The Horrors of Iron Felix
The Horrors of Iron Felix



@RylanDiscGolf Says:
Christ is king
@GraemeWight-wx3xz Says:
He would be on the board of the daily wire today.
@andyb619 Says:
Why are atheist regimes the most merciless and cruel?
@ArseniyaBlackMetal Says:
You should watch a film called The Checkist. It was a dark comedy thriller. Eventually, the main person goes crazy attempts a suicide and ends up in a mental hospital.
@rext3404 Says:
I'm reading Gulag Archipelago right now and this stuff sends chills down my spine.
@WakkaWakka25 Says:
Need to amend the part about the pistol. It never killer anyone. The monster wielding the pistol did the murdering.
@edwardd3897 Says:
What was iron Felix’s last name?
@SteelOvaries Says:
The weapon didn’t murder anyone. The finger pulling the trigger did.
@eddeddesc3717 Says:
@letsgowinnietheflu5439 Says:
In other words your typical story of Communist regimes
@M.CaraPHD Says:
Israel.has a right to defend itself so stop making us feel sad about innocent victims of genocide....Israel is the only one that can get away with murder...
@Ophoo5 Says:
Do you know why the Left keeps bringing up racism of the past? Because it doesn't exist anymore. Your insinuations are in the same category.
@Sceneyour Says:
He would be voting democrat today.
@HereIsWisdom1318 Says:
I recognize the narrator but i forgot where i recognize him from. Edit: OHHHH he used to do the Firewall!!!!
@dbrandon4528 Says:
Bill Whittle! On Daily Wire!! You have made my freaking day!!!
@jlc6107 Says:
Lenin is proof that Nazis are Soviets and the reports were right... they must have both been guilty of the Holocaust and I was supposed to help Testify because it was the same "crab" (krag) scheme used on me... You see, what Putin told Tucker Carlson was correct. The Nazis were indeed looking to go to Dansig Bridge (I think I spelled it right)... now called Donetsk I think. Well, you'll hear it in Tucker Carlson interview with Putin. Anyway, that testimony was true. But I doubt anyone except those involved, truly knows why. Because the Nazis were uniting with the Soviets there and before Poland found out, after refusing the Germans access, the Nazis snuck up from behind them and immediately went to work in conquering Europe. That's why the Soviets began building those camps with the Germans. For, there are reports and witnesses (who didn't last long), that reported the two were working together at the Prison Camps. That's why I believe the recordings were removed from most of the videos. People probably assumed you could interpret many things but I tell you, when you see army guys laughing and smiling while naked men are reaching out for a hug and these soldiers do not clothe them but let them walk around in the cold like that, I do believe the Soviets who were seen "rescuing" were actually making fun and doing a documentary and the recordings were removed to hide it. But common sense tells you, any American who saw that, would be clothing them immediately, especially when you know it was cold when when the soldiers are wearing winter clothing but the prisoners who were thin as bones were staunch naked, out of their minds, opening their arms out for a hug, like a little child - grown naked men... and these guys would hug them but turn around and have these naked men hang on them, while laughing, smoking cigs, and smiling. No one was mourning. American soldiers who saw the atrocity were MOURNING. Therefore, if anyone had any common sense, you would know those Soviets were not only also guilty of the Holocaust, but you also seemed to have fallen into the deception and let those Nazis in via Operation Paperclip, who eventually let the Russians in! Wtf... it was no wonder by the 90s, they had everything set up already all over the world... Oh well. This is crazy... the same exact fruits... you should have known the Soviets and Nazis were S.S. one is S. And the other is S. Tsi'tsi meaning "twisted tassel" (lies, deception, whirlwind, cycle of repeated desolations). EU also consists of Ireland. England copied it and duplicated little Jeong's Testimony to cover over their sins about human experimentation (vaccines), abortion, and more. I believe that when they settled in South Africa, they used human power to send messages via dreams. Then, they also used human power to settle in the North (Russia). The king of the north and south, therefore, are both evil and wicked. The wicked witch of the west (EU) and the one to the east (Japan), as well as Russia (north) and South Africa and Australia (South) were the four beasts the colonials already established in "Time". That's how they stole everyone's testimony... scroll to righteousness and life. They slaughtered everyone in that place. That's why Asia saw them and said, "YOU WERE PEEING!" And EU said, "It twas on occident." (It was an accident.) And that's why Justice was born in the world. The Living woke up and brought about the Day of Accountability, when all Truth comes to light and everyone who used human power in secret will be JUDGED. THEY WILL BE JUDGED BY NOT ONLY THOSE THEY ENSLAVED WITH THESE WEAPONS AND TRIED TO BRAINWASH TO BE "OKAY" BY PRETENDING TO BE THEIR FRIEND, WHILE MAKING THEM REGRESS BACK TO CHILDHOOD... SO, IT'S NOT EVEN FAIR YOU KNOW? SO, THAT'S WHY THEY WERE ALREADY JUDGED BEFORE THEY WERE BORN. THEY DID IT BY THEIR OWN HAND WHEN THEY LED THE WHOLE WORLD ASTRAY THROUGH SORCERY, MAKING PEOPLE BELIEVE IN SUPERSTITIONS LIKE REINCARNATION WHEN IT WAS DUE TO PEOPLE PLANTING FALSE DREAMS VIA TECHNOLOGY. THAT'S WHY NO ONE SHOULD BE LEFT BEHIND. THESE JERKS ACT LIKE THEY CAN DO IT ALL BECAUSE THEY THINK PEOPLE WILL NEVER FIND OUT. THEY WERE WRONG. IN FACT, THE GREAT WAR ALREADY HAPPENED (WWII). THE DAY OF ACCOUNTABILITY IS NEAR WHEN ALL TRUTH DOES COME TO LIGHT AND ONLY TRUTH REMAINS SOVEREIGN.
@michaelgraves5320 Says:
Are we talking about the J's killing Christians?
@lemmymilkister1862 Says:
AK47 would like a word…
@eldonhoward7925 Says:
Yet we have young, uninformed, people protesting FOR communism!
@cappy2282 Says:
....what a dirtbag
@1206chaos Says:
Coming to America
@Veruk22 Says:
And now we know what real communism looks like.
@hydr0p0nic Says:
Oh, the tall tales of history.
@antman1118855 Says:
@Cre8tvMG Says:
Leftism is always the same when full grown.
@Very_Angry_Citizen Says:
It's NOT an ugly pistol .... but everything else is correct.
@AlexSanchez-gd7wb Says:
These bots are disgusting

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