University Of Texas Austin LAYS OFF Their Entire DEI Department!
University Of Texas Austin LAYS OFF Their Entire DEI Department!



@TheSoulCrisis Says:
This is why other countries lap us severely in the education arena, we are too busy lowering standards to make people “feel good,” instead of making people realize their strengths and weaknesses accordingly and forcing them to adapt if they want to level up in certain areas. Different races doing better at lower levels means parents of said races are doing a better job guiding their children, getting them key resources when needed, and ensuring they get a solid education to prosper later in life.
@sabrinaparton2945 Says:
It’s a good thing, all the other states should follow?
@gemox3225 Says:
I also think it's a good thing too - DEI IS racist as it's currently constructed.
@theophilus494 Says:
Abl you killed that Nigerian igbo accent.. 😂😂😂😂😂
@Sacto1654 Says:
The late Rush Limbaugh had the per term to describe DEI: _get evenism_ . And he warned about this as far back as 1998!
@AndreComtois Says:
Divison Exclusion Intimidation
@slayermill8621 Says:
The company I work for unfortunately subscribes to the DEI nonsense. The chief DEI officer collects a six figure salary to literally do nothing except send out newsletters sometimes.
@MrROTD Says:
Useless, the cream rises to the top no matter what. It doesn't matter about race or gender, the most worthy people will succeed.
@anamericancitizen2971 Says:
*The best way to make everything diverse is when evaluating students acceptance is to remove the race and the name and what city the applicant comes from. Make the acceptance committee totally generic. Look at test scores and achievements, that's it, nothing else matters. Once accepted, then you can look at financial aid and assistance programs to help the ones who need help but are the best and brightest.*
@kevindowney4817 Says:
I hired a lot of people but the blacks just wine to much. Lots of people feel this why. I now hirer the new people
@mastertangz Says:
@rogercotton5134 Says:
I went through DEI training. It was as subtly racist as you imagine.
@claythomas7982 Says:
DEI. Dumb, Entitled. Ignorant
@claythomas7982 Says:
Im anything but white, that makes me smart by osmosis.
@claythomas7982 Says:
This is a vote for academic excellence.
@aurora571000 Says:
“State-sponsored racism”, Love your quote!
@jaromor8808 Says:
Don't Expect Improvements
@judieg.7945 Says:
@judieg.7945 Says:
What good news. Common sense is prevailing.
@iamatexan4334 Says:
Good bless Texas. Now we will have the best quality people for the job
@albeit1 Says:
What the heck were these SIXTY people doing anyway? Were they just there to absorb salaries? Or were they actively wreaking havoc on campus?
@thunkjunk Says:
@ShoshanaBrand Says:
Austin is a Leftist sh*t hole.
@williamking1554 Says:
brilliant about time
@MaD_fX Says:
Exactly! Merit should be the only criteria
@americanme3239 Says:
@TROOPERfarcry Says:
"I don't want to celebrate people losing their jobs..." Well *_I_* do, because that is a state-funded school, which means that tax-dollars are being used to pay people who: A: _DON'T even do anything._ B: if they _DO_ actually perform a task, then that task is to discriminate based upon race. I don't want them to _JUST_ lose their jobs, I want the people who hired them to be in prison for violating the civil rights of those who were discriminated against _SOLELY_ for their race. That 'kid-glove' nice BS is _PRECISELY_ why this persists. They're not "good, but misguided people", they're just *evil.* And you'd recognize that faster if "DEI" was about promoting whites over blacks. Suddenly you'd understand. This kind of lukewarm bullshit is why I quit watching this channel some time ago... and I see that it was a mistake to come back.
@TROOPERfarcry Says:
"Why is our tuition so high??" ** UT has 60 people on the payroll who do _NOTHING_ at best... and at worst, their job is to discriminate based on race ** There's a special sense of irony in _PAYING_ someone more to lie to you and treat you like shit.
@raymondjensen4603 Says:
Fired 60 dei staff, good start, keep it up, rediscover merit.
@markwilliamson2795 Says:
Colleges need to let in and graduate the cream of the crop regardless of color...
@IanPunter Says:
One of the commie tv networks was crying how UT system had to cut 100 precious jobs-such a tragedy ya know. BooHoo!
@nancybaumgartner6774 Says:
It’s a start .
@ree4214 Says:
I agree! Get rid of DEI and do the real work in these universities. Also fire the lazy enrollment officers, HR departments and school counselors that don’t do the proper recruitment work. And we’re not going back how it used to be either. As a black woman, I’m tired of the excuses too. Check my stacked resume and pay me my money… I’m exhausted working for under qualified good ol’ boys networks. I’ve seen so much bull in hiring and advancement it’s ridiculous. Hard work should mean something.
@itiswell77 Says:
Great job, Texas! Tired of the perpetual victim mentality. Race card DECLINED
@elitedrumlessons6174 Says:
A great life lesson for any young person is you don’t always get what you want in life! Personally this is a great move by Texas and UTA
@kevmac1230 Says:
Today's students care more about activism than their studies.
@Texan_Patriot Says:
@moderatecanuck Says:
Both conservatives and liberals love to ban things they don’t like
@chriswhite3692 Says:
I guess tuition goes down and the overall class makeup goes up with more competitive matriculants.
@Canadian_Skeptical Says:
The cultural revolution is over!
@gwendolynbennett5594 Says:
Hiring the best candidate for a job usually does not include black people. I wish there was not a need to create programs so that a minority can have an opportunity. But, in the messed society if you are qualified and black the powers that be still object to your presence.
@theharbinger00 Says:
But ABL, these werent real jobs. How does someone get paid for thinking of ways to be racist. 🤭 these young people are soft amd stupid
@scottganser7787 Says:
Amen. Amen. Amen.
@bobbieolsen7264 Says:
Students are there to learn, that is to say: they have a LACK in the brain pan, a deficit that is the sole reason they are at University to remedy… so why are they running around like Professors as if they had something to teach? It’s a TELL, these children still haven’t gotten control of their mental faculties and learned how to act as mature Adults, University is failing to bring Sottish Children into Adulthood!
@cjextreme Says:
Im so sad, I dont live in Texas and i cant find vids of all those dei tears that would just make my day so bright and happy 😅
@parler8698 Says:
Praise God 👏🏿 🙌🏿 👏🏿
@rah7868 Says:
60 isn't enough. How about a butt load of their Marxist professors? To he** with tenure. Get rid of them while we have state legislature and Governor control. Letists in Texas might want to remember just because a lot of them and their com friends moved in that they are surrounded by millions of smiling Rednecks.
@DanielBagavan Says:
I hope nobody makes a meme about this... or ABL might get emotional 😢
@BadgerWolf-19 Says:
DEI had its reasons back in the 40-60s where it was blatant. We dont need it today its a different time.
@Cindymancini75 Says:
That's awesome!!!! DEI was a farce!

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