Should Illegal Immigrants Be Deported? Compton vs. Beverly Hills | Man on the Street
Should Illegal Immigrants Be Deported? Compton vs. Beverly Hills | Man on the Street



@pgmpgm5222 Says:
Yo, this guy is not clearifying and addressing the issu the correct way. Please as the questions more straight v trying to sound like this is E news or some award show
@slytherineboi4539 Says:
I think an important question is: why they coming illegally in the first place? Our immigration system is outdated and needs to be reformed. Then this wouldn't be as big of an issue as it is today.
@RedemptionGabeYT Says:
Of course immigration is a privilege if you commit a crime you can be removed.
@striperking6083 Says:
@hellodavey1902 Says:
When the answer is in the question 🙋‍♂️ ILLEGAL
@Punisher1830 Says:
Us Americans are becoming 2nd class citizens in our own country, the migrants are milking us and they dont respect us.
@ssws675 Says:
So much stupidity. The girl in green is an absolute moron.
@kamiegates Says:
DEPORT ALL OF THEM IMMEDIATELY!! It’s ILLEGAL for them to be here!!!! If you don’t deport them for breaking the law then how can we try and convict anyone when they do?? At work I had to help one of them that needed something and was asked if I spoke Spanish ? I told her no, that I speak English of course. I then asked her if she was learning English in order to communicate properly with the people here? But of course she couldn’t understand what I was asking her!! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🇺🇸 TRUMP 2024
@goldenvulture6818 Says:
As I left-winger I say every single illegal immigrant, illegal migrant and fake refugee must be deported and barred from re-entering 'til the day they die. & I don't just mean the ones who've been in America since 2021.
@11fasteddie Says:
Hold back your mic a bit, not shove it to close, that woman w/dark blouse is backing up... really !!!
@skoop651 Says:
To most countries it's fairly obvious you should check immigrants and not just let them in because they're "seeking asylum"
@SavioursWon Says:
The problem is "illegal" that is the bottom line if they cannot respect your borders and border rules what makes you think they'll respect anything else, it is a slap in the face of every other immigrant who goes through the legal processes whether that be for asylum or anything else. incentivise doing it right not doing it wrong.
@kayjackson6465 Says:
That's right we are not all immigrants and it does matter we cant go to their country and just live their illegally
@thisman3349 Says:
Illegal immigrants contribute immensely to the economy and are less likely than native born citizens to commit crime
@forgottenfurbabies3315 Says:
It’s always the people who are not living from paycheck to paycheck that want open borders.
@chairriahc7879 Says:
Hispanics are hard working people unlike blacks from the hood, thats why they want them deported
@shoesseohs4221 Says:
Dose Compton vote Republican ?
@chairriahc7879 Says:
This is prove that blacks from the hood are racist towards Hispanics
@Vergitity Says:
@jaynottingham2488 Says:
get them all out, all 10 million
@ofirarg Says:
"they're eacaping something" is such a dumb argument for illegal immigration. The thing thay they're escaping can just as easily enter the country as they did...
@harolddburke4726 Says:
I have helped legal immigrants become citizens. Then they voted for the first time. For Trump because to allow illegals to stay is a slap in their face .also a slap in the face of all American citizens by a criminal government .period.
@13aboveTheNight. Says:
More imagrents equals more democrat votes.
@peterl545 Says:
Open borders is part of an elite agenda. And these people are not working for the American people.
@bumpkinskill Says:
Yes. Deport.
@bostonredsox2004 Says:
If you come illegally, all you should get is a one-way ticket back!!
@albertmooney2628 Says:
absolutely! america first! universal healthcare, free college, higher wages, affordable housing, infrastructure reform, criminal justice reform, etc.
@albertmooney2628 Says:
operation (racial slur) 2.0
@MamaCat29 Says:
If they are causing trouble, they have to go.
@wadetsai2931 Says:
"If they take your job, why don't you work harder, and figure out other talents". This reallys shows the true color of the woman in BH.
