Diplomat's Son Accused Of VIOLENT Crime On Cop, But May Claim Immunity
Diplomat's Son Accused Of VIOLENT Crime On Cop, But May Claim Immunity



@TheYoungTurks Says:
Should you become an annual member? Of Couuuurse! Click Here: https://go.tyt.com/tytjoin
@k54122 Says:
At this rate the whole family is immune...
@Vincent-n7o Says:
Got porked in jail but it was kosher pork
@MsSamtari Says:
Here in Canada, drunken Russian diplomats have knocked down pedestrians several times and killed several, but were able to leave in peace.
@thebearddad3019 Says:
my love of 80s action movies pays off again “Diplomatic immunity” “It’s just been revoked” 🔫
@greenjayltd736 Says:
Diplomatic immediately has been around for over 50 years No, we don't. I can't believe that you never heard of Diplomatic immediately before.
@ezeeusb Says:
if he end up in jail would he will be exempted from taking shower?
@crazy4sian Says:
Of course he's an Israeli diplomat's son.
@MexicanOMalley Says:
8:25 Trust me lady. Hes gonna get away with it. You cant mess with isreal. Also lady becareful what you say isreal has alot of power you run your mouth off too much id hate too see what happens.
@MexicanOMalley Says:
I hope they dont bend him over in jail. 😢
@GenericHandle666 Says:
First question for all of you: do you ride a motorcycle? Obviously the kid’s dad is looking out for his son, you would too ya hypocrite. Second, he’s fuckin crying. He’s not a serial killer, he’s barely an adult and clearly this was a serious cluster (MOP YouTube is a 🐱). I say we try to understand his perspective, try to see things through his eyes instead of bearing the axe and calling for justice. I’m conservative by the way.
@leo-gi3yc Says:
Another Ham name😂
@johnd4270 Says:
Yeah, the reason is our diplomats have immunity in other countries she’s pretty ignorant of the law unless she’s just acting so they can do kind of a skit. I’m on this since I was a teenager she should probably get more education.
@Johnalucard-jo3yi Says:
@funkmachine9094 Says:
it's not because you're jewish you should get away with anything. breaking the law is breaking the law. the law should be the same for anyone who breaks it
@kelvinjeffries6923 Says:
She is funny
@relaxingzen2439 Says:
He is Israeli, the law is irrelevant to him , like toilet paper
@huma474 Says:
The Kid has a history in florida of doing stupid things on his motorcycle and getting away with it by just pointing at his dad's status. State Dept is tired of them and says neither dad nor son have diplo immunity. Expect Daddy to use his Mossad connections to get the kid out of the US soon.
@TN-fr7dd Says:
Deport, both father and son!
@naimomohamed7332 Says:
Amazing how Christian are sleeves to this small group 😂😂
@nickr3441 Says:
So he can go into a mall and just shoot people and be free?
@553apparel8 Says:
He'll be famous in jail, He's got that pretty hair 😍
@raminm.8785 Says:
There should be no immunity because we seem to be part of united states of israel!
@BrookD195 Says:
He is not his father, so shouldn't have immunity
@steviesmart2343 Says:
Something like this is fodder for Muslims to attack Jews and paint them in a bad light. One Jew does not represent every Jew but most Palestinian Hamas Terrorist are more brutal and way more disgusting to mention when they shouted AllahFkBah before slaughtering Jewish Civilians and Babies. Yeah those Moslems are trying to earn their 72 Virgins in Islamic Heaven.
@SyrianArrow Says:
I spent 29 years in America and I almost believed that, at least, some of what we were told about Israel was wrong. Nope. It turned out that everything I learned in Syria was the sanitized version.
@elhectero Says:
That girl went in lol. Good . Cause that's not okay how Israel behaves.
You just know the writers for Euphoria are ready to auction this kids story. But seriously, you just have to expect that this kid is so fully the school bully. Imagine….the EGO..
@laloelsalamanca Says:
He's a J, what can you say...
@WakeUp701 Says:
Americas is a clown show 😂😂😂😂😂
@eljjtp Says:
I do not speak on behalf of the Department but as a private lawyer on my own behalf I would say...consular and diplomatic immunity are 2 different things. If his father is the Counsel General not in Washington he definitely does not have diplomatic immunity. Consular immunity as best and that is NOT as strong. They are not the same thing. Consular immunity does not protect family members.
@lhka4 Says:
It is not Turkey, it is Türkiye. Get it right, Cenk. It is Türkiye.
@biggy06605 Says:
Ana is sexy when she’s angry
@johnsmith20407 Says:
In the Middle East, The law is not as tight as in USA as long as you are not harming or have harmed anyone and it is not ok to do anything against the law like running over someone of course except for Israel which apparently no law applies to them. Arabs and Muslims have different way of accountability because usually when you do something wrong even if the law doesn't hold you accountable, the families usually do. For example, in this situation, this cop have family right. The cop's family will go to the suspect's family and there will big punishment for this suspect, so he will be held accountable by the law and the family as well. For example, If you have an issue with an Arab or Muslim, just go and speak to their family and they will hold him accountable
@islanddon865 Says:
His is an adult. He is on his own.
@topgammar3763 Says:
The diplomatic immunity is BS. Get the boy straight. Put him in jail.
@dougtheslug6435 Says:
The cop will just receive an out of court settlement to drop charges.
@HtPt Says:
To the Female reporter , in many countries is not allow to kiss in public . Study the laws before travel .
@gullybull5568 Says:
@Blue-lz5zt Says:
Israeli terrorist
@jsaleh415 Says:
1sraeli are all evil you see that entitlement mentality imgaine how they act in palestine
@LeWe825 Says:
Jeez, Ana is triggered …
@susanthompson7371 Says:
The laws are absurd!!
@susanthompson7371 Says:
He needs to be arrested!!
@AISHA-si5by Says:
Him : I’m suppose to get away with this
@PeggyChristner Says:
Karma buddy,Karma gotcha now😮
@jeffduncan7747 Says:
Why does Anna seem to be ignorant of so many things? It's like she wakes up every day with the knowledge of a newborn baby.
@vincent5318 Says:
I guess someone cares!
@SOSASOSAist Says:
Why did you guys leave that j he’s a jew
@davidmount9117 Says:
Speaking asx a FL man, this kid will end up being a cop here one day. Also, Ana, wow that really seemed to get to you! Living on the south coast of FL will show you how the rich live. Just like this kid, who of course will not grow up to be a cop. Congressperson maybe, this is FL, say hi matt

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