They/Them Wants JK Rowling ARRESTED For H8 CRIMES!
They/Them Wants JK Rowling ARRESTED For H8 CRIMES!



@georgesmith2905 Says:
Its amazing how quick they are to want to strip others of their rights and freedoms because of their insecurities and hurt feelings.
@hypter8425 Says:
Oh noe, not the mean words on Twitter, say it ain't so. Also, just because people don't agree with all that the online trans people say, doesn't make them transphobes. And it also tends to be blown out of proportion, they were mentioned by J K, life moves on. Besides, J K is allowed to say what she wants, it's her right. And the person she mentioned is obviously a public person as well, so it's not like she's calling out a random person either. Somehow it's okay to throw things back at J K though, calling her transphobe and all that. So it's kind of a double standard they got going on there. Also calling J K a "radicalised extremist" is quite harsh, one might even say that's defamation. I bet J K could sue the person if she would want to. But it's probably not worth her time.
@MrXerves Says:
Problem solved guys! Just write BATMAN on your driver's license, birth certificate & passport ... now we're all BATMAN!! 👌🏻
@trevornott2488 Says:
He's an angry dude
@KeepItSimpleSailor Says:
0.2%? How is that minority dictating what we say? And all because a few alphabet people have had their feelings hurt? You can put lipstick on a bloke, but it’s still a bloke.
@Ashleekaa Says:
I didn't know we can change our birth certificates. It's a record of birth and they let you change it?! Mental.
@Pepperkaas6 Says:
wait wait what? you get to change your birth certificate?
@thecheese4255 Says:
“Look at me! Look at me!! Look at ME!!!”
@gloomyvale3671 Says:
I love this controversy with a tiny minority of nonces, makes JK richer and more popular, people buy her books, films, games to put 2 fingers up at those creeps, it’s all good business.
@cal9688 Says:
JK is a national treasure! India is a nobody.
@djBlindFaith Says:
A man who thinks he’s a woman accusing a woman of being the most radicalised person on the internet history is hilarious 😂😂😂 He’s the radicalised one, he’s the extremist. But what can you expect from the Alphabet Cult? All they do is Projection, accusing those of which they are guilty of.
@carpetsnake83 Says:
The radical people are the ones threat people with imprisonment and death if you miss gender them A crime to be honest they themselves are actually guilty of
@carpetsnake83 Says:
I go on the internet and look for things to offend me then demand the government lock them up
@brinladen Says:
Say what now? Is "Paki" a slur? Ive been calling the green cricket team that my whole life.
@hyenaholicproductions9033 Says:
My GOD India is such a self-righteous cow. Or bull. "BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"
@blackAngelProductions Says:
The "transgender woman" we must always remember to put the air quotes around women
@XXXX-yc6wv Says:
Well, I would regard extremism as someone who cannot accept reality and lives in the costume of what they cannot be, then using their position of power and privilege and the long arm of the law to force other people to enact that same delusion.
@kaligath6616 Says:
The P word he's referring to is those who are pakistani just remove the stani part its fucking outrageous of the entitlement of this person that he thinks someone misgendering them is equal to a word that refers to black people as property.
@kaligath6616 Says:
Oh dehumanizing eh lets talk about that a man portraying themselves as a woman entering a woman's changing room seeing mostly women naked or partially naked yeah that's dehumanizing the fact that someone of the opposite sex is viewing them without their consent with the outrageous idea that its dehumanizing to them that they are not allowed to perv on women. Fucking hell when did the perverts become the victims and the victims of there perversions become the freaking criminal we live in a very backwards world.
@folee_edge Says:
This is nuts. Yes, nuts are definitely involved.
@ThenDarknessFalls Says:
Caolan is an old friend of "conservative" Lauren Southern lol. Absolute trash can the both of them.
@snellavision Says:
That dude is presenting as completely rational and not a delusional histrionic prone to gross exaggeration and not petty at all; may he be rewarded with instant karma for his outstanding performance
@jollyscarecrow Says:
Her birth certificate says female? Erm, sorry... but thats straight up fruadulant! That is documentation of the day. That day you are male. You cant rewrite history! Just because you're "female" now doesn't mean you was beforehand. Urgh.
@quasar8898 Says:
That. That is most certainly a man. No mistaking "india" for a woman.At all.
@guyfraser8157 Says:
Caolan is knob and thief and apparently now a transmission shifter
@etiennedanieldodge743 Says:
Oh it's that grifter Caolan who used to rock with Tommy Robinson until he was called out by Milo for being a pathological liar.
