Human Resources
Human Resources



@SargonofAkkad Says:
Come watch me on the podcast:
@swamprats3571 Says:
I think the managers only think of what can be obtained in their lifetime. Beyond their life some think themselves messiahs. Branch manager Soros for example sees his globalist efforts as messianic and himself some kind of grand historical figure
@Unity11_1 Says:
Always thought provoking commentary
@GFortz Says:
Devil''s advocate here: if (and that's a big if) the people brought in were indeed treated as just a resource, which is to say: expected to pull their weight from the moment they're brought in AND severely punished for deviating from the laws and customs of the land, that could work. While the negative aspects of sudden population growth would still be there, like housing prices and service accessibility, that would be a problem separate from immigration itself. Of course, what the UK got instead was bringing people in, giving them incentives against work in government aid and for violence via two-tier policing. The goal, it seems, was not to solve labor issues, but rather to create a client caste to replace the uniparty's failing voter base. Immigration, then, was motivated politically, not economically.
@saa82vik Says:
A human resource is something to be employed; exploited; mined; transformed; traded and ultimately recycled.
@lordscrewtape2897 Says:
" tolerance is the virtue of a man without convictions" G.K. Chesterton..
@Revolutionary1449 Says:
Only Islam can save us
@freeman37 Says:
Zero-sum game.
@carllebeau697 Says:
Fabulous commentary on the current "Zeitgeist" (meaning we are temporally constrained beings). What you've pinpointed is actually the result of Hobbesianism brought to it's absolute end stage conclusion. However, being a methodological Hobbesian myself I regret to concede that "rational individualism" at it's final stage becomes devoid of it's cultural background and brings forth people without identities. As a matter of fact, your basic tenet is deeply Hegelian. It's what he called "Sittlichkeit" which is in essence for culture what the cosmic background radiation is for astronomy. Westen Civilization has lost its sense of culture. Essentially, Western Civilization exists henceforth merely "in time" and has lost its connection to being "of time". Hegel pointed this out very precisely by way that we all will "suffer from vagueness"(Leiden an Unbestimmtheit). His philosophy is "in time" and "of time" (temporally constrained). No wonder that a resurgence of Hegelian thought has emerged in the US in recent years (i.e. Sellars, Brandom, McDowell). You, Carl, release consistently excellent commentaries. Keep up the good work mate! Cheers y'all.
@scorpionjaxxer339 Says:
What do y’all think of Julius evola
@FirstnameLastname-tl1bq Says:
Spengler talks about how cultures that crest the hill into civilization ultimately take what was their greatest strength and run into the ground as it becomes their undoing. For a western liberal civilization like ours, we peaked into greatness when we rallied the average into a meritocratic order that struggled in the name of freedom. Once we secured our freedom, we sought to bind ourselves again, and hold the carrot of freedom out in front of us, so we could eternally chase something forward.
@elcazador3349 Says:
Human Resource Extraction
@CocolinoFan Says:
Is capitalism
@trueblueclue Says:
"Think of the GDP!!!"- The managers
@benjamingriswold2564 Says:
It's nice to see the Sargon channel active again
@englishovals Says:
Brilliant and succint. I'm going to make my 16 year old son watch. Nice to see the Sargon persona rear it's head so regularly again.
@BigPhilsSaws Says:
HR Department outlook: humans are resources that will be exploited to the maximum extent allowable by law.
@TrampyPulsar Says:
Middlemen of jobs is one of the great evils of modern society.
@VideoGameMarimbist Says:
So I guess this raises two questions for me: 1. How do you explain Trump's policies to reduce worker's rights in the US? If he sees people in 3 dimensions then why try to promote a workplace culture that approaches slavery over a culture that respects the rights of individuals. Giving more powers to managers seems counter to your argument. Then again, Trump as a business owner is the ultimate manager of his companies. 2. 97% of the US population immigrated to serve the purposes of managers. Unless you are Native American, you are an immigrant of the US. England sent over settlers to develop the land for the economic purposes of the Crown (in this case the manager). African slaves were immigrated to work on the developed land and serve their managers (white slave owners). Is this not just how Capitalism works? The only way to avoid managers is socialism but I don't see you arguing for that here so you leave me confused given that we are all victims of this supposed problem. I don't disagree that excessive immigration is bad; I just think your argument here has more holes than swiss cheese.
@nintendude794 Says:
Rootless, transnational something-or-other…
@lumeronswift Says:
We're falling back to industrial revolution workspaces, the horror of mass assembly lines
@phoenixprotocol452 Says:
This is gold.
