Kathy Griffin RETURNS To Comedy, Says Her Life Was RUINED Over THIS...
Kathy Griffin RETURNS To Comedy, Says Her Life Was RUINED Over THIS...



@sharpenflat6002 Says:
Your face has ruined your life.
@runevi Says:
She makes fun of the fact that she was "on a psyche hold" and self deleting as if that's just part of her act. No shame. Truly disgusting. The original will do anything for clout hollywood bubble brain.
@SayWhat336 Says:
She didn't learn her lesson obviously, if Trump wins again he needs to end her career for another 4 years
@johnmiller2689 Says:
F-Griffin! She can live on the street for all I care.
@GarrysFerrone Says:
@wthomas5697 Says:
She did a good thing.
@akatgif Says:
Beyond stupidly to post a picture of a beheading in a time when Isis was actually beheading people. She still doesn't accept responsibility for her worldwide public blunder.... which was essentially a career suicide..
@barbsyorkies Says:
@lesliemorse7522 Says:
She took a chance and lost. She would have been perfectly fine if HIS life has been ruined over the picture - wah!
@gazXspace Says:
She is irrelevant.
@goldenveinband3620 Says:
“The view” aye yi yi.
@timgross8952 Says:
Your mistake was referring to her as a comedian
@masterspin7796 Says:
Her life was ruined with all of the plastic surgery's...
@judyharper1742 Says:
Just an added thought, again you are correct....the protest was great, her show was a scam. The line of people outside in Huntington were actually better than the show.
@judyharper1742 Says:
Just a thought, Kathy Griffin needs to go into recovery, not comedy. Seems she needs, narcissist that she is, constant approval, that's not comedy. You are correct, the pic was violent and she needed to be cancelled and on the watch list. She never claims responsibility.
@EDWARD196767 Says:
@common12 Says:
Kathy Griffin trades in shock schlock- deserves all that she got
@joeyking2765 Says:
That fake Trump head looks better than her real head.
@cr-qo3ov Says:
I could care less about Kathy Griffin and her liberal ideals she can take a long walk on a short pier she is as irrelevant as a used tissue
@johnball8758 Says:
It's ironic that she thought that picture would boost her career and yet it had the opposite effect.
@miketaylor2083 Says:
Good for Kathy.
@marymagaraci3208 Says:
How do you do something that was horrible and then play the victim she has only herself to blame
@DannyLong-s9y Says:
Any athlete, celebrity, public figure ect. Is playing pretty fast and loose with their career beaking of about ANY side of , even mid , political shite is gonna piss off up half the country , not worth it . I cant stand this woman but she was pretty funny on Seinfeld. And hey stop with the Carrot Top bashing, hes good people !
@tjwtrumpet Says:
Was never funny, will never be funny. Thinks she's the replacement for Joan Rivers. I worked with Joan several times, including what turned out to be her last performance in NJ. Joan was the real deal. Griffin...can only dream.
@jamescoker2773 Says:
I've never heard her say anything funny.
@lesliehoops6749 Says:
Council of hyenas! Lol
@mikecagle984 Says:
"Returns to comedy"? Are you kidding me? She is about as comedic as Adolf Hitler!
@pauljulian3937 Says:
Just contact the view they would love your act there.
@aklestinec Says:
Listen to these women talk to each other. What an awful show.
@davidmartin1949 Says:
I remembered when she got her award for something and she held it up and said " This is my God ,Jesus can suck it " ! Well ,she can say or think whatever she wants to but ,I think she is right where she belongs and I hope she will remember her words . As far as President Trump who is a great President ,she did that all to herself and not only has the public left her but , so is her HUSBAND ! There are folks out here who are trying to make it everyday and I'd bet 90% do not have the means to insurance and mental health as she does and they get up and go on everyday without blaming anyone . GROW UP ORANGE WOMAN !
@BillORights1 Says:
@dennisgreen7489 Says:
She is still in America?
@fishead1967 Says:
Shut up karen...
@fishead1967 Says:
She shouldn't of done what she did...build a bridge and get over it....
@christophermarsh6437 Says:
Her voice could strip paint. Like Joy Behar on helium.
@kevinbratcher2221 Says:
People who like these people like Griffin, Colbert, Kimmel, and Fallen are lacking in intelligence, these host are neither smart or funny, not at all.
@kevinbratcher2221 Says:
She had a choice, no sympathy here.
@Joe-v7f7w Says:
I don’t feel sorry for her at all. She’s still unrepentant for her actions
@kafemocha5016 Says:
Oh lord… she has a victim list. 🙄🙄🙄 sigh…
@johnnyquest9358 Says:
She's about amusing as explosive diarrhea.
@Kuulei265 Says:
Boy, Anderson Cooper sure did “distance” himself from her after that. I don’t think even he thought it was funny. They had the News Eve thing, but it was a clown act if you ask me.
@joekauffman9690 Says:
She did this to herself, if somebody had a head of Obama, Hillary and Biden, that individual would had been cancelled, Kathy Giffin has never been funny, just as unfunny as Jimmy Kimmel, they have both have trump derangement syndrome
@amlafrance1918 Says:
Lol 😂. Love it, ya reap what you sow
@suehofkamp8594 Says:
I would never go to any of her shows. She thinks SHE is the victim. Give me a break.
@spawntez Says:
Kathy Griffin got what she deserved. Sorry, not Sorry. MAGA owning the Libs.
@SirWrecksy Says:
Kathy Griffin is one of the top entertainers of our generation... Like a psychotic narcissistic clown crashing into a freak show on fire you can't look away Now that's entertainment!
@Macias8200 Says:
If she tried to take her own life, she would’ve succeeded.. this is just a call for attention.
@teecop4735 Says:
Why even bother why do dinosaurs always try to come back ? In never works . 😅 JLO
@curlywolfone Says:
I was fired from jobs for stating my opinion about others and I wasn’t allowed to come back to those companies nor industries after six years.
@henrywilliams1965 Says:
I think she is funny and so are all the women on the (View), because I wouldn't take any of them seriously.

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