She links anthropology to tradition Secular Christianity Atheist Traditionalist WAF Interview No. 16
She links anthropology to tradition Secular Christianity Atheist Traditionalist WAF Interview No. 16



@captnhuffy Says:
There are so many lies, misdirection, and bad deeds by Feminism, it will take DECADES to unpack all mental and societal problems it created.. As very necessary as it is, looking at totally positive narratives will radically speed up one’s Personal Development/ Growth. At some level, by staying on Feminism’s Narcissistic topics we keep those EVILS propped up.
@SparklyCoconut-le3fu Says:
we can’t have both because your position is that my lack of desire to reproduce is an affront to tradition and my ancestors. Or at least that’s the guest’s position and whoever conducted the interview seems to agree. It’s biological essentialism. It’s evolutionary psychology, a field of study filled with right wing ideologues who try to prove their assumptions about the world rather than trying to actually learn how the world really is. My issue wasn’t with you living your life how you want to live or sharing your opinions. My issue is with the dishonesty, the fallacious arguments, the references to pseudo science, and the inability to develop a coherent thesis and justifications for the assertions. The interview was a boring self congratulatory ⭕️ jerk. -YouTube is deleting my comments
@SparklyCoconut-le3fu Says:
“My life is crappy because of feminism” Is such an abstract and vague assertion I can’t even begin to understand what that means.
@D-TPC Says:
Excellent interview. You've a wonderful channel. Keep it up.
@truthseekingfreethinker5214 Says:
Men for the most part throughout history have always tried to protect women by creating safer enviorments and inventing numerous female centric domestic devices, and womens answer to all of mens efforts was rebellion in the form of feminism, so to say it shouldnt be men against women and that we should work together is disingenuous because women said very loudly and proudly that they would rather be protected by the government than a man.
@annarboriter Says:
"before birth control" Of course she meant to say before hormonal or oral contraception by which she really meant to say: before women adopted the means of interrupting their fertility in order to exploit the economic and educational opportunities afforded to them by the excess wealth generated by an indulgent patriarchy
@user-oo8xp2rf1k Says:
I tried to be a good feminist man - and avoid exercising power. It kept me childlike and women didn't like it. Dating was about fun in the now. But doing so I removed myself from the father pool. I probably would have been a good father. I made my choices - so I'm not saying everything is everybody else's fault. But having a terrible innacurate map didn't help .

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