The Sacred Capitol
The Sacred Capitol



@SargonofAkkad Says:
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@simhthmss Says:
I view this as an impromptu guided tour.
@whitneyANDbunny Says:
It's funny watching the inside of the capital building that day shows essentially what shit-posters and pepe meme extremists would do if they gathered for a protest.. Take selfies and shit post.. Its so bizarre how easily J6 was framed by the media for the majority of the world population as being on par with America's Civil War.
@pathfinderlight Says:
To put this in perspective, Democrats don't view the capitol building as sacred. For example, the way Democrats stormed the TN capitol building during the special session of Congress was scarier AND more repugnant, with them literally calling their opponents Fascists. Out of every ten protests, nine are organized by democrats. The Jan 6th protest event was neither the largest, nor most violent protest seen this century, yet is being held out as somehow unique. For those of you who don't know, American Democrats are basically Communists. Their Marxist religion holds only their own power sacred, which shows you how much control they think they have over the American Government.
@cavemanjoe79 Says:
I always thought that being in American made us unique in the fact that if a foreign invader did burn down or destroy our capital is wasn’t a big deal, since we have fifty one capitals in total, so essentially a foreign invasion would have to take out all fifty one capitals at once in order to be effective.
@midgetydeath Says:
“Protest that developed into a riot”. No, it isn’t. It’s solely a protest. There was no rioting. Not on the videos before the security footage was released and not on the security videos. I don’t know why you’re pretending otherwise. A handful of individuals possibly causing damage to a few windows is not a riot (and there is evidence those might have been plants and not protestors). Government agents on video grabbing people and forcing them into the building is not a riot. Security opening the doors and waving people in is not a riot. Wandering around like tourists and even mostly respecting the roped cordon routes is not a riot.
@nichande Says:
To be fair to Locke he didn’t think the state of nature was solitary. There is natural parental authority but a different kind than Filmer’s which he used to critique Patriarcha. The idea of a state of nature had already come into use by Jesuit and protestant natural law thinkers like Suarez and Grotius before Hobbes. Locke used it to justify Whig principles of limited monarchy unlike more radical Whigs like Algernon Sidney *who was probably more influential in America. Btw the same arguments can and were used for or against republican governments not just liberalism.
@UnexpectedWonder Says:
Very well said, Brother. 👊👊✊✊👏👏👌👌
@refugeguy777 Says:
One of the greatest ironies of the Gettysburg Address is the Lincoln treated the entire war, in that statement, as if he, and the northern states, were being tyrannized and were fighting for a government established by consent. Instead, they were fighting to prevent the southern states from seceding from the Union. They were, in fact, tyrannizing the southern states by not allowing them to throw off such chains and provide new guards for their future security. They did not consent to being governed by the Union any longer.
@jill3n Says:
The democrats want to tear down the founding of this country while simultaneously treating it as a whole place where they’ll legislate their “morality.”
@TeaRiker Says:
If BLM Protestors stormed the capitol after a decisive Trump victory, Sargon of Akkad would have lost his mind as hard as the meteor that killed the dinosaurs
@jpmzo Says:
You assume that the democrats actually mean what they say. 😂
@NoName-hg6cc Says:
In other videos you dare to talk about fascism, here you grasp at straws to justify what happened at the capitol? Or to justify English jackboots on foreign soil?😂😂😂 Seriously, nothing spell hypocrisy like an Englishman
Have you deleted videos? There’s only 16 on your channel?
It’s a “synagogue of satan” to quote the bible
WOW… I’m a subscriber to you for years and haven’t had you come up in my suggestions on the homepage for AGES… I assumed you’d stopped making videos but it’s likely YouTube are suppressing you…
@PAGrunt Says:
There’s nothing sacred about that building. Thats propaganda. Drugs, sex (including gay sex in the Senate), backdoor deals for power and money, ect. Jan 6th was a planned and coordinated PsyOp. The people that entered that building when they opened the doors, and moved the barricades walked right into an optics trap that the Uniparty has used to maximum effect to retain their power and positions. They certainly don’t talk like this when the p#ssy hats, BLM, Palestinian supporters and others have barged in there, and protested. Because they too are PsyOps.
@AOR-og5rf Says:
Two people were killed on Jan 6th. Learn more.
@TheGamerZapocalypse Says:
...MAGA/Magus is the Fifth Degree in The Church Of Satan... Curiously, it's also the campaign slogan for Trump, meaning "Make America Great Again"...
@DavidBirchler Says:
We are to consider ourselves ruled by law, not by men. There is some religiosity when it comes to the law though. Ever notice a lawyer acting the preacher?
@Hellwolf36 Says:
I saw Jan 6th more of a protest gone wrong than an insurrection. When you saw the CCTV footage, things truly revealed itself. The Dems want to act like high and mighty protectors of Democracy, but only if it either benefits them or they are in charge.