@chronomaster5779 Says:
I have a question. Isnt microagreesion is by definition unimportant? I mean, its a reality full of macro catastrophic threats
@chronomaster5779 Says:
3:09 Ya, i can change my documents to say im andromedan squirrel
@someguy34hnt Says:
A bunch o' lil kids running around their backyard playing cops and one goes crying to mommy all: ''MOM, **slurp** A a BaN goIG B-bu-BY diDN't WAnnA pLAYyy-hA-hAaA **crygasp** AaAA''. that's what they act like
@Idkidkidk716 Says:
Stereotypical trans person
@jeremyrichard2722 Says:
This is old, but I just want to say that this is the problem with a lot of the leftward social justice stuff. You give a little to be understanding going "it's no big deal" and then activists push for more and more, until we enter crazy world. The term "trans woman" exists for a guy who wants to be treated as a woman. The whole thing about "Trans women are real women" was just about being polite socially and a guideline for how a bartender should treat someone like that. In the end though this started to become a problem as activists started pushing things to remain relevant. With every little nod, more and more was pushed. The thing is though, trans women are not "real women" even after surgery. Perhaps we will take the kid gloves off genetic engineering at some point and be able to actually change people's genders. Once the door is opened for the anti-tech crowd to lose the ability to block development, looking at how far computers progressed it's pretty obvious we'll have this prtty quickly. This means then trans women will just be women, unless they tell someone, there will be no big deal. Until then though, your dealing with some dude LARPing for all intents and purposes, and any social politeness and courtesy is just that. The problem is when you have some weirdo like this who goes on talk shows and has other attention seekers and activists feeding their delusions and convincing them and others that everyone else should be forced to play along. All JK Rowling is doing is throwing the common sense brakes on and pointing out this is not a woman, and never will be one. Seriously even if we took all the breaks off human gene modification tomorrow they probably won't have the gender transition thing ready for public use by relatively poor people that quickly. The next generation might very well have easy access to that and a lot of access to all kinds of extreme bio sculpting and cosmetic options like we'd consider sci-fi right now. I'm all for actual solutions like that and oppose people who block us working towards them BUT I do not think forcing everyone to play make believe with a bunch of trannies or face jail time is either sane or reasonable. Sure, consider it rude not to play along, but people do have the right to not like other people and be rude. Anyone who has worked customer service knows this. To be fair the very fact that a trannie can get a platform to have people listen to claims of hate speech for this is a massive problem. If we start seeing backlash ramp up against these people, and perhaps even lead to violence and ACTUAL casual cruelty on a large scale, realize it will be the fault of people like this not knowing to keep their mouths shut and trying to force themselves on everyone else. The whole idea of LGBTQ+ rights was that what people do in private is their own business, and not to just hunt them down based on suspicion. I'm all for that. Realize though this is not private, it's the exact opposite, and it's being forced on other people against their will. I'm sorry but this kind of thing is very much abnormal, they have the right to live free of violence just for existing, but trying to normalize it and getting the authorities increasingly involved is simply wrong. I will also say there is a thin line between trans and disassociative identity disorder, or DID. To be entirely honest I think if this person is so triggered by a celebrity not playing along with them, they likely need to be taken into a mental health facility for evaluation and see how delusional and excitable they are. In a state like this they could become a danger to themself or others, mostly the former, as they are pissing people off and part of the point of containing the mentally ill was to protect them from the backlash they bring on themselves for being mentally ill and thinking they are normal. Assaulting someone like that isn't legal, but the safest thing to do for them is to lock them up with doctors so they can be cared for, and become less likely to provoke the wrong person without anyone around to intervene. An asylum is more humane than say letting her lip off like that in public until someone beats them to death and dumps the body in a gutter. Then you have a dead trannie as a victim, as well as the person responsible for the assault being a victim as they have to go to jail now, when if the problem trannie was being cared for in a controlled environment none of it would have ever happened. I know a lot of people won't like that and read all kinds of things into it, but basically a dude who likes to play dress up screaming at a celebrity for not playing make believe with them is dangerously delusional, all kinds of things can go wrong, and letting them do this for politics and entertaining clickbait is cruel in it's own way. They