Biden Gives AWFUL Press Conference After His BAD MEMORY Is Exposed!
Biden Gives AWFUL Press Conference After His BAD MEMORY Is Exposed!



@9GSR Says:
Let you son rest , stop bringing him up all the time you old broccoli
@seven7777-i6f Says:
The nation and you as citizens from that nation are humiliated in front of the world. The greatest nation on the planet and the land of the free and home of the brave has a demented person elected and in charge and leading you. And you have to accept it even though it's clear for all to see. That is also shown to the world. How brave , free and great you are. A clown nation really. That is the image which goes out into the universe. This is also done deliberately. The ones doing this, your masters, are amusing themselves greatly. The construct of dual citizenship is a trap . Make of it what you will. Free yourself, because you are not free. The land of the free is just a slogan. A constant booster for the ego. Take Care ❤
@Turmoi11ed Says:
OMG, ty so much. I needed a good laugh! "I put this country back on its feet" LOL
@kathyo5971 Says:
And Trump calling reporters very rude and not a nice person is way worse. He’s more than not a nice person, and way more than just rude.
@kathyo5971 Says:
I have to disagree with these comments. Who didn’t see all of those boxes that Trump refused to give up? I think being a crook is one of the prerequisites in becoming a politician. So many crooks and Trump isn’t a choir boy.
@jahminski831 Says:
Weekend at Bernies
@MyMbarr Says:
Wow. He is worse than I thought, and he is running for president again. No way! I can't believe this and I am 82 years old and in better shape than he is. No way can he be president again even if he makes it to November for reelection. Anyone who is a Democrat and plans to vote for Biden again this year needs to wake up. This is serious business folks.
@Thomas-em9du Says:
I forget what he got passed too😂😂 Oh yeah. The the inflation increase act😂😂
@Thomas-em9du Says:
He didn't share information,he sold it😂😂
@timclark3379 Says:
Keyword there is "locked" room. Not a wide open garage. How many times did Biden leave the house and forget to close the garage door? I know I've done it and I don't have cognitive decline.
@raymondloya175 Says:
@royrogers3404 Says:
Lol. Bill Maher claims that Joe is just fine.
@DidierWierdsma6335 Says:
Grandpa Joe is perfect LOL🤣🤣🤣
@LogicalEquationEnthusiast33 Says:
If trump doesn't win this election, this country is finished.
@202One Says:
Sad situation, abuse of the elderly... 2024...? 😏🇺🇸😂
@royrogers3404 Says:
Aw, dont listen to ABL and them Joe, youre doing a bang up job.🤣
@benrtomahawk Says:
Docs at Biden Penn center too. Don't forget that one.
@Mp3acid Says:
What we need is a NEW WORLD ORANGE
@chrischristopher9137 Says:
Shout out to Bebe and Cece winans 😂
@Mp3acid Says:
King of the libtards
@Mp3acid Says:
@slipkhein66 Says:
He should be at a home resting. Is not even funny anymore
@kennymichaelalanya7134 Says:
He's not fit to run again for President. This is elder abuse
@tedbogucki8729 Says:
The adults are in the Whithouse and they wear DEPENDS
@fablefox5383 Says:
How did Putin give a history of Russia from the 1600s to present and this guy can’t remember personal life milestones.
@oneenigma4u Says:
I'm no Putin apologist but had a point. He would love to see our president during two hour interview. And most goes know how that would turn out too. Our present be crawled up in a ball like a little baby crying. The key has to do a hard two hour interview with no protections and couldn't just walk away or be pulled way.
@Mike_44 Says:
They're about to pull him out and bring in Gavin Grewsome, everyone knows it..
@donaldbadeIII Says:
True colors coming out??
Oh yes, and he got one thing right - the president of Mexico did open the door - just not the one in question!
If he believes his memory is good enough to be president, surely it is then good enough to stand trial?
@melimatzoh Says:
Also, Biden put America back on his feet more like he pulled the rug from under our feet this is scary what a clown our president is, and guess what everybody that hates us has read this report and has seen this press conference, even scarier
@melimatzoh Says:
I think it’s hilarious that he doesn’t wanna talk about his son but when it suits him and it’s good on the campaign drill, he uses it as a talking point what a hypocrite Trump 2024 while Biden is still asking for ice cream
@terrancehollins4232 Says:
@kathleenmckeithen118 Says:
O'biden didn't even win the election in 2020. We didn't want him then and we don't want him now.
@hlynnkeith9334 Says:
America no longer has law. It has politics.
@dirkpitt5468 Says:
Republicans are corrupt or our “elected officials” would have done something. They were elected to DO something. Not just give speeches and impeach their own.
@chrisgreen177 Says:
Warmongering presidents and the 'Secrets' of their evil are in constant need of new buildings being built to harbor all of the documents of their bloodshed, and killing throughout the world. It's really ridiculous at this point on what our government categorizes as 'bonafide' and authentic government 'legit' classified material or just evil plans carried out, but to be hidden from 'We The People'. God only knows what documents were considered 'Top Secret' that Obama used for his books, or any other president for that matter.
If you notice he looks over in the corner right when he stoped his sentence like hi team was over there waiving ABORT ABORT. Then he immediately cut his sentence off.
@truthhurts4948 Says:
My father will be 90 years old this year. He walks over 4-5 miles every day, drives every day (occasionally his stick shift convertible) and remembers everything and talks fine. He was riding his motorcycle up until he was almost 70 years old, however he was almost killed when a person driving like Joey here hit him and gave it up. Instead of riding he bought his first boat at 68 years old and spent countless hours on the Intercoastal fishing, going to restaurants, taking his kids and grandchildren out on it. There are differences in people and this stubborn Joey should have thrown the towel in years ago.
@sharonrigs7999 Says:
That was the worst press interaction since Prince Andrew! 😂 Biden's handlers would rather he be a senile old potatohead than the corrupt criminal that he has always been.
@Faithfulsally Says:
This is a set up to get rid of Biden by his own people. Without looking like they are trying to get rid of him. They have never allowed him to go out without pre-approved questions by hand picked journalists! Why start now right before the election? They want someone else because they know he is losing approval and can't win..
@gennyolson2257 Says:
This is elder abuse. He has no idea what he is doing. He needs to be placed in a senior home.
@ramiroacedano9735 Says:
HAHAHA Did he look sharp? you had me laughing. And yes as you said he can't be the president anymore.
@mediii8057 Says:
The only thing he’s passed is opening the south border which has only damaged the country
@mediii8057 Says:
@praetorian1877 Says:
The man is consumed by pride!
@Clayman5577 Says:
Taylor Sheridan should do a mini series on his presidential ruins .
@Clayman5577 Says:
Bidens got more publicity than any other human. I wonder what we happen if we just all ignored anything he does .
@billshepard6664 Says:
That Dems would considering voting for Biden is a sign of "Gather your Armies" . Censor that aholes.
@hphillips7425 Says:
It’s a damn clown show 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

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