San Francisco, here's your grade: 🫴F
San Francisco, here's your grade: 🫴F



@aintnoreason1480 Says:
There’s money in homelessness. Not for the ones that need a home, but the ones that make a living because of it
@suzyq8021 Says:
Newsom and the Democrats are trying to kill California.
@Lizalazal Says:
Oh makes sense A homeless man is using drugs Fine him for using drugs all he has Don’t give him help. Yeah we aren’t getting them off the streets we are keeping them there.
@kushkingla7385 Says:
They knew exactly what would happen, it’s all done on purpose.
@lubystkaolamonola529 Says:
Those safe injection sites brought more harm than good.
@Villainsoft Says:
this is not empathy. empathy does not enable destruction.
@paultrauzzi5360 Says:
I call BS. Controlling the problem is MUCH better than banning the unbannable. Overdoses go down and associated diseases are reduced significantly. Portugal's new drug laws saved them. Why do you think the CIA was dealing drugs, it was to control who the criminals were rather than create wars.
It's their town, so who cares. Glad I don't live there.
@marlaenglish1265 Says:
A pelosi and biden fan
@Whateva67 Says:
I don’t understand how they call themselves progressives, We’re regressing in everything.
@Mmmm_Cows Says:
Is that Hunter?
@Ryaneli10 Says:
@roberonin7400 Says:
the trouble is not making law`s that control people but rather the society that makes people want to escape like this!
@donnaburns3927 Says:
What’s this guy doing?
@Spidouz Says:
Sorry but that's not true... the whole problem in San Francisco isn't because of drug decriminalization, but because of Liberal policies such welfare, no prosecution, etc... Drug decriminalization has been done in Portugal and they didn't face the same consequences as San Francisco, they actually saw drug use decreased, less trafficking and therefore less gang violence, etc... Why? Because they decriminalize drug USE, but they still kept drug Trafficking as a high crime. Drug users have an illness, an addiction, they don't need to be shame, they need help to break the circle and become a productive citizen again... it won't work in jail. War on drug didn't work, never worked and won't work if you only aim at Drug users. That's why decriminalization for drug users could help, as long as you enforce crimes for Drug traffickers and you remove any incentive to become Drug user (such welfare). Don't conflict both things just because it support your agenda. And before you accuse me to be a "leftist", think again, because I'm not, and I'm neither a Libtard nor a Republicon... I'm an independant thinker that base my opinion on fact, like looking at the drug decriminatlization done in other countries such Portugal. And no, I'm not a Drug user either. I don't smoke, I don't drink, I'm not a sex addict or even a work addict... as said, I'm not fond of addiction whatsoever. I just recognize everyone could be weak in face of addiction (mine is food). Pointing to the addict person to claim it's the result of fail policies will not work, and you won't gain voters in your camp. State truth instead, that addicts need medical help, and criminals need to be a jail, period. The problem in San Francisco comes from the later problem... not prosecuting for people that steal (to pay for their drugs) is one of the factor that contribute. Having welfare for people that don't work (because they're too high to be productive), that contributes. But claiming the ill addicted person is the root of the problem, you're pointing to the wrong place... like claiming that War victims are the reason we have a Military Complex Industry.
@MSUChris1992 Says:
That person will definitely vote D. Maybe twice this year.
@mikem4633 Says:
Politicians think that if everybody is stoned out of their mind, they will likely vote for the worst politicians, which would be them.
@thelordoftime803 Says:
USA :))) Y'all are so out of this world. In order for decriminalization to work, you also need a health care system set in place to help these people. That's one thing you will never have.
@Cara-JeanLopez Says:
@irelandgrt Says:
Democrats did this
@GauntletKI Says:
At least we all now know and hopefully have learned not to do it.
@carpexomnis Says:
@tren380 Says:
What a shit hole.
@chucklesthered2338 Says:
Guess who loves San Fran... Satan.
@sixxygrrl Says:
Portland Oregon/State of Oregon has reversed their drug decriminalization policies. 😂. They have cracked down hard on the people using in the open again. So glad!
@jimb.628 Says:
They will eventually wipe themselves out.
@JK-Handyman Says:
Satan works though the democratic party without a doubt. This poor soul was someones baby boy and now his life has been destroyed. I do not blame the drug addict, i blame the Mexican cartel, the CCP, and the democrats that work together to destroy this country from within.
@bryanheairet2925 Says:
I'm old enough to remember when the democrats voted to quit defunding mental institutions and give more money to the jails and private prisons...this happened way before drug decriminalization.
