Dear Infidels: A Warning to America | Full Documentary
Dear Infidels: A Warning to America | Full Documentary



@Silver77cyn Says:
Coming up next, the rise of Christian Nationalists, trying to turn America into an opressive religious nation.
@jaradshaw4723 Says:
@androv2749 Says:
4:00 Big big mistake to say the problem is just "radical" islam and few imams... The problem is "prophet" muhammad and islam itself. Muhammad beheaded and torture people, he robbed people, he fought in 83 battles, he had sex slaves and work slaves, 11 wifes the youngest was 6 years old etc etc. The problem is not a few crazy imams but their main prophet whom ALL muslims follow.
@2mexpesos Says:
18:35 🎯🎯🎯🎯
@2mexpesos Says:
9:04 there is no "extremist Islam" is just Islam until people realize that we will be invaded by this ☪️ancerous ideology/religion.
@2mexpesos Says:
3:55 first problem right there.
@VarunDubey-OPN Says:
This warning to the world not only America.
@Robin-ci2kx Says:
Odd that this video doesn't include Mosab, the Green Prince, son of one of the founders of Hamas who has been sounding the alarm against these people for a decade. An incredible story an incredible man. A hero of stupendous stature.
@steviewinder8478 Says:
Jesus has dominion. Believe he died for us sinners and will return.
@youBrakeIHonk Says:
I'll never understand how fundamental islamic beliefs are considered radical..
@dudkost Says:
Idiots who protest for Palestine don’t understand that they help people who want to kill them and destroy America.
@jholyroller6048 Says:
Suicide will send you to Hell folks its sad ther sending children an adults to hell by making them suicide bombs
@jholyroller6048 Says:
allah is not god its satan JESUS IS THE ONLY TRUE GOD
@rdwakefield Says:
Most Muslims are good people...what??? The radicals are the snake and the moderates is the grass hiding the snake.
@TheLakotaCelt Says:
An interesting theological sidebar to ponder….  When God told Abraham He would bless his generation and give him more descendants that grains of sand on the sea or stars in the sky… and years went by … and nothing.. Sarah lost PATIENCE and thought “ya know.. We can take this into our own hands and “help” God with this promise.. How about you knock up that servant girl Hagar and she can give birth to the baby on my lap so it’ll be as if I gave birth to it.. yeah, that will work, right?”   So that’s what they did.. And Hagar had ISHMAEL, the father of Islam….  About 10 years later, Sarah FINALLY got pregnant and had ISAAC, the 2nd in the line of the ROOT of JUDAISM (Abraham, then Isaac, then Jacob, etc etc ) Sarah saw pre-teen Ishmael pushing around toddler Isaac and thought, “hmmm, this could get bad, they need to go” And she sent Hagar and Ishmael out to the desert to , basically to fend for themselves.  An “Angel of the LORD” (Which Angel, I wonder) came and told her “I will multiply thy seed accordingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude, your descendants shall be as a wild man, his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him, and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren”. Seriously! Go look it up! (Genesis 16:10-12) Essentially, two half-brothers, eternally fighting over who gets to inherits their Father’s kingdom. One jealous and angry, the other blessed and favored.. (Luckily, for the heirs of Ishmael - Arabs - they can inherit their HEAVENLY Father’s kingdom when they reach towards the love, peace and truth that IS Jesus Christ) And the moral of the story is: If you don’t wait on God and Trust Him to fulfill His promises HIS way , on HIS Time, and you try to MAKE IT HAPPEN yourself, you will end up creating an outcome that is FOREVER IN OPPOSITION to the actual fulfillment of His promise. And for all the Arabs on here who have found the light and come to know Christ, I look so forward to seeing you someday when we are all together in OUR Father’s Kingdom!
@effu9375 Says:
@Ace18711 Says:
@Ace18711 Says:
I’ve take all this time to know CHRIST IS KING.
@fastmph Says:
Bring it on, assholes!
