Talking With People | Why Everybody and their Sister thinks Former Vice President Joe Biden SUCKS!
Talking With People | Why Everybody and their Sister thinks Former Vice President Joe Biden SUCKS!



@engmed4400 Says:
20:44 That admission gives me hope for the future. Here's why. Prior to this he makes the point that there were plenty of opportunities to improve border security through legislation. That provides one with the opportunity to point out that there is a major problem with our legislative process. Congress isn't prevented from injecting amendments to bills that are entirely unrelated to the bills. Whenever you see them arguing over hastily submitted bills that no one has had time to read, it's because someone put something in it that has nothing to do with the bill itself. They do this for one of two reasons, either as a political ploy for the voters, or to sneak in something they know for a fact wouldn't make it in anyways. In the first case, let's say someone advances a bill to fix all the sidewalks in DC, and someone adds in an amendment that allocates funds for the VA (personal to me as a vet). The bill then gets hit with all kinds of opposition because of that one amendment, which has exactly nothing to do with the bill itself. The people who attached that amendment can now say, of their opponents, "Well, they don't care about veterans because they voted against a measure that would have provided more money to the VA." It's all a mind trick, and too many people fall for it. The other possibility is that they use it to sneak money to themselves, or someone who beneficial to them in some way. Imagine that this infrastructure bill, and it's unrelated amendment, passes. Imagine that the amendment contained within it makes the extra funds available to a specific contractor, that just happens to be wholly or partially owned by the one who attached the amendment. Trust and believe, they've been operating like this for at least a century, if not since the end of the Civil War.
@warnerbrotherproductions2112 Says:
The last 2 guys were the best!
@warnerbrotherproductions2112 Says:
28:04 my man went off. Love it!
@andrewhayes4153 Says:
Is the first guy TRYING to look like hitler?
@DeatrahBello Says:
I love the construction worker
@DeatrahBello Says:
It’s amazing how things have changed in 3 months. Every swing state is saying that illegal aliens are swarming them. 20 million illegal aliens have entered America. You see the numbers they tell us are the ones that came through the so-call door. They don’t count the ones crawling under the fences. Now they’re finding that illegals are registered to vote. Trump will lose if things don’t change.
@matthewdewey6970 Says:
The old guy is wayy out in left field, lol
@jamieromar6168 Says:
For poorer families we are not spending $75 on a pair of jeans. We have to feed our families and keep the electricity on! When we used to be able to buy something here and there now we can’t because groceries are so high and so is gas!! Gas still is 2times what it was before Biden!!!
@KLForbes Says:
12:38 watch the background, LOL, someone's having fun
@Jiggerjaw Says:
12:39 someone's having fun.
@icemaglite Says:
I love ttnst this guy takes the time and respect with his interviewees. Kudos for taking the time to talk to people.
@nancyanita1 Says:
That guy that doesn’t know how to dress himself is an asshole from a 74 yr old woman. 😊
@norsetexan809 Says:
The guy in the suit vest. He was hard to sit through. The party you root for sets your mentality for what’s going on, in general. Each side is convinced the other side is the problem.
@laurenlux5506 Says:
The guy that was "Dressed nice" is delusional
@TeenaWise Says:
Till they revised those job numbers
@TeenaWise Says:
Interest rates are historically low. Most new home buyers have never seen an economy that is not being manipulated by the FED
@BlissDecision Says:
this videos need editing
@H.h.farms5089 Says:
The third guy talking about people buying expensive pants is why they are broke. Sorry buddy but I've not spent 200 dollars on pants in the last 3 or 4 years combined 😂 I'll wear them bitches till there's literally almost nothing left. The economy sucks. And for non boarder states supposedly not having a grasp of what's really going on, well the busses and busses of illegal immigrants that are coming in that have NEVER been a thing before, yeah we have a good understanding. And I'm sorry but kids in the flipping 3rd and 4th grade shouldn't be learning sexual kinks anywhere much less while in school. this dude couldn't be more outta touch if he tried.
@RollMeOne_Kenobi Says:
The mental gymnastics from that dude in the tie are hilarious to watch. "Disinformation" Yeah, from YOU DEMS🤣
@elizabethmccarthy9885 Says:
The people planning to vote Dem are so patronizing about people with different opinions. They're attitude to people who are feeling economic stressors in their everyday lives is that those people are ignorant! Whatever happened to "lived experience"?
@davefig5774 Says:
Please come to Philly
@HelenMassey-x8l Says:
So Michael wants to save democracy by sidestepping democracy with the court.
@xtbrady01x Says:
My take on hearing from Conservatives and Liberals is that the Conservative leaning people think for themselves, they see the issues with our country and how things were compared to how they are now, the economy is a huge issue. Where the more Liberal leaning people just seem to regurgitate what the Liberal media is feeding them, abortions and throwing that word "Democracy" around.
@ChrisBrake-n7v Says:
Dude said the economy is good and then said well yall aren’t saving money to pay for the higher prices of everything. Lol
@natekinzie4749 Says:
Funny how Mr Vest was talking trash about people buying expensive clothes... and when Stephen mentioned Hispanic Americans he immediately thought of illegals at the border... typical liberal.
