Black Harvard Professor Needed POLICE PROTECTION Over THIS Paper!
Black Harvard Professor Needed POLICE PROTECTION Over THIS Paper!



@keithjefferson9189 Says:
His experience for doing the right thing is the reason why many are not trusting academia.
@dallasallen2486 Says:
These are the folks that wants us to stay divided. Money, money freaking money. Rome is going to fall.
@stevenrussell360 Says:
Nice one Brian. Your vids are looking super sharp and hi fidelity by the way, great that you have reached 1m subs. It’s been a while since I’ve been here. So there you have it, the world’s rotation is actually powered by bullshit. Someone honest comes along to try and help his community by revealing the truth, and this is what happens…….life is funny eh?
@Leonardo-ms2nk Says:
Y’all want to take a guess as to who was threatening his life
@workinabroad Says:
Your speaking the truth is done in a way to slap the Black community in the face publicly. If it was presented in a way that said "actually, I found out that abc", you all would have a much easier time with the masses. Just look at the nonBlack commenters laughing and making jokes about how the Black community is wrong on whatever point you're bringing up. You all sleep so good at night knowing you've merely ridiculed us in public and thrown us all under the bus for a "Thank you Black man!" from a non... If you want to mention facts, do that. Leave out unnecessary adjectives, jokes and opinions.
@theaverageDon Says:
The crazy thing is, regarding people attacking him, at the beginning of the interview (ABL didn't show it) this man said "this will be the easiest study I've ever done" He EXPECTED to find bias in shootings based on what the media propaganda was claiming back in 2013 When a person with a preconceived idea has there mind changed, believe their results
@axxa5000 Says:
You'd think one would be relieved to find that there is no racial bias for police shootings in the US, but instead, those people are actually upset that it ISN'T happening like they assumed it was 😂 This is what several generations of victimhood complexes result in, people desperate to be victimized to the point of inventing victimization in instances where there is none.
@terencew7716 Says:
People would rather hear a pretty lie instead of the ugly truth!!
@ubanderson4472 Says:
I love Dr. Fryer more as I learn more about him. He must be elevated!!
@candyh9876 Says:
I feel sad for the free thinking ⚫️ people that are verbally and physically attacked and threatened for speaking their minds it brings up parts of history when ⚫️'s were not allowed to think or feel or read or write or learn or teach without the threat of violence on them or their families coming from other ⚫️'s wanting to stay in favor of "the boss" and turning on their own , just very sad that history is repeating !!!
@compa_choo Says:
They don't want the truth, they only want their truth
@peggyford3801 Says:
Yes, it’s scary…we can’t fly the American flag 🇺🇸 for fear of backlash from neighbors. Can’t publicly express our support for the candidate we choose. It’s getting more and more like North Korea. Just wait until there are food shortages. 😱
@peggyford3801 Says:
They probably think this Harvard professor is a “white supremacist” 🤦‍♀️
@ericwayne3425 Says:
Message to all "special" people: It's not all about you.
@michaels.1365 Says:
Goes to show when ya doing the right thing 💯 you'll always get called out on it by the people that thinks it's wrong but in reality knows it's right
@Luvothrsmor22 Says:
We need to be as aggressive against these evildoers who want to quiet truth because this man is a good man and speaks factual truths and doesn’t deserve threats to his life!
@joemurray8902 Says:
I have come to the conclusion that our society has thrown out science in favour of belonging to a cult.
@MackeyDeez Says:
Don't you get it debating black people on racism is like being an atheist debating religious people on the existence of God. You won't win and you can expect to get some violence from these so called religious people. That's why I long stopped engaging them on it because it's too cemented in their minds.
@madonnahood3381 Says:
Great show ABL
@ericochoa4271 Says:
If I were a cop I wouldn't want to bust a black criminal. Why? Because I don't want to become the next social media sensation.
