Perfect timing of the HAARP experiment they conducted from may 8th to 10th.
@Dubs22005 Says:
not everything has to be a conspiracy
this is simply a direct result of Turddough's administration cutting on controlled burns
the funny part? they cut it to meet yearly carbon offset quotas
we had a way to prevent getting wildfires this big. they just cut it in the name of muh environment.
@kabrown3824 Says:
I'm sure in protest against Alberta going against grain will see lots fire. God this reporter excaurates lol
@kabrown3824 Says:
Was man made.. it lasted day get facts right.
@KeystoneCapper Says:
"Worst ever arson" I fixed your reporting for you.
@wolfgangchristianharings6256 Says:
Kein Mensch verliert eine Träne über diese Form des Artensterbens kein Mensch trauert über die Millionen und Abermillionen Küken die bei lebendigem Leib in den Nestern verbrennen.
@FflopsNtanktops Says:
The Arson season here again!!!!
@edwardcarberry1095 Says:
Well if you want to know what they have PLANNED FOR EWEOU'S , LEARN WHAT HAS BEEN GOING ON IN CALIFORNIA .
now just follow along like good minions.
@Monnies4me Says:
What’s the carbon tax for?
@mirakrehuaz4954 Says:
Karma catching up
@travishanes8485 Says:
Its all the smoke drake wanted from kendrick
@rayl8298 Says:
Looks like the climate activists/arsonists are starting early this year