@meetarthur9427 Says:
To have own opinion and face reality is a different things
@Beforeigo-x9v Says:
Left england at 6 cuz crime, immigration and violence. Growing up was like a dream, i had nothing to cling to no community I have no want to serve any community, only to leave if I feel unsafe. I couldnt care about the bigger picture.
@NJBeltCimmerian89 Says:
"Who will serve our coffee in Pret?!"
@Ziguly Says:
What you’re describing are somewhat capable bureaucrats, those we have now either have a malicious intent behind their actions or are completely incompetent.
@YetkhaPakoAson Says:
Its funny how whites who only been in the states and Australia for few centuries now talk about innate and exclusive right of white people be in there.
@whytho1690 Says:
In another charitable take at 8:27, they may not even believe those claims they're making. They just, at all costs, MUST keep the numbers on the sheet balanced, and those attacks are one of the most effective ways of achieving that goal.
@phillipcaldwell8156 Says:
Thanks Sargon for your insight.
@CivilizedWasteland Says:
@guadalupefreyre5900 Says:
4:44 5:48 6:40
@hens0w Says:
@TheTaotheawakenedone Says:
Burracracy is the unelected, hidden hand of the de facto ruling class
@insomnolant6043 Says:
That's not what "nation" means. That's not the definition. You're just wrong. And you're probably lying about it, because you've done enough research that you should have encountered the definition by now.
@proudpolish548 Says:
Really good video!
@jcozyyt Says:
I appreciate you challenging the underlying biases of society, but to what end? Is society better with a monoculture of same-thinking individuals, or is it better with a diversity of human experience? There's good and bad to both sides of the equation, but it seems you are fairly biased towards one
@mjt7231 Says:
Never forget HR’s central job is protecting the employer from the employee. It has nothing to do with protecting the employee. The entire job is doing that which is mandated by law and keeping the employer in compliance with those laws. It has never existed at the benefit of the employee. Its continued expansion is nothing more than a continued barrier to entrance for smaller businesses to compete with entrenched corporations. Those further protecting the employers or in this scenario and the world at large. The board rooms of the largest corporations on the planet. HR is the enforcement arm of these boardrooms.
@Jayremy89 Says:
From everything that I have learned and told and experienced in my life human resources will pretend to be on the worker side and they are not they're merely to defend management and the owners of the company especially from liability and lawsuits. They do not care about you they only pretend to it's a huge lie and only exist due to quotas and DEI nonsense created with policies like affirmative action and equal opportunity employment & and the number of other labor laws. Otherwise corporations would have never done this. People keep acting like this the natural progression of technology capitalism or business and it's not any of it All of this toxic trend in relationship technology by us humans is entirely politically initiated and motivated. A lot of this crap wouldn't exist or be a problem if not for the political left or your typical mainstream democrat types pushing it or causing society to lean that direction from policies and their unintended consequences. People are still even willing to admit how damaging to humans and social peogression intellectual property law is. People refuse to address the perverse incentives that the tax code creates. All behavior is being steered by political influences and unless we address that there is no cure.
@j453 Says:
@andrewmihelich6020 Says:
If you don't believe you have a soul, anything you get in exchange for it seems like a bargain
@patterofheads256 Says:
Thanks for reminding me you have this channel so i could unsub from it. No, I won't be reading replies. I don't care that you care that i have an anime avatar, sorry not sorry.
@jancyraniak4739 Says:
Adolf of Akkad <3
@comentedonakeyboard Says:
Human Resources is the liberal translation of "Menschenmaterial"
@youBrakeIHonk Says:
I love this channel
@DancingEagle Says:
They know exactly what they are doing and why. Sorry but the truth is much darker than how you are portraying it.
@60sSam Says:
There is a reason that "The Sims" switched away from being a city builder where, when you decided you were done, you could destroy that which you had created. Now it focuses on the lives and the drama of pseudo-individuals. That type of "detail" is what managers and HR departments want, and they want to treat the employees as Sims that can be manipulated, enjoyed and then ultimately disposed of when no longer deemed useful.
@brjohow Says:
borders language culture. cultures boundaries customs.
@PAGrunt Says:
00:7:10 This thinking relies on these new immigrants being ok with becoming tax chattle to cover the expenses of the elderlies pensions and other liabilities...if they become net taxpayers, and not also net collectors.
@stephenclements6158 Says:
This is good.
@amongstgreatdanes580 Says:
HR departments are the tick of the business world created by liberal lawyers sucking the life blood out of and poisoning our corporations.

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