@jryecart8017 Says:
200,000 Deportation Cases Thrown Out as Mayorkas’ DHS Fails to File Paperwork April 03, 2024 According to a new report from the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University, 200,000 deportation cases have been dismissed by Immigration Judges because the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), led by recently-impeached Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, failed to file a Notice to Appear (NTA). An NTA is issued upon an alien’s arrival at the border and serves as the first step in initiating removal proceedings under section 239(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). After issuing an NTA to an alien, DHS must also then file the NTA with an immigration court to ensure the case can proceed. Filing an NTA is one of DHS’ most basic responsibilities to ensure cases are properly adjudicated in immigration court. The Biden Administration has seen a higher number of dismissals due to failure to file an NTA compared to past administrations. During the Trump Administration, an average of 1.2 percent of new cases (approximately 3,880 per year) were dismissed. But those numbers have exploded since Secretary Mayorkas assumed office, jumping to an average of 8.5 percent dismissed from 2021-2023 (more than 60,000 cases per year). As a particularly stark example, under Mayorkas immigration courts in Miami and Houston dismissed more than 50 percent of new cases because NTAs were not filed.
@jryecart8017 Says:
There’s Nothing Safe about Michigan’s Drive Safe Act for Illegal Aliens April 11, 2024 FAIR Since 1913, the foundation of Michigan’s economy has been the automotive assembly line which has employed millions over the years and given rise to Detroit’s “Motor City” moniker. Making large quantities of goods quickly and putting people behind the wheel is what the state does best. Perhaps then, it’s not surprising that some Michigan lawmakers are envisioning another item for mass production. Only this time, it won’t be cars on conveyer belts conforming to strict safety standards, rather large-scale manufacturing of driver’s licenses for illegal aliens. The proposed legislation would allow all Michigan residents to obtain state identification cards or driver’s licenses regardless of their immigration status, joining 19 states and Washington, D. C., that already do so. The bill, euphemistically labeled The Drive SAFE Act (Safety, Access, Freedom, and the Economy), alludes to such soaring attributes, one might presume Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness were excluded from the title only because the acronym would be nonsensically extended.
@jryecart8017 Says:
Stats Show Fentanyl Replacing Heroin as Cartel Cash Cow May 06, 2024 Fentanyl is rapidly replacing heroin as the drug cartels are using to make money. Statistics on drug seizures from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) show that there has been a clear shift in the cartels’ smuggling habits, and the data strongly indicate that the border chaos of recent years is facilitating this lethal trade. Comparing statistics across the last three full fiscal years (FY) is as it informative as it is alarming. Heroin seizures were high throughout FY 2021, closing the year on 5,400 lbs. seized. But by FY 2023 seizures had fallen to just 1,500 lbs. That is a 72 percent drop in just two fiscal years. By contrast, fentanyl seizures in FY 2021 were 11,200 lbs. and over 27,000 lbs. in FY 2023. This is an enormous 141 percent increase. The statistics show that the cartels are clearly changing their business model. Cartels see more money and growth opportunity in fentanyl, and are moving away from heroin and towards fentanyl.
@jryecart8017 Says:
Illegal Alien Released Into U.S. pulls Girl Into Van and Sexually Assaults Her May 10, 2024 In another case of a horrifying and preventable crime, an illegal alien in Florida is accused of grabbing an 11-year-old girl, dragging her into a van and sexually assaulting her. The incident unfolded when the victim’s mother noticed her daughter was not inside the home and went outside to look for her. While walking around outside, the mother noticed a van with her daughter inside. That’s when she banged on the van and asked the man what he was doing inside with her daughter. The suspect, Marvin Perez Lopez, then apologized and asked for forgiveness as he ran out of the van. The girl told investigators that the suspect grabbed her and told her to get into the van, where he abused her. She says she tried to get out of the vehicle, but Lopez grabbed her again and pulled her back in. Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw says the illegal alien suspect confessed to the sexual assault and will face trial in the U.S. before he can even think about being deported. According to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, Lopez is from Guatemala and entered the United States illegally as a single adult male in January 2024 after crossing through Mexico. He made it to Palm Beach County later in January. How Lopez trekked from the southern border to Florida is unclear. Did an NGO facilitate his travel? It’s a question that should be answered. Lopez, like so many illegal aliens entering the country under President Biden’s de facto open-borders policies, willingly turned himself into Border Patrol, likely with the expectation he would be released with a court date years in the future. He was given a notice to appear in 2027 and released on his own recognizance. The United States has a full repatriation agreement with Guatemala, and Lopez could have been sent back. Instead, he was free to roam in the United States for five years. That’s why this was a 100 percent preventable crime. Instead of removing this illegal alien, authorities released him into the country, and he ended up accused of a sickening crime. As Sheriff Bradshaw said, “The federal government is victimizing the people who live in this country by letting these people in here.” Back in March, a group of three illegal aliens were arrested after allegedly kidnapping and sexually assaulting a woman in the same Florida county where Lopez allegedly committed his crime. Lake Riley was killed by an illegal alien in Georgia.