@rich0471 Says:
Let Israel defend itself
@BXRNTcxrpse Says:
Propaganda central
@waseemmohammed8691 Says:
Really jewish video🤣
@sarronconstruction321 Says:
Freedom is a blessing only to the extent where it's controlled....Freedom to the extreme like it is in America is a curse....Western Europe is waking up ...Islamic fundamentalism is un welcome...that's the way yo ho...Europe is speaking to America but America is deaf
@barbrokjelkerud Says:
Israel och alla kloka människor i världen som TÄNKER är det som behövs, även USA behöver se sig i spegeln och ångra….
@bitsnbobs1969 Says:
all this religious war crap comes from quran yet you can walk into book shop buy book it should be banned every where
@jemalabdunasir1660 Says:
There is something jewish about this video
@abuuahmad3238 Says:
Baseless... prejudice... spewing Hatred against Islam and the Muslims... appalling and pathetic..
@bornonjuly7052 Says:
This is the reason that it is hard to sympathize with the palestinians even civilians, women and childrens when there is a strike by the IDF because they even childrens can be cosidered complicits.
@williamrommel9040 Says:
While in Iraq, i was on an intelligence team that investigated a detainee that had also stoned his sister to death. Disrespected the family by being seen with another male. I felt every bit of this documentary.
@DOCKent-3339 Says:
@TrueView-y8i Says:
That seems to have been slapped together.
@ronaledoexciacontracor Says:
This is very misguided and mostly Propaganda. The conflict between the Western Christian Civilization and Radical Islam as is AQ and Islamic State is ONE thing. It is a Civilizational war. The conflict between Palestine and the Zionist ideology of Theodor Helrz followers of the modern state of Israel of 1948 is a COMPLETELEY DIFFERENT thing. It is a TERRITORIAL and anti Occupation war. The first is MACRO, the latter is MICRO. The first is Universal, the second is contained to a concrete territory. None of the Popes ever have been a Radical Islamists. BUT ALL the Popes have been STRONG Anti ZIONISTS and STRONG pro Palestinian: from Saint Pius X, to Benedict XV, to Pius IX, to Pius XII (who try very hard to prevent the creation of a "Jewish homeland" in Palestine) to Saint Paul VI to declared the Palestinians as THE PEOPLE of the Holy Land, to Saint John Paul II to Benedict XVI and currently Francis. ALL, ALL of the Popes have been STRONG anti Theodor Helrz Zionist activists. The Israeli government propaganda tries to depict both conflicts, the Universal Civilizational one between Christianity and Radical Islam , the the Territorial one between Zionism and the Palestinian people as one and the Same. but that is a GROSS MISTAKE and just pure Propaganda. Israel DO NOT BELONGS to the Western Christian Civilization and actually only 1% of Israelis are Christians and do accept Jesus as Messiah. Actually the Christians of the Holy Land have ben historically Palestinians. Please STOP the Propaganda and the Straw Man argument. Please read the statements of John Paul II and Saint Paul VI about Palestine. Please read His Beatitude the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem 's statements!!
@ronielaledo4521 Says:
This is very misguided and mostly Propaganda. The conflict between the Western Christian Civilization and Radical Islam as is AQ and Islamic State is ONE thing. It is a Civilizational war. The conflict between Palestine and the Zionist ideology of Theodor Helrz followers of the modern state of Israel of 1948 is a COMPLETELEY DIFFERENT thing. It is a TERRITORIAL and anti Occupation war. The first is MACRO, the latter is MICRO. The first is Universal, the second is contained to a concrete territory. None of the Popes ever have been a Radical Islamists. BUT ALL the Popes have been STRONG Anti ZIONISTS and STRONG pro Palestinian: from Saint Pius X, to Benedict XV, to Pius IX, to Pius XII (who try very hard to prevent the creation of a "Jewish homeland" in Palestine) to Saint Paul VI to declared the Palestinians as THE PEOPLE of the Holy Land, to Saint John Paul II to Benedict XVI and currently Francis. ALL, ALL of the Popes have been STRONG anti Theodor Helrz Zionist activists. The Israeli government propaganda tries to depict both conflicts, the Universal Civilizational one between Christianity and Radical Islam , the the Territorial one between Zionism and the Palestinian people as one and the Same. but that is a GROSS MISTAKE and just pure Propaganda. Israel DO NOT BELONGS to the Western Christian Civilization and actually only 1% of Israelis are Christians and do accept Jesus as Messiah. Actually the Christians of the Holy Land have ben historically Palestinians. Please STOP the Propaganda and the Straw Man argument. Please read the statements of John Paul II and Saint Paul VI about Palestine. Please read His Beatitude the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem 's statements!!