@1mag1nat1vename Says:
The Democrats are proving that they aren't just tyrants, they are an idolatrous cult
@zombieGI Says:
Sargon plating the british flag in the ruins of the capitol. wearing space marine armour in british color pattern
@blazinpuffs Says:
Fuck Congress.
@silver2therescue1 Says:
oh so a bunch of MAGA people walking around on "sacred ground" is not okay but two gay guys having sex on "sacred ground" that are Democrats is totally okay
@nikolibarastov4487 Says:
There are 2 kinds of people (broadly) whom wish to imbue the Government with it's own Breath of Life, and Divinity which they knowingly or not wish to steal from God Almighty. Marxists, and Fascists.
@ed0c Says:
the people own the building. not politicians
@_Devil Says:
Before 2021, the Democrats saw the Capitol (and subsequently the White House) as a dilapidated building full of corrupted Fascists who seek to permanently occupy the United States. But the second they gained sole power in January, suddenly both sites were Holy Temples where only Gods chosen candidates can enter and fully appreciate.
@Mr.McWatson Says:
AOC might literally be mentally handicapped, if she thinks J6th is what an "all out attempted coup" looks like
@twiggledy5547 Says:
When they taught us history we learned more about World Trade Center on 9/11 than the War of 1812. Y'know when DC got sacked and the Whitehouse burned Shows you what we value more
@qazmatron Says:
Your "work" is atrocity. What is your lie factory doing in my feed? The Russians here bless your lies.
@HaloWolf102 Says:
I like how the BLM protestors who set fire to a church near the capitol days before January 6th went under the radar, and literally no one knows anything about it. If you try to get information on it. It says the Proud Boys set fire to the church. However if that was true. Wouldn't you think it would be all over the news?
@Sweetness71775 Says:
Government is a religion and far more dangerous than any other religion could ever hope to be.
@oogaboogalou4521 Says:
This made my American heart swell with pride (also might be the cholesterol😂). Excuse me if I return to this on every patriotic holiday.
@hehheh382 Says:
Pay mind also, carl, to rhe massive ramp up in the term "cope" , which never saw use before, immediately after the night of November 8 2020.
@theastralarchive9594 Says:
@Subvisual Says:
a blood sacrifice on the sacred alter
@supercoolsunday Says:
If it's considered "sacred", then Satan is their god.
@Hexensohn Says:
I don't view government buildings as any more sacred than someone's private homestead.
@charlesvan13 Says:
There were many lies spread by the Democrats and media. 1) Protesters defecated and spread it around. --false. It was a rainy Jan. day. They tracked mud into the building. 2) Officers died. --false. 4 protesters died, two by police violence, and 2 from heart attacks from flash-bang grenades thrown into the protest mob. Off. Sicknick died of an unrelated stroke, which had nothing to do with any trauma, which he did not experience. 3) The Congressional meeting was adjourned because of the violence. --false. It was adjourned because of the (fake) pipe bombs discovered at the DNC and RNC. Recently released video shows the police completely unconcerned for their safety when they found the devices. They were also unconcerned with children walking close by. An FBI investigator tracked the suspect to a car in VA registered to a Navy officer. And the FBI did not permit the investigator to follow the lead.
@killermonjero Says:
Well, Lincoln was also a statist.
@constantlycorrect8550 Says:
News Flash: the monsters in the US government do not have the people's best interest ay heart. Um. Yeah. No shit. They've overthrown the government, and are actively waging war on white people. know.... The fucking people that are actually holding the country together.
@grinningtiki220 Says:
It became sacred to them when it was consecrated with sanguis that day and a man wearing horns and covered in pagan symbols lead a prayer.
@wyntr1903 Says:
I couldn't have worded it better myself. What man builds to serve God is holy, not what serves man. It's this mixing of politics and religious language (and to a greater extent zealotrous ferver) that is terrifying. Funny enough, that's exactly what Super Earth is, the deification of a political system and those who operate it.
@gcwyatt Says:
It's irksome that Sargon, a Brit, has a better grasp on the nature of Americanism than the Democrat legislators.
@anthonydavis5826 Says:
These politicians defile the supposedly sacred temple of the Capitol with every action they take, so they honestly have no room to complain about those who decide to march against them on those hallowed grounds.
@robertortiz-wilson1588 Says:
Well said.
@weareharbinger914 Says:
Sacred, but if someone has sex in the chambers, thats totally fine, even when theres video. Really though they just use this language to try and convince people they don't hate the country and want to destroy it. So they adopt pseudo nationalistic rhetoric.
@AbsoluteDakka Says:
The PURPOSE of ALL government must be: "To Protect and Promote the *shared* interest of the citizens." No more, and absolutely no less.
@colinmallery50 Says:
I’m supposed to believe The same mfs that have demonized being patriotic for the past decade or so suddenly cares about an “”insurrection””

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