Trump Gets HUMILIATED By MSNBC Host In EPIC Takedown!
Trump Gets HUMILIATED By MSNBC Host In EPIC Takedown!



@jordazford Says:
This has got to be like satire right? I have read the comments and I swear they are all bots or people with brain rot. There was not one fact spoken in the entire video, just the fact how Donald Trump looks and called him a liar over and over again. Not a trunk supporter myself but this is total garbage...
@horselady4tn Says:
This is too much drama from MSNBC. If they could ever stop lying. Oh, and Harry, you got called out about your lies on live video. 😂😂
@kelleyjudge8866 Says:
He looks like a Dead Man Walking 😮
@kelleyjudge8866 Says:
I don’t know how he even has a lawyer since he can’t afford them.
@bcatblues725 Says:
Oh heck yea. 👍 I just wish it was televised. I would love to hear what stormy has to say, and what they will ask her. Ty Lawrence.
@Claudinemichotte Says:
Oui répugnant !!!!!!
@fliptis1 Says:
@progressforward Says:
You are so right
@rodlamont3736 Says:
Absolutely awesome take down !!!! Thank you Mr O'Donnell !!! THE TRUTH....THE WHOLE TRUTH...AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH !!!! THANK YOU !!!
@tammytownsend5460 Says:
I saw that last night lol😮😂😂
@michealnagy5763 Says:
The only one that got Humiliated is the Democrats and MSNBC. Trump 2024!
@HelenRobertson-el9th Says:
Is that brown shoe 👞 polish on his face 😂😂😂 Guilty
@FamilyDraggee Says:
It is so refreshing to hear/see a young generation adult speak full honest facts about our ex-president Donald Trump!! 100% FACTS !!! Thank You Harry Sisson..
@michaeldrew2998 Says:
@michaeldrew2998 Says:
@arvidbeuchert4012 Says:
donald trump? naw ! his name is tiny.
@teresastory111 Says:
And yet his followers are just fine with the lies. If I live to be 100 I won’t ever understand it.
@douglaidlaw740 Says:
Humiliated <> arrested!
@connybartels2207 Says:
@paull3951 Says:
😂😂😂 Laurence
@howardriach7782 Says:
Brilliant, Clowns manage their makeup better!!!!!!🐀🐀🐀🐀
@debgrant8776 Says:
My popcorn is ready for Court! It's great cuz it's not my a$$ on the line and we all been waiting for this for years now. There's no way he should avoid jail time in this Case. Praying the Jury sees it the same way, based on current known evidence. #VoteBiden2024 🇺🇸
@louisapurcell7543 Says:
Why do Trump’s recent photos look like a bad oil painting???
@democracy.loveusa22 Says:
What happened to the orange makeup? Why's this guy trying to hide he real color and how old he is . That he has to wear a clown mask. Trump is so ashamed of what he sees in the mirror . Just like Michael Jackson song the man in the mirror? Trump seeing him self as 👿!
@colleenstevenson6155 Says:
Today Trump said he will walk into the courtroom with confidence because he knows he has 200,000,000 people supporting him 😂😂
@justinferrari1151 Says:
All of you pro Obiden fans sound alike ," I JUST HATE HIM , THATS ALL IT IS.
@justinferrari1151 Says:
Just terrible. This is how you think Obiden is doing a marvelous job, because you paint a picture of him and say terr😂things about him. You think people are stupid. Does any one think America is better off with Obiden in ?
@joeelwell162 Says:
hes FOUL
@joeelwell162 Says:
as a entitled person hes never been told told CADET BONE SPURS TO AVOID VIETNAM
@joeelwell162 Says:
as stormie says his d i c k is a lie
@shelbell9013 Says:
I do love Lawrence O'Donnell ❤️
@shelbell9013 Says:
And smelling.
@AliasMark69 Says:
REALITY.... TRUMP WILL BE PRESIDENT AGAIN IN 2025... Nothing they on the left can say or do to stop that from happening.
@punisher8455 Says:
Trumps next plan is clear the courtroom,, crapping himself. 💩💩💩💩
@johnbryant6999 Says:
How did Donald Trump get humiliated by Larry O'Donnell . Trump would never appear on his low rated show. Oh you mean larry rambled on to his self . Trump would school larry face to face. Look at this guys face, he looks like a bird with that big beak .
@lisatreloar6302 Says:
@carmend.1924 Says:
I can already “feel” and “smell” the “vibe” in the courtroom 🥴😵‍💫😷🤢🤮
@AngeloCasale-hk8un Says:
Best wishes kid. Perhaps I'll visit u again.
@AngeloCasale-hk8un Says:
Hey kid, it was just that . Now I must delete the trump add. Ok , where was I?
@jackiewalton4876 Says:
You just know tRUMP will not sit quietly; he can't help himself. He will most likely scream out.
@rmyAddison Says:
It will be torture for Trump to sit in court and hear the evidence against him. He will either explode or insist he testify, and make things 100% worse starting with perjury. Throw a fit or perjure with testimony, he will make things worse...........can't wait !~!~!
@brutus85vette Says:
'that "stuff" he slaps on his face"; so perfect a description. Strap in people. His daily "brief/debrief" coming and going in the courthouse has worn out of any press coverage!!
@victorialawhon2251 Says:
Thank you for pointing out his weird pink ears!!
@paulcampbell9618 Says:
trump has chosen to be a fasaud his whole life . a wolf in sheeps clothing and those whom have been deceived by him are lead to the slaughter. Oh its coming
@jefferythibodeaux9676 Says:
TRAITOR TRump said 200 million people support him in his criminal trial lmaorof.
@fernandorafael815 Says:
I’m a Latino man, first time I saw something very interesting, keep going young man👍🏼👍🏼
@scottflues9442 Says:
Once again, he's probably too stupid to know that showing your a** And court like An alpha baboon, only you in deeper a juror in my town gets $12 a day. So it really is a patriotic duty for a juror just sit through a trial. I have a feeling when he walked out during the final statements of the gene Carol trial, the jury said. Oh yeah. We're gonna show you and I think I'll be more of this so a guy. Who does this smart enough to be president And should have absolute immunity dear god
@alanroyal9230 Says:
he must use gravy browing on his face
@alanroyal9230 Says:
regarding trumps smell,would brain fever and an STD CAUSE HIM TO ROT,if yes then he hasnt got much longer to go
@joepilbeam4722 Says:
The jury will see the same clownish buffoon idiot he's always been.

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