Ep. 339 — Genocide, Apartheid, and the Cheapening of Words | Fireside Chat
Ep. 339 — Genocide, Apartheid, and the Cheapening of Words | Fireside Chat



@EbluestarE Says:
Prager, why not address the accusations? Instead the video focuses on rhetoric… btw Israel is an apartheid state. You’re wrong
@ThatOne77 Says:
I do wish there was a concerted effort to debunk every meme and video online that claims IDF is doing this or that.
@JH-rk9gd Says:
My wife is from Iran and lived in Haifa, she wishes the accusations were true
@AlanRoehrich9651 Says:
Leftists attempt to redefine words in order to support their evil, twisted agenda.
@ramstrong1961 Says:
You, MSNBC and most of the mainstream media are right but the UN, the ICC and the University students in US, Canada, France, UK, Germany ... Are all wrong. What's wrong with that picture.
@barneydenstad2148 Says:
Re pro-palestinian playing with words. A variation today is to have a counterweigh with Israeli accusations, feks from 7 / 10. . 1. Rape. Which Hamas did much 7 / 10. Israel had done many shady things to palestinians, but rape doesnt seems be any of it. But now, I heard a demand UN analyses how it was about IDF killings and rapeing... 2. We know all Hamas did many terrible things 7 / 10, aside of rapes; not least to children there. (I suppose they were sky high on drugs or adrenaline?). So now they have come with their own accusations: These provisorical graves around war hospitals, did contained lotsa of naked, bound and tortured children... Which is of course bs. Provisorical burials, of course they were there. Common enough in war hospitals... But tortured children and women, IF anybody did thus - it was surely Hamas. We know Hamas can be horrible to their political opponents. And IF IDF did such evil deeds, they wouldnt leave them in local graves to be found... They would either tidy up the bodies - or take the bodies out to bury in the desert... But Hamas wouldnt bother, as they work with terror as one of their weapons.
@myrrhbear Says:
I came to this video because I thought this was going to be a helpful defence of the horrifying lies and hatred aimed at Israel. I fully expected this video to be a positive light. I fully believe the intent is positive, but a) dragging in other extremely widespread and deeply held beliefs, like being trans, means anyone who holds those beliefs will immediately be turned off by this video and no help for Israel will be achieved. b) fixating on the political polarisation argument, this force that already divides half the country in vitriol against the other, is also destructive and will obviously turn off a massive number of people, given that about half the country (including about half of our fellow Jews) votes left wing. To be clear, yes, there is a predominance of the anti-Israel and pro-Arab narrative on the left side of the political spectrum, BUT and crucially, that is not because the left hates Israel! It's because the left fixates on championing compassion and equality and abhors the idea of cruelty, AND the Arab PR war for decades, which has targetted specifically this attitude of empathy and justice has been successful in swaying the narrative in those circles. HOWEVER, this is not due to any less intelligence or any less good will, and it is most definitely not some mystical hatred for Jews - rather, it's honest and intelligent good will being warped and manipulated by the Arabs who want Israel destroyed. By viewing all of our left wing fellow people as our enemy we are giving the Arabs who wants us dead a DOUBLE victory. Not only can they do savage terror against us with impunity, but we, the Jewish people, will reject our own allies, seeing them as our enemy. In order to repair the view of those who have been turned against us, we need to BEGIN by believing in them as being the same as ourselves - as smart, and good-hearted, and seeking the very values we who treasure the Torah hold most dear: going out of one's way to be good to each other, seeking justice, doing kindness, and compassion - tzedek, mishpat, chesed, and rachamim. From the standpoint of belief in and identification with each other we can then shed light on the weaponized lies aimed at Israel, and begin to repair the damage done. Like Rebbe Nachman says - if you believe you can break, believe you can fix. Or as with R. Akiva - even if someone is stubborn and resistant like rock, the water that keeps dripping, bit by bit can wear away at the stone. And as the sages said - it's not for us to complete the task, nor is it for us to desist from it. Or as you pointed out yourself - people are strongly swayed by anything that is repeated enough. We can't control the situation - it's not in our hands, it's in G-d's - all we can do is our little part. The lies against Israel need to be brought into the light and repaired. We need to foster an attitude of belief in and respect for the people whose minds we aim to change.
@abdulrahmmanabbad1723 Says:
4:30 you forgot to add the word anti-Semitism in
@MrKnowItAll2024 Says:
5.5M killed in Congo: 🥱 500K killed in Syria: 🥱 500K killed in Sudan: 🥱 400K killed in Yemen: 🥱 300K killed in Iraq: 🥱 250K killed Afghanistan: 🥱 20K killed in Gaza: GENOCIDE!!! No Jews, no news. You care about Gaza only because of your antisemitism.