@jryecart8017 Says:
DHS Awards Millions to NGOs Facilitating Illegal Immigration May 14, 2024 Last month, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) awarded another $300 million to nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and state and local governments supporting illegal immigration through the Shelter and Services Program (SSP). DHS also announced another $340.9 million will be available for grants in Fiscal Year (FY) 2024. In the most recent funding tranche, 55 recipients will receive grants through SSP. The program, which is funded by DHS and administered through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), was established by the Biden administration to provide shelter, food, medical care, and transportation to illegal aliens after having been processed by the Customs and Border Protection (CBP). In practice, the program enables the mass processing and release of illegal aliens into the country, putting strain on American communities and increasing costs to taxpayers.
@jryecart8017 Says:
Border County Sees 5,000 Percent Increase in Prosecutions During Biden's Border Crisis In Kinney County, Texas, a stark example of the direct consequences of open-borders policies under the Biden administration is unfolding. This sparsely populated border county has witnessed a staggering surge in criminal prosecutions as illegal immigration numbers have skyrocketed. Kinney County Attorney Brent Smith provided a shocking comparison during a recent House Budget Committee hearing. Under former President Donald Trump in 2020, the county reported just 134 criminal charges. However, following President Biden’s revocation of numerous border security measures through executive orders, these figures ballooned to nearly 3,000 in 2021, about 6,800 in 2022, and over 5,800 in 2023. This represents an almost 5,000 percent increase from 2020 to 2022 and more than 4,200 percent from 2020 to 2023.
@jryecart8017 Says:
Providing Taxpayer Funding for NGOs to Aid and Abet Illegal Aliens On March 28, 2023, the DHS Inspector General released a report following its audit of funds awarded under the American Rescue Plan Act. The Act was signed into law in March 2021, and hidden inside was a $110 million appropriation to FEMA’s Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP). EFSP would award this funding to nonprofits to provide food, shelter, and services to illegal aliens encountered at the southern border.[30] The report found that a portion of the grant recipients violated the terms of the program, failing to provide receipts for reimbursements, failing to maintain logs of individuals served, or providing services for individuals who didn’t have DHS records. Out of the audit’s $12.9 million sample, OIG was unable to account for $7.4 million. If the same pattern held for the entire batch of funding, FEMA would be unable to account for nearly $64 million of the sample. In August, 2023, DHS announced another tranche of funding through FEMA’s Shelter and Services Program (SSP) for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that assist illegal aliens at the border. The funding is geared towards helping NGOs provide food, shelter, clothing, and other services to aliens who have recently entered and are awaiting immigration proceedings. The second tranche, allocating $77 million to 53 recipients, with El Paso County and Catholic Charities of San Diego receiving the highest amount, builds on the first tranche released in June when DHS doled out $291 million through SSP. In June, the New York Office of Management and Budget received over $104 million of the funding.
@jryecart8017 Says:
Measles from Open Borders Puts American Children at Risk Measles had been on the verge of being eliminated in the U.S., but – thanks, in part, to mass migration — the disease keeps being reintroduced by migrants from countries with less advanced healthcare systems. American children are particularly at risk, which increases as illegal aliens enroll their children in taxpayer-funded U.S. schools. Measles infections have been reported in 41 states, and at the current rate, U.S. measles cases will surpass those recorded in 2023. The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) candidly states that migration is the main way measles enters the U.S., stating, “…we expect importations of measles cases into the United States to continue…” Sadly, our political leaders do little to stop these importations. One example of the public health consequences of open borders was a measles outbreak at a migrant shelter in Chicago in March 2024. Four migrants have been infected, including two children. The city has been one of the worst affected cities by the current migrant crisis due to its sanctuary status that draws migrants. A team of CDCP experts has been sent to assist city authorities with the outbreak. Worryingly, 2,000 illegal alien children have enrolled in Chicago public schools, with between 40 and 50 enrolling in a single elementary school. As they enroll, they could place American children at risk of infection if not properly vetted and immunized.
