Gravitas | US Developing Tech to Fight Killer Machines: Report | WION Shorts
Gravitas | US Developing Tech to Fight Killer Machines: Report | WION Shorts



@jamiefoyers2800 Says:
Tere has to be a kill switch built in somewhere wouldn't you think as an "insurance policy" of some kind?. Either that or it's the "Tic tack toe" War Games solution...
@MFWebPea2935 Says:
Make them like the witch on The Wizard of Oz Big W of the West
@LaurnBedingfield Says:
Hell,humans act in ways that aren't aligned with humanity. What else is new?
It already is rogue and nobody seems to notice. Contact me if you want to be a part of the solution. This offer goes out to all government agencies and private companies, but I’m pretty sure this will be falling on deaf years.
@MatrixOracle Says:
AI on the battlefield 😂 citing responsible behaviour. This is code for - we already lost control.
@vankupilik5824 Says:
Not what if when! And if AI doesn’t do it by itself some extremist group will hack and reprogram it. Thing is when cavemen started using fire people got burned and still do. We’ll figure it out as we go.

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