should at least be being evaluated. Also for those who read this essay, I will close off on saying one of the big areas I agree with JK Rowling on (I do not agree with all aspects of her beliefs here from what I've heard), is that government paperwork should not record someone's claimed gender exclusively. It might include a "trans" note, but when your investigating crimes and such, like sexual assaults, it can be a good idea to know what equipment someone is packing when going through lists of suspects and such. The trans community in particular is prone to violence, sexual assault, and domestic abuse. While that life choice should be noted, when your hunting a rapist or whatever it's important to know who could have done it, as the LGBTQ+ community does not engage in less crimes than other groups, and actually more crimes that others in some areas, and no it's not them being victimized by outsiders. The whole letter pile is infamous for the domestic abuse incidents as I mentioned, and when it comes to general sexual assault they follow the same percentages of their actual gender. Rapists are rare, and a "Trans Woman" is just as likely to be a regular old woman rapist as a straight guy is. In fact one thing JK Rowling did to get heat was research that and use the actual statistics as part of a book dealing with a male rapist hiding in the trans community, to lure and rape women. That community didn't like it... but well... from what I was hearing a the time, it's not exactly unprecedented, it just hasn't gotten a ton of press. This so called "Lady" is basically just a dude in girl clothes and a wig, you might use female pronouns to be polite socially, especially if your acting in a professional capacity and want repeat clientele, but otherwise, calling them a dude is just accurate. Maybe rude, but not hateful, unfair, or insulting. It's just them choosing to be offended. If the person isn't trying to be part of their peer group I don't see why they should care anyway.
@straagzthemc4614 Says:
Lol, you wanna see an extremist love? I dare him to travel through the middle east.
@MrMarmalizer Says:
‘MALE-strom of Hell’ 😂
@markivy3451 Says:
Its so weird by his words around 250000 people are f'in with millions and millions and millions of peoples lives and messing with children. How does 250000 psychopaths have a right to peoples children in not so nice way,aka diddlers.
@MichaelAarons1701 Says:
I was focusing less on what the whiny man was whinging about and more about the dude(?) in the background behind him getting worked up in his conversation with the person in front of him(?).🤣
@OnlyPretending Says:
I'm pretty sure that had JK Rowling not been who she is she would have been in jail, or at least fined a long time ago according to UK law. Lots of people have been punished by the state for far less in recent times. Things like telling a joke, owning the wrong book or praying quietly in your head on the other side of an abortion clinic are things that are seen as crimes in the UK these days.
@thatbritishgamer Says:
in the uk the p word is pakki as i was used in a derogative way against indian and pakistani people in the uk. always seemed wierd to me as its just shortening the word.
@kittydaddy2023 Says:
Acting like a beach does not make one a woman.
@TheWombat2012 Says:
Remember it’s England…there actually is a chance that you could be arrested for that over there…
@LoavesofBread Says:
Wow! "JK Rowling is probably the most radicalized person in internet history" - person that is in the new media complex
@bongoon2552 Says:
Crazy, That Caolan interviewing "India" used to work for our British Voldemort, Tommy R0binson, before he stabbed Tommy in the back. I guess he was an insurgent woke leftist all along.🤥
@69waffle69 Says:
great guess im a gay 7 year old now
@cwcpants140 Says:
Despite having stolen so much product from stores and sold hard drugs in the past, I’m legally recognized as a non-criminal. That does not stop me from being a criminal. 😂 Similarly, you can be legally recognized as a woman and still NOT be a woman. Crazy how their logic works against them
@pyregazer9210 Says:
'Pay attention to me, I'm a victim', blah blah blah
@noliberalzone1533 Says:
He looks like Angela from 90 day fiance uncanny
@souljar9808 Says:
Hey, Bearing. Checkout what is going to happen in Scotland on April first. Yes. April fools day. New hate crime bill will be in force allowing folk like India to ask the Scottish to investigate anything that someone has tweeted that maybe offensive. Country is going to the dogs. Thankfully, JK Rowling has planned the mother of all April fools day jokes. God bless her. Never read Harry Potter but back her 100%. Would leave a link but search it out for yourself and let the people know what you think. Please 🙏🏻. It’s on the Scottish,asshole, government official website
@HaileMecael Says:
Any woman has got a right call out any man pretending to be a woman
@SebineLifeWind Says:
That ghoulish freak isn't even trying to sound like its balls were kicked in.
@HaggisMuncher-69-420 Says:
the P-word is referring to Pakistan, not Asia as the rest of the world knows it
@HaggisMuncher-69-420 Says:
"my birth certificate and passport say women" All that tells me is that the government is willing to lie.

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