@Danilo44 Says:
Israël is one big lie to begin with. So how evil will that be? Greetings from Europe
@Bobknowsthecraic Says:
I am a fan of your channel and I agree with most of your points but there is a lot of confusion about Zionism. The following is why millions of people across the world are outraged and are protesting, perhaps if you address these points it might be productive: A mass shooting at a music festival is always a terribly sad and troubling thing and the people responsible should obviously be arrested and punished accordingly, but please understand that it is confusing for people that there still hasn't been any proof brought forward that babies were murdered on October 7 and some Israeli officials have stated that there were no babies murdered and have admitted that they had a military helicopter in the air that was responsible for "accidentally" shooting Israeli civilians in friendly fire. This is puzzling... It is also puzzling for people, why Israel decided to have a music festival next to a concentration camp where there were known terrorists inside and despite it being one of the most heavily militarized zones in the world, Israel seemed to have removed their defenses during the festival long enough to allow those terrorists to bring hostages back into the concentration camp unopposed. Out of revenge, the concentration camp received one of the most devastating bombardments in history and thousands of innocent children were blown to bits, killing thousands and leaving hundreds of thousands badly injured and without any hope, hundreds of journalists and aid workers were murdered so they wouldn't be able to tell the story, the hospitals and ambulances were attacked so they couldn't help and when patients resorted to using tents instead, bulldozers came in and buried those people alive inside the tents (a particularly troubling and difficult video to watch). Despite Israel shutting off all food, water, electricity, and internet in Gaza and the place now being all dust and rubble, the people still managed to document some of this in videos and thankfully got them online for many to see but it seems the algorithm has kept these horrific scenes away from many Americans, however, the evidence can still be found with some effort and I encourage everyone to do their own investigating. I'm not taking sides here, I'm like most normal sane people and I am against all forms of oppression, aggression, and violence. I admire the good non-extremist Jewish community and I have Jewish friends(who are against Zionism) but as you seem to have a clear understanding of this topic, can you please help explain some things to us? 1. Why would any moral and sane human being consider the appropriate response to a mass shooting and kidnapping to be the complete destruction of a city and the collective punishment of all of its citizens? 2. Do you think this approach is effective and is it something that you believe would work elsewhere such as after the many mass shootings in America? 3. Why do you think that Israel has refused to give any solid evidence of most of what they claimed? 4. Is it at all concerning to you that extremely radical individuals who were known to their own people as being psychotic in the past, some of whom have stated that they believe most humans are animals and deserve death, have gained power in a government that has one of the most heavily armed military in the world including nukes and are actively training Ai to find targets on its own? 5. Where are all the billions of dollars going exactly and could that money be spent more positively and productively? 6. Do you consider it to be ok to murder journalists and aid workers and block, outside humanitarian intervention or investigation by neutral organizations and when is that justifiable? 7. Do you think that a heavy-handed, "fight fire with fire", approach to terrorism is effective and if so why does it seem to always lead to an increase in extremism, terrorism, and instability, not a decrease? 8. Isn't it problematic to assume that because a group including "young people" has believed a lie in the past then another totally unrelated group is also believing a lie simply because they also include "young people"? Wouldn't it be more effective to look at the administration that is spreading and promoting the lie and be cautious that more of what they say might be lies? 9. Do you think that Israel's behavior over the last 75 years is good for the Jewish people or for humanity for that matter, is it going to benefit anyone in any way and how? 10. Weren't Jewish and Muslim communities living relatively peacefully together in Palestine before Zionism and didn't Muslims welcome many Jews initially after WW2? And isn't the idea of Zionism in conflict with the teachings of Judaism? I look forward to learning your perspective on this. Thanks!
@redblaze8700 Says:
So PragerU are removing comments that are too critical of Israel. So much for those who claims to be for freedom of speach and against censorship.
@fanman12 Says:
describing liberalism
@rudynegrete5658 Says:
Dennis proven himself to be intellectually dishonest. Talk about cheapening of words, how about cheapening words "moral equivalency" "Moral equivalence" Dennis used words as a polemic term-of-retort to "moral relativism" in the case of Israel/Palestinian conflict. Term is used to deny that a moral comparison can be made of two sides in conflict.
@androcracy Says:
God bless you Dennis! God Bless Israel in Jesus name. We resist all the fake Christians & liars who pretend to love Jesus but hate Israel. If that is you… you need to read your bible!
