Hezbollah vows revenge | Biden's West Asia peace push | WION World DNA
Hezbollah vows revenge | Biden's West Asia peace push | WION World DNA



@orientalmagitheartofninku7888 Says:
We will soon see the destruction of Adam by the War of Armageddon!!!! I say unto you after Adam is no more in Israel then the Israelites will RETURN!!!!
@googlespynetwork Says:
Israel is beligerant.
@Isaac-v1y Says:
Will you say that you don’t have people anywhere?
@imme1901 Says:
The us is using Israel to fight the biggest proxy wars in Asia right now and seeing that the US claims its protecting its interest and allies then Moscow needs to protect its allies a d interest too.
@coldspirit9904 Says:
look at palestine looking up in the sky not for "allah"...not for their arabic islamic brothers in other regions...but "the usa" to feed them...their children are eating grass....lmao...mind you...arabs were the biggest slave traders at one time....even the negroes suffered under them as well as the africans during the slave trade....joel 3rd chapter is in effect homies..
@coldspirit9904 Says:
iran doesn't care about hamas or hezbollah...they just using them to weaken or attack israel...when hamas and hezbollah are attacked by israel...iran does nothing...the arabs need to wake up to this fact that iran is their enemy as well
@سعيدهعبدالله-ف1ك Says:
من حق الشعب الفلسطيني ان تكون له دولة ووطن فهم أصحاب الارض من البدايه وحصارهم ومعاملتهم على أنهم عبيد هو مادفعهم للمطالبة بحقوقهم والمقاتلة من أجلها هم يطالبون باخراج المعتقلين منهم وتركهم وشانهم لاقامة دولتهم وهذا ابسط حقوقهم امر الله بني اسرائيل ان يسكنو الارض ولم يامرهم ان يتملكوها فبدل الذين ظلموا منهم قولا غير الذي قيل لهم فقالو أمرنا تملكها وهذا عكس ما هو موجود فى التوراة وهو السبب وراء احتلال الإسرائيليين للأرض الفلسطينيين واخذها بالقوة بدون حق وينسبون ذلك التعدي إلى الله عز وجل والله برئ منهم ومن افعالهم التي يفعلونها باسمه
@aloiforetz5939 Says:
Iran is worried about US and millions Iranians if Israel strike back
@ppj228 Says:
This man barks more than he bites...
@SisinioBasbas-qt1bx Says:
The action of US and the fear of Iran retaliation is just the same of Israel, meaning US has guilt to the attact of Iran embassy, therefore US is behind of the attack.
@RayanSdeo Says:
Iran was joyed over october 7 Why iran dont send food as they send weaponds now Iran is using human sheilds
@AmadoMorante-sb5jr Says:
Just imagine when this Iranian Ayatollahs will get hold the nuclear weapon, what then?
@nelsonalibasa4486 Says:
excuse me 75 yrs of israel crimes no UN,resolution comply until now.
@perkoshapes Says:
So much blue yellow banner background colours
@ponybgd Says:
and why do your NEWS outlet always interviews the aggressor not the one being bullied. Americans think the world belongs to them.
@ponybgd Says:
the USA tried already for years to get into Iran, to bomb them but without being an aggressor in the eyes of public. they tried and now they have a great reason, to "protect" Israel dipping the whole World's population into the horrors of war. what I don't get is how do we, the people allow this to happen??? don't we realise that the whole World is one unit where we live??? destroying that unit we are basically committing suicide.
@afroexcobazz1 Says:
All I see is the whole world united in surport of Islamic terrorism
@noecadavona1862 Says:
Israel is prepared to make war with Iran for a long time.😂
@afroexcobazz1 Says:
Laughing my ass out.... Isreal just set a trap and you will definitely fall into it and get your ass woop.
@admiraladmiralsky9989 Says:
Proteste helfen nicht, man muss kämpfen gehen. So wie israel atakieren tut das gleiche zurück
@admiraladmiralsky9989 Says:
Amerikanische Präsident hat viel zu lachen, keiner stirbt von Amerika
@limeleaf414 Says:
Yeah, that's right about it...This time the U.S. should stay out of Israel's and Iran's business. This time the U.S. should take good care itself and its own citizens first. This time the U.S. should try to take care of its own complicated problems somewhere else first before trying to solve Israel's and Iran's problems. This time the U.S. should not try to stir up the red ant' nest.
@The-Man-Right-Chea Says:
So is he saying that its ok for a country to kill any American Generals or High ranking military officials? He acts like its no big deal that izreal took out Iran top military commander
@Useryr-m8q Says:
God will not forgive Gazan (so called plastilin) actions spanning over a century, especially not those appalling deeds committed on and after October 7th.
@eplmait3409 Says:
where is putin why so quite,
@digitaitradingassistant Says:
your Tv should invite more educated guests.first of all iranian population over 95 % Are not considering israel as enemy.only iranian regime is enemy of the israel.Even last month for internal election in iran,only 5% of the population participated.The iranian Regime Occupied Iran And iranian Population Are Hostage To this Barberic Regime.
@Tlee-pf4vv Says:
Too much noise with no action
@cleridon6338 Says:
Iran beg the big boss to step aside y’all think U.S is walk over
@chuthao6303 Says:
@svakalawa92 Says:
Too much talking 😂
@andujarpain2629 Says:
India is no well served by having american liars on your show. Instead, you should invite retired Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, who will tell you the truth and has 50 years experience. Not on the payroll of the defense industry.
@thembikhayajaxa5578 Says:
David is taking nonsense 😂
@thembikhayajaxa5578 Says:
Why Syria is quite 😂😂
@FranciscoArabaca-rr5wd Says:
can you not take hassan hasrallah?
@murathurunaharun9654 Says:
Why can't US force Israel to agree with Hamas.why is US forcing Egypt and QATAR to force Hamas leader to agree with ceasefire.but US is still adding Israel weapons. US your traitors and evil in this world
@edwardyetemian8474 Says:
An empty talk and warning by Iran ,they are unable to do any killing.
@edwardyetemian8474 Says:
Are you serious this time or another speech and hoax ,a tough talk by Iran ,and more killings by Israel.
@edwardyetemian8474 Says:
Donations for poor Palestinians and their little children ,Yael make contributions for Palestinian children.
@EarlFrans-s4m Says:
Shame on you WION, You talk about but don't condemn these attacks
@johnuwa9852 Says:
But is it not time for Guttierez to resign or another election held for a replacement of this inconvenient dullard ...?
@johnuwa9852 Says:
But why is BIDEN begging and appeasing Hamas ? Is it because of his election or his senility. ??
@MuawuyaHaruna Says:
Whoever Iran kill in USA embassy America will not allow it to go free so why Iran will allow it to go free
@alvA-ni2jn Says:
@helenge9279 Says:
Israel was trying to drag United States into this conflict, since they put this dump into the White House.
@patrickr8013 Says:
So that makes it ok?
@safaristudioproductionhama4973 Says:
Col David he doesn't know what he's talking about. His thoughts are way far from the truth.
@anniecameron6794 Says:
The reason that America has not went all in its not for the sake of peace they want a war with china and their supplying weapons to isreal that were for Ukraine so russia and china will not worry is America is back in the middle east
@richardschumack5271 Says:
it would be a big mistake if Iran attacks any US assets or people. Doing so they would know that the US would strike back, if not declare war outright for the attack. They seen what happened to Irag and the same would happen to them if they attack the US in anyway.
@Wolft56 Says:
What Iran is wating? Preparation? I thought Iran was already prepared.

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