@cherylhickman6142 Says:
This guy is so wrong. I can't afford gas, food , utilities etc. and i do not go out and buy anything extra let alone a pair of jeans for $70. He is put of touch from reality.
@tammymuren6378 Says:
The dapper gut thinks the economy is doing well 🤪🤪are you kidding us! It sucks and we are all paying thousand of dollars more a year than under Trump… and you’re an idiot if you think people are spending money on blue jeans instead of food and gas, what an out of touch individual and sadly he votes😫.. his misinformation example is exactly what the Dems do.. they take words and twist them and are offended by almost everything.. “ projection” is when what you accuse others of doing you are really doing yourself and the Democrats are extremely, extremely good at that🤨… this guy tried his best to defend the liberal agenda but he failed miserably 😵‍💫
@tammymuren6378 Says:
Wow! That first guy is a doozie🤪.. I had to laugh when he was concerned about the woman’s choice that you could rob others of their choice.. Oh! Like how Biden took everyone’s choice away from them when he MANDATED millions take the COVID shot🤨.. this guy is such a kool aid drinking liberal it’s funny, but very scary that millions think like him😫.. let’s stack the Supreme Court but that’s not threatening democracy and against the constitution 🤪🤪Yikes!
@cindyking8575 Says:
I wonder if suit guy would feel the same if a convicted murderer or rapist or a white supremacist were reading to the children. Sorry, the people you put in front of kids absolutely influences them, whether we want to admit it or not.
@jamesMdavey Says:
arguing aginst the overturning of Roe v Wade is arguing for the murder of children!!!
@joelassiter1008 Says:
The reason there's a disconnect is because the democrats and their lame stream media are using things like the inflation rate, which is only lower than it was during Brandon's first year, but gas, food and energy aren't included in the inflation rate.
@reneewiley6368 Says:
Also fancy pants Obama built the cages and separated families! But only wrong when Trump did it and by the way he did it because there is a high percentage of those kids who were kidnapped and being used to get in and the sold in to human trafficking!
@reneewiley6368 Says:
The fancy pants guy is very delusional saying the economy is so good and everything is just so good under Biden and the dems! 😂😂😂 maybe for you and your money man!
@octavianbundra5610 Says:
Hard to tell who is who , I’ve seen biker types be super radical . Usually you’d think they are Trumpers
@joegerhardusa9017 Says:
All immigration to the USA must stop. We've taken in 60 million immigrants LEGALLY since 1965. We can not absorb that many people. Not to mention the 30-40 million illegals.
@joegerhardusa9017 Says:
Legal immigration must also stop
@Jim-h9u Says:
I'm Republican because that's where all the Conservatives are. 100% of the democrat party are communists, until their stuff get taken. 80% of the Republican party are communists. We don't have a democracy here. We have ignorant voters. If you love your country you're Conservative. Otherwise you're a democrat. Article 4, Section 4 of the United States Constitution: The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.
@juliespade1573 Says:
Are we not still a Constitutional Republic???
@jimmysmith8663 Says:
The guy in the suit was super nice and polite but unfortunately a brainwashed idiot. I think hes gay so he probably trys his hardest to see the good in the left and eats it up...."the economys great just watch your spending and dont buy the things you were buying before" 😂
@johnnunn8688 Says:
I’ve seen film of drag Queen story time, where the pervs have been twerking and suchlike. Also, where a six year old boy became uncomfortable and left, in tears and the adults jeered the poor lad. IT’S WRONG!
@johnnunn8688 Says:
Nice shirt, tie, waistcoat (vest?) and a pair of jeans? What is that saying?
@Man_Plays_Game Says:
Cold feet crowder at it again 😅 sam seder is ur daddy
@matthewhall8790 Says:
I appreciate the way you treated everyone, regardless of their opinion.
@joker-zw8wj Says:
Drag queen reading a book is grooming it's telling them this is okay to be gay when it's not it's sin so why groom kids to be gay and to sin it's all about turning the next generation away from God so yea it's not just reading a book why not just have a teacher to read a book nah yall have to have someone gay to confuse the kids on how to think grooming sad
@joker-zw8wj Says:
Dude what's crowder talking about I'm Hispanic American and Iv been with Trump since day one and my family is not catholic we are Christian don't compare use Hispanics to Mexicans 2 different things
@Zuch3to Says:
That dude from 11:00+ was drunk af
@nicholaswright3801 Says:
We have the answer guys. The working class is actually skint because they keep buying designer jeans resulting in not being able to afford food. 🤯🤯🤯🤯
@dalefrick2720 Says:
First guy listens to NOTHING but cnn... Well dressed guy is just a plain IDIOT...Economy is good???
@PolitikPolitik-fh2qc Says:
I disagree with him but atleast brandon was very cordial
@PolitikPolitik-fh2qc Says:
Imagine that first guy calling other people ignorant lol

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