@jerryslayton2547 Says:
Read Sam Harris's "Letter to A Christian Nation" and other works on religion and especially Islam. Religion, all religions are the problem, Islam is the extreme example.
@mubasilkhan3015 Says:
One of the worst channel on YouTube, the ideology and everything is wrong and dramatic. They love to cherry pick stuff and make a huge cuz of it. You can have your viewpoints which I respect but putting stuff like this is only fueling the hatred and it’s utterly disgusting I remember seeing one of their videos talking about my religion. I was a kid it made me depressed, over time I did my research and turns out I was always right these people were wrong. It’s disgusting, disrespectful and disappointing. You says you believe in American values. I know that it’s not even close to American values.
@charlesnorm4883 Says:
They need to release all the videos recorded by Hamas on October 7th. Pro-Palestinians need to see what their side actually supports. It’s actually ridiculous that we still haven’t seen it, except for a few journalists
@kumar1400 Says:
Looks like our great leader did not waste life fighting against Islam. Otherwise India would have been another islamic country. Still we have rats in our system, but atleast we know their true face now
@OldschoolFlaBoy Says:
I appreciate your videos, but (why can't we all just get along!) Because of three signs satanic powers are about, 1. manipulation2. Intimidation 3. Domination this is the gold of every government that I know of EVERY!
@Shubham_9_9_9_9 Says:
This peoples are producing babies like animal, so they can change demography of democracies by outnumbering other religious groups. Shame for us. We are doing nothing.
@alpharorschach8708 Says:
Comunism is cancer and extremism is a virus. Both are destroying the free world.
@P2Reflectschannel-hh2zl Says:
Important issue but overdramatized presentation. Detracts from PragerU credibility.
@Geva555 Says:
I'm exhausted of this cult... it's so evil, The West ignoring it = allowing it. PLEASE! DO NOT ALLOW IT ANYMORE! it's our lives.. help us, stop siding with Islamic fascism.
@GreenEyedRogue Says:
Islam is coherent, linear and unambiguous. It doesn't ask questions or delve into moral dilemmas. It is by nature fundamentalist, binary. Believers and enemies, no middle ground. The true radicals within Islam are the tolerant peacemakers. They are also apostates and unworthy of mercy according to Sharia. It is the Fundamentalists who are the enemy of the world. We in the West have a responsibility to make and understand this distinction.
@chilldino Says:
shiver me timbers who would have thought that putting your heads into problems that are not yours make people dislike and also stealing their land killing their kids and much more would cause people to not like America. I condemn attacks on innocent people but you guys have to stop being hypocrites and leave the middle east and the Muslim world.
@peejurtica7341 Says:
Let us all give thanks to Mohammed aka Uncle Moe the greatest CULT LEADER in history.
@GodBlessYou1982 Says:
Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do🙏🏼♥️ In Jesus Name I pray🙏🏼🕊️💝
@DraogonStar Says:
Why Just America.... Whole of the world get trouble bcoz Islam.
@keiroty7187 Says:
What 😮when did they allow that teacher in? I’ve seen these protests all the time. It’s BAD no it’s got me mortified
@TheMongoose999 Says:
It is not extremist. It is islam
@jcfc8197 Says:
God’s chosen people are the Jews. Jesus chosen people is everyone who believes in him. Satan’s people are those who believe in Islam, who are rapist, murderers, liars, thieves, pedophiles, who are power hungry.

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