Watch the full episode here:
@jaffacake_hero Says:
I have a question, what does it mean to fear G-d? Is it just understanding that he is creator and above us so we must follow moral absolutism or is it something else ?
@rodneyjohnson4056 Says:
The only way to happiness is to serve the lord with all your heart. And to acknowledge him as the one that is in charge of our lives and the one who we must obey
@randygault4564 Says:
The beginning of wisdom is understanding that if you say you fear "god", what you actually fear are the men who promote that god. Because nobody has ever seen or heard this thing. It's all just words from men, who want you to do what they say.
@cindyhutchins5532 Says:
People seem to be confused about which “god” to fear. There is only one God, the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. The Creator of the Universe and everything in it. This is a lost world, but He sent His Son so that we may be reconciled to Him. Christ took the sin of the world onto Himself and suffered and died on the cross. We have a thrice Holy God and we deserve that punishment, but the sacrifice of Christ and putting your faith in Him, along with repentance allows us to be reconciled with God. He now will see us as He sees His Son, righteous! Repent, the Kingdom of God is at hand!
@Balaklavaa Says:
This is so dumb. There are so many hedonistic philosophical pathways that have a defined "god" aka rules that always should be followed. So, the absence of God does not equal no objective morality. The idé of God and in connection, the Bible, is just a set of rules just like any other. Wisdom is a main concern in every philosophical teori. You need tools to decide how to act on the given information, wisdom and intelligence is paramount to any other human characteristics to that cause. I hate how absolutist this video is. No deep or honest thinking at all. Claiming god is the start of morality is factually wrong and, therefore, solely based on faith. This video is church propaganda, nothing else
@troyhenry6111 Says:
I disagree. Your "counter" points really aren't that good counter points and honestly don't hold true
@NikoFinn Says:
As Proverbs says, fear of the Lord is to hate sin. It does not mean you are afraid of God, it means you revere Him. You respect God by doing what He says.
@rainynight02 Says:
I follow my goddess just fine without fearing her.
Never once thought I was her without said fear. 🙄
Any deity that demands it's followers fear them to obey, isn't a god worth following.
@ishtarlew598 Says:
They've taken God out of schools, and now, children don't respect teachers, parents, elders or authority.
@j.christie2594 Says:
Bigot, your version is awful violent and 2faced over the year's 😮
@andytraff5684 Says:
Even if you fear a God which you cannot quite totally define, it's still a belief that can make you a better person.. when you consider almost every organized religion attributes a similar set of moral standards, and rules that a higher power requires his creation to follow otherwise their will be some type of consequences. Whether that means an idea such as "Karma", a system by which you will get back what you out, in terms or the way you approach treating everything in life. You reap what you sow.. or it might be a concept like the fact the you will face judgement upon death from this life, and have to pay for your misdeeds in the afterlife.. some think you will face this consequence for eternity, but others believe it's for a period of time until you correct your faults, or make up for whatever unacceptable things you did.. but having a healthy fear of God, bases in ideas like these, gives you an accessable reminder of acceptable and unacceptable behavior, and you can use these beliefs to guide your decisions, and eventually it will become part of who you are, what values you prioritize, and the way you generally conduct yourself.. I would say that's a net positive! whether you were correct or not about the existence of, or the character of God, is ultimately, irrelevant..
@jmanroXD Says:
L comment section.
@beto.aveiga Says:
Yeah, religions have been great so far regarding not creating confusion. Interesting explanation.
@MaoriNinja Says:
Fear no god, only yourself; for that is the only entity capable of knowing all of your past, and shaping the perfect future. You just have to be god-like, which I take to be divine inspiration.
@trumpsmum9210 Says:
I fear YOUR god for sure!! 👹
@horizonkage Says:
Look in the mirror. See everything you hate.
Every religion is a cult.
Christianity is Cancel Culture at its finest.
But but... "its OK when I do it. I have permission from a higher source."
Said every cult member ever. Christianity, Islam, Jews, the woke.
Victimhood. Divine right, knowledge and Authoritarian tyranny.
@briansransom Says:
None of that is true. Because none of our rules were made by God. All of our rules were made by men, and they have cited God as their source. That doesn’t necessarily mean they came from God. Haven’t you ever heard of a hoax? The whole Bible was written by men, not by God. You can tell me all day long that it was inspired by God, but that doesn’t mean anything because it was all written down by the hand of men. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that. As a matter of fact, what I’m saying is that ancient man made most of our rules about what is right and what is wrong and they have held up because those men were wise. But it’s not because God told us what to do. Oh I believe in God, you bet. But I’m not going to stake my eternal soul on a book that was written by men. I have spent my life observing and learning and gathering information and ideas, and what I believe is so far beyond what the Bible preaches that I myself don’t even have a grasp on it, not at all. All I know is that simplistic ancient explanation of the universe just doesn’t add up.
@thomascurtis4800 Says:
How about you be afraid 🙃
@RibbittIII Says:
me, realizing I don’t have the energy for fully engaging with the comment section
Ok, great, I can live with that
@matanbar-on7566 Says:
I mean sure, just tell me which god and which religion.
It’s still complicates things I’m my opinion.
Not that having generic god-fearing MODERN Judeo-Christian values is not a good thing, but we have to acknowledge those also morph with time.
But I agree that not placing ourselves at the top is a good start.
We all just need to agree to what to put on top 😅
@YTKipz Says:
That makes no sense in the slightest. Lunacy
@qp9259 Says:
Building a worldview around fear is probably the least healthy shit you could do, and these are the people that teamed up with Jordon Peterson. Peterson being the guy that is all about sorting your own shit out before trying to be politiclally active, but wound up frying his brain on benzos.
Occasionally you hear shit pathologizing rightwing politics and I think insitinctively everyone looks at that with a sane degree of skepticism.
But goddamn, there might just be something there.