@therulesaredifferent8280 Says:
Thanks ABL
@genied238 Says:
Absolutely you are a amazing voice for the truth. We appreciate you
@MiyamotoMusashi9 Says:
Finally a real scholar from Harvard. They have real people like him and they'll make a comeback
@MiyamotoMusashi9 Says:
Leftist and their emotions Them emotions run their lifes
@MiyamotoMusashi9 Says:
I want a report and stats on how many ran,resisted and gave attitude from the beginning of a question
@mohammadwasilliterate8037 Says:
*So they prefer black people are shot more to keep the VICTIM HOOD NARRATIVE ALIVE,,, OH POOR BLACK PEOPLE BOOHOO.* 😂😂😂
@mohammadwasilliterate8037 Says:
@mohammadwasilliterate8037 Says:
*Police protection wow, race hustlees so desperate to keep their jobs and grifting scams in place, the narrative must be maintained at all costs.* 😂😂😂😂
@willemferris1994 Says:
Unionized prostitution is the only issue the US faces. Everything else is a distraction.
@lauras5312 Says:
the truth is the truth
@tangodelta7809 Says:
This was also released a few years ago, that guy was also fired. Larry Elder interviewed him
@chibuezennodim1438 Says:
This is the reason my IG account was hacked. For speaking a different view.
@kellen-KMK Says:
Run up, get done up - ABL The truth is the truth. At some point in life Americans of all backgrounds, have to stop blaming others for self induced problems.
@peterbullock4531 Says:
Truth. Any real, verified truth. Truth you can back up with hard evidence. Is simply a threat to someone in today’s world. A person. A group. A race. A segment of society. Somebody is going to feel threatened by this real truth and when some people are threatened they attack. This is what is wrong with this country right now. Don’t you dare speak the truth out there because someone ain’t going to like it! It’s madness. God bless anyone out here speaking the truth.
@doottles5445 Says:
He was also suspended from Harvard—and the esteem Prof Gay had a lot to do with it based on the documentary. Here’s the documentary name. Harvard Canceled Its Best Black Professor. Why?
@hphillips7425 Says:
The demonrat’s only accept information if it fits their narrative. Anything else they shout it down
@johnnygeorgopoulos4072 Says:
To be fair and honest, he's inaccurate and lying, there actually IS a racial bias in police shootings, it's just that it's double the amount typically by year that white men are shot and or killed by police compared to their black counterparts, so yes, there is a bias towards shooting white men over black men, but because he's so hard up, was so determined to find out if black men were being shot and killed, he didn't care that double the amount of white men were being shot and killed even though black men were bringing attention from law enforcement at over double the statistical rate... so .. 🤔🤷‍♂️
@staceylaszlo6321 Says:
We just need to love each other and forgive the past and try to do better. Why can't we all focus on doing that ? Our society is so broken.
@vladimpaler3498 Says:
The narrative is not for the benefit of Americans of African ancestry, no, it is to expand the power and influence of the wealthpowerful, who are mostly white. Divide and conquer is the plan and doing so by race is very, very powerful. Never has our society been more perverted than it is today. Back in the day Jim Crow laws were open about their goals, now they pretend they are helping, but it is a lie. Malcolm X warned us all. They want Americans of African ancestry to go against the middle class and poor of European ancestry, and vice versa. The political left only loves power, not people, not workers. Now these leftists are owned and operated by the wealthpowerful and are too idiotic to even know it.
@michaelbush3658 Says:
Certain people don’t want to hear that. People also don’t want to hear/know that whites are killed more by police than blacks, so when there’s so much hatred towards Police or White Police nobody wants to hear the truth unless it advances the false narrative
@tredog884 Says:
Right on ABL 👍🏾👍🏾
@mbest.12 Says:
William Darity also received criticism for his paper abour reparations for American freedmen
@KendrasEdge757 Says:
Good for him for having integrity and actually publishing his study.
@mosesofgod6593 Says:
This story is a wonderful microcosm of our society today people. They want to hear what they want to hear, they do not want to hear the truth. People will violently reject the truth, if it’s infringes upon their world view.
@ascottzander Says:
Because there is none, people get shot when they point a gun at police and that is mostly by black people, FACT
@iamkesha. Says:
It is not about facts. It is about pushing an agenda. Just like the people upset about this result are the same people pushing the gender nonsense that is not based on truth or reality. I guess Roland should be lucky he kept his job and didn’t get ran off the campus like how Bret Weinstein and his wife at ran off of Evergreen college. The crazy intolerant left.
@eldonlbbrown6564 Says:
This shows the danger and power of Media propaganda!
@MrShowwoff Says:
This comes to mind... God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness.
@dotwoos9781 Says:
The true hurts, I'm glad he published his paper
@chendricks4136 Says:
This is atypical of how leftists react to people of color who do not tow the line for them.

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