@tupera1 Says:
I think he's just the safety inspector for train seats and he's really into his job. Seriously though, this is what you get with the left in charge!
@benharrison1069 Says:
The American Society has become a SWILL of humanity under Progressive leadership. If you want to save your city, your state, your country, change your leadership. Change who and what ideology you vote for.
@memesquad9608 Says:
were drugs illegal in 1776? What is the line for an illegal or legal drug, caffeine and nicotine are drugs. Aren't we adults who can make adult decisions? Why is it legal to be a raging alcoholic but get caught with an eighth of weed in the wrong state and you're looking at a crime. It's almost like the whole "drugs are evil" "war on drugs" was just an excuse to create a police state and further abolish your rights especially the 4th amendment. Do drugs laws actually influence anyones desire to use drugs? Obviously not. If you currently don't use and have no desire to, them becoming legal is not going to make you go out and just try meth for fun. The people who do drugs don't care if they are legal or not they will do them regardless.
@noonesishome Says:
They knew what was gonna happen, this is what the left wants.
@MrManic52001 Says:
Degernerate scum
The Tiananmen Square massacre , known in China as the June Fourth Incident, were student-led demonstrations held in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China, lasting from 15 April to 4 June 1989. Estimates of the death toll vary from several hundred to several thousand, with thousands more wounded. The vast majority of those killed were civilians, though a small number of soldiers were also killed
@monroe1258 Says:
They didn't pass those laws to support the drug user....they did it push the drug epidemic and cause more deaths. They believe in mass scale depopulation... that's why they encourage drug use, leads to overdoses, encourage euthanasia ( first it was the critically ill...then it was the elderly, the depressed, the homeless, or just anyone). That's why they pushed a sh** on the world they knew would kill more that it would help. It's not a coincidence, it was organized. The majority of world leaders and elites believe the same thing and are working together to cause mass depopulation. By various means
@vestilad242 Says:
Decriminalization wasnt the issue, they still dont have access to limited/clean quantities. This didn't legalize drugs it legalized drug related crime.
@htomc42 Says:
Looks the same to me, whether drugs are legal or not. Simply hold people accountable for their behavior, whether under the influence of drugs or not. That's the real source of the problem.
@jellymulder Says:
city corruption, they encourage this to bring down the price of property around hell zones for Blackrock etc to buy up
@Jlb1948 Says:
Who put the map up that showed san francisco was filled with actual shit? I saw a video that showed a map of san francisco and then it like high lighted the feces particles and the whole town lit up like christmas cuz. The whole city is covered in shit and when they showed newsom, he laughed at it and said nothing.
@pinnacleexpress420 Says:
this seems twisted. i would imagine that decriminalizing drugs makes it easier for consumers to seek quality drugs, and I think thats what its about. I think this guy does not even know what he is on. decriminalizing the drug use, Id expect that to have more positive impact on middle class people who have some amount of access to a variety of suppliers and can then have an easier/safer time finding decent drugs. i would not expect there to be much impact on the homeless who take whatever they can get regardless. as for monthly stipends, youre basically saying that nobody should give homeless people money, and that seems kinda messed up. somebody should just pay me to collect them all and start a farm with them or something
@umbleyoself3624 Says:
Liberal policies are stupid. As D.P. says the left have no wisdom.
@waynebrewer1901 Says:
There is nothing thing empathetic or benevolent about encouraging and promoting psychosis and self destruction. Those policies didn't help that man who could be a healthy member of society with actual help.
@SaltyArmySarg Says:
And then SF citizens are put in danger EVERYWHERE they go. Awful when all the politicians prioritize EVERYONE and EVERYTHING but their good citizens! They do not care about the people carrying this country! They only care about the criminal, the drug addict, the illegals, look around folks! Their policies ARE RUINING our country!! Quit voting for these demons!
@Torrestorres2624 Says:
If I never got to San Francisco it would still be too soon.
@ginaidoma5925 Says:
Sick and disguisting. This is what Leftists want to do to your children.
@roinerov9348 Says:
Why does it looks like this in democratic states? Because liberal ideas of openess and no borders.
@chomper4x4 Says:
Democrats slave class .
@legiongaming99 Says:
Poverty is the real issue we have these people if we illegalize or legalize it maybe rehabilitation and no caging is not rehabilitation 😂
@orenk3461 Says:
One can argue Tennessee is 2nd on the list without progressive policies.
@hensonlaura Says:
Are they TRYING to kill people?

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