United States 😂

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