@jryecart8017 Says:
Chicago Facing Measles Outbreak in Migrant Shelters Measles had been virtually eliminated in the United States, but due to the sheer scale of illegal immigration from countries with little to no healthcare, the disease continues to be reintroduced by migrants settling in communities nationwide. Crowded sanctuary cities have proven particularly susceptible to serious diseases brought in by illegal aliens. Now, recent reports indicate that Chicago is in the midst of a measles outbreak in city shelters housing more than 10,400 migrants. So far, the measles outbreak is mostly concentrated in migrant shelters in the city but may be spreading. In the first three months of 2024, Chicago has had 31 confirmed cases of measles, 21 of these cases in children under five years old. Even after the city administered 4,500 doses of the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccines to migrants following the first measles case in city shelters, the disease has persisted. Many migrant children staying in these shelters are enrolled in Chicago public schools and pose a risk of spreading the disease to American school-aged children. As of September 2023, more than 2,000 illegal aliens are enrolled in Chicago public schools, with between 40-50 enrolling in a single elementary school.
@jryecart8017 Says:
Mass Release of Illegal Aliens, Including Criminals INA Section 235(b) requires that inadmissible aliens, whether subject to expedited removal or regular removal proceedings, be detained. This includes asylum seekers. Further, Section 236(c) of the INA requires the government to detain inadmissible aliens who have committed criminal offenses or who are inadmissible on terrorism grounds. Despite federal law, under Secretary Mayorkas very few of the migrants who were encountered at our borders over the last three years were detained. Rather, under the policies of Secretary Mayorkas, they were processed and released into the country. Secretary Mayorkas himself admitted that over 85 percent of migrants encountered at the southern border have been released into the U.S.< > FAIR US org
@Micaelly82 Says:
I don't support illegal immigration!!
@michaelhoffman5201 Says:
Deport illegals, nurture legal migrants, the USA is not infinitely wealthy. We just can't support the world. 🌎 Lately we've been proven unable to support ourselves.
@paul12356789paul Says:
@ethanemery872 Says:
For crying out loud!!! Not everyone in America today is an immigrant. That’s just leftist propaganda. My family has fought in every US war since the revolution. Fighting for independence, against the Axis. Nazis, etc. They fought, bled, and died for this country in every conflict. They built the skyscrapers and bridges that are still dotted all over this great nation. That’s how you and your family become citizens of a nation. By fighting for it, and by building it up; not by running or hopping across a border. We need to stand up as Americans together, and demand a secure border!!! 🇺🇸 15,000 people swarming across the border is just way, way too many!!!
@ethanemery872 Says:
For crying out loud!!! Not everyone in America today is an immigrant. That’s just leftist propaganda. My family has fought in every US war since the revolution. Fighting for independence, against the Axis. Nazis, etc. They fought, bled, and died for this country in every conflict. They built the skyscrapers and bridges that are still dotted all over this great nation. That’s how you and your family become citizens of a nation. By fighting for it, and by building it up; not by running or hopping across a border. We need to stand up as Americans together, and demand a secure border!!! 🇺🇸 15,000 people swarming across the border is just way, way too many!!!
@jamsstats1700 Says:
No. And I’m pretty sure nobody will see this comment because it disagrees with PragerU itself
@stevegeczy2443 Says:
Yes. Deport them now
@brianbradfield4503 Says:
@RIfMlLVrdhpPYbHCcTqjnEFGgNyKku Says:
We don't deserve women voting rights if were going to be that stupid.
@happyappy19931 Says:
Yes, illegal aliens should be deported. It’s not rocket science.

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