@Letsplay222 Says:
It is an Apartheid state. There are 5 million Palestinians without rights living within Israel's borders. If you want to say, "they aren't Israeli" ok fine, then give them their own state. And when I say "give them their own state" I mean not some demilitarized, economically crippled, Swiss cheese-geographied state that is always beholden to Israel.
@jackcarraway4707 Says:
The burglar justifies his crime.
@williamoverton7775 Says:
I hate to play devils advocate, but Antisemitism is a phrase loosing meaning because of it's liberalism. technically not all of it is bad. if a Jewish person tries to pick your pocket and you stop them technically that's antisemitic. that's a problem because Jewish people want too much compliance sometimes. like I said some antisemitism is a good thing. that is why it is such an overused description of Jewish problems and makes an accusatory suggestion that might not be applicable. that said it perfectly describes current political attitudes
@rudyv3129 Says:
Religious apartheid is what conservatives in the US want. It's a damn shame.
@BenjaminThomas-me3nm Says:
South Africa has become a third world hell since the end of apartheid
@danielhopkins296 Says:
Dennis quickly brishes iver his phrase " mass murder incident"
@danielhopkins296 Says:
Dennis Isareal shill
@lustforlow-end6022 Says:
I’m amazed by how many times I’ve heard that Israel is an apartheid state. The truth is that it’s the only place in that region that isn’t an apartheid state!!
@DerekJones Says:
I'm sorry but Dave Smith is not anti Israel, nor is he anti semitic. Keep the critique in perspective for people.
@yingyifan7851 Says:
Thanks for teaching, analysis and sharing. ❤
@yingyifan7851 Says:
I'm learning and know how they lie...
@charlesmcgregor1579 Says:
@empathyworks8890 Says:
A gag order on Candace is NOT winning hearts and minds.
@francispitts9440 Says:
It’s not far fetched that they would remove you. They are currently doing it.
@jamesmurphy1389 Says:
Given that we must choose our words wisely, what word might be chosen for the razing of an entire region resulting in the deaths of thousands of women and children, Dennis? - Charity? Your adoption of a ‘my country right or wrong’ attitude is truly mystifying to those of us who have admired your powers of objectivity. Gaza is a nightmare from which I fear Israel’s reputation will never wake.
@justincase1919 Says:
Racism is stupid, but not evil.
@jeffreybaker7406 Says:
God bless you for all you do!
@Pattern_Noticer Says:
How could it possibly be the most moral army when they drop 320 foot kill zone bombs on areas where they previously told civilians to flee to. The excuse of there are some terrorists hiding among them doesn't fly. We don't take down an entire apartment building because a gang has several members housed there.
@GrandFunker Says:
It's not "anti-Israel" It's anti-humanity
@stinger4712 Says:
No word has been cheapened more than antisemitic and antisemitism.
Christ Is King
@TorontoJon Says:
As someone who lived in South Africa during part of the 70's and part of the 80's during Apartheid, I can attest that Israel is NOT, repeat NOT, an "apartheid state", but practically every Muslim country is given how badly non-Muslims are treated, oppressed, persecuted, and forced to pay a jizya tax for not being Muslims.
@incarau Says:
Is Massive Masacre because all those Mothers and Children that have been kill were innocent, they didn’t have arms, Also, is a BIG REVENGE, Israel security fail 100% fail shamefully. The Jewish people are not Christians. They are still living the Mosaic Law. So, they don’t know the Scriptures (Exodus 20:13)
@joebauers8031 Says:
You mean Israel First
@joebauers8031 Says:
“Cheapening of words” eh? You mean like “antisemitism?”
@merlinwizard1000 Says:
17th, 2 May 2024
@toniwhy8415 Says:
I follow the Word of God, I bless the Israelites if they are good in God’s eyes, if they sin against God, God will Judge. The current state is men made, not from God. Stop saying the lies, look at the individual action are crime, God will judge, look at the time of King David, God will bring peace to his time, when you are sinning against God, God will bring Wars to you. You are a lair, pray in front of God and tell God they are doing the right things. Hope God can open your eyes to have a self insight you are lying and sinning against God. Repent!
@TexasWildcat Says:
when gaza elected leadership they built tunnels instead of water plants, rockets instead houses, ammunition, underground factories instead of electric plants, what did they expect? Elections and actions have consequences.🤬
@TexasWildcat Says:
Trust me, if a country attacks the US, these countries actions would be devastating to our country, especially being caught off guard! Eveyone pays for the stupid actions of others and they will suffer the consequences!!🤔🙄😭😭
@Amyella1 Says:
Do unto others as you would have done unto you
@freemyboitrump Says:

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