NYPD Officers Assaulted By Five Asylum Seekers
NYPD Officers Assaulted By Five Asylum Seekers



@TheYoungTurks Says:
Should you become an annual member? Of Couuuurse! Click Here: https://go.tyt.com/tytjoin
@adamlippert7126 Says:
Asylum seekers? More like violent seekers.
@chi5860 Says:
That video didn't age well.
@andrevieira7765 Says:
But we need open borders right???
@conniekaye5633 Says:
This is why men shouldn't be police officers
@emjones8092 Says:
Saw the whole tape. Who's the reactionary, Ana? Wish y'all would use some of this centrist bs grift money to buy yourselves some spines. Give us something honest. Cowards.
@mycatsaliberal3848 Says:
Love that Ana is being honest about this stuff
@Eristotle222 Says:
Yeah it misses me off that people go so far to make excuses for or defending this type of behavior. At a protest in 2020 i was talking g to participants and they were saying they think police are unnecessary and that they are only a force of evil. This is not the majority of the left, but this is the left that the right loves because they are their best recruiters.
@cuppa_joe Says:
For those that justify these individual asylum seekers violently assaulting innocent retail workers you people are what's wrong with society. All your minds are warped. Sociopaths.
@Misfits89 Says:
She’s gorgeous but too stupid
@dzulsweetie7266 Says:
Migrant, assylum is another question.. Release the whole story and video and let citizen make opinion..😊
@553apparel8 Says:
Lets show the entire video please
@headswillroll89 Says:
Ugly betty cop. Why tell lies Ana? Nypd lied about this, and tyt futhered those lies. Ana and ben should just join the dailywire already
@coryhoughton492 Says:
You need to address the now reased body cam footage!!!
@TenchiFox Says:
This take was absolutely deplorable. Heard of y'all in passing, had a decently high opinion until now. Congrats on losing a viewer before even gaining it. Gross.
@westpnt Says:
I think migrants should be deported regardless if they engage in violent crime or not. But the migrants who ganged up & beat those cops in New York were acting in self defense.
@CJCox-fs2qm Says:
Why hasn't Ana spoken out about Bryn Spejcher getting only probation for stabbing her boyfriend 108 times? She's a criminal and she got off light.
@shareefhendrix Says:
Karen Kasparian, got anything to say about the newly released surveillance footage showing the cop attacking them first... FOR NO REASON!
@shangtatum1395 Says:
This wasn't vicious at all
@eddyvldez14 Says:
Ana is horrible most times
@youngslump8735 Says:
Almost like Trump was right about who's coming across the southern border, you get what you voted for.
@v1deo.hunter.d317 Says:
Get rid of the asylum laws and toss them out asap
@2906justblaze Says:
Shame on TYT for just repeating right-wing lies and propaganda. You should take your own advice and not make knee-jerk reactions. The people assaulted were the immigrants, and the bad guys were the cops.
@Pedayahu Says:
You gave into a knee jerk reaction. Did you see the rest of the videos or just this one? 🤦🏾‍♂️
@beanpie3879 Says:
Tyt is too right wing for me now, lick that boot guys
@Xaphnir Says:
Oh, look, the cops lied, what a surprise, not like TYT has 2 decades of experience covering the cops habitually lying or anything, nah, no way to have predicted that this entire story was bullshit and Ana's just playing into right-wing fearmongering.
@portanrayken3814 Says:
"am i the crazy one " i been saying that all along while you where doing the same crazy shit all the time lol
@SumFreshDkaf Says:
Footage came out showing NYPD instigated this conflict hopefully you guys actually do a follow up on this...
@ilikesexyppl2 Says:
Watch the body cam that came out. The police lied! The police attacked them first. The police illegally try to disperse them from a public sidewalk! The police lied! In the newly realized body cam you can see the aggressive action of the police grabbing and using excessive force! Ana, I was like you 8 days ago. Deportation! Then, I saw the body cam. Please follow up
@k.s.7104 Says:
Deport all left leaning and progressive democrats 😂. Democrats who are centrist or blue dog are fine, they can stay. This is just the beginning of a broken America when lefties, progressives, and socialists are allowed run a mock. Left leaning democrats can screw up a wet dream.
@drunkmasta69 Says:
"Asylum Seekers?" You mean illegal immigrants....
@luckyclick100mviews7 Says:
Gotta deport them fast. Their criminal actions has to have consequence so it will be an example to other asylum seekers
@SystemzOverload Says:
remember when the right wingers who hide behind their alts, all said that TYT dont cover this news? huh... odd... its being covered. so if they're violent, give them jail, easily. other laws thats non-violent, try to get out of paying private prisons to just keep them going in and out of prison. maybe re-educate, maybe check why they're doing it... i know poor will out of necessity... rich people, well i dont see why they NEED to commit crimes, so i dont think they need re-education... just prison for punishment then... unless some mongs want to pull out the usless excuse of afluenza lol
@thesmileys143 Says:
And you believe Donald Trump is just an innocent billionaire who tells the truth. Btw, I live in Texas and only had $60k left on my house. It is a piece of crap that needs a lot of TLC. Now I can afford the TLC. Didn’t say I was rich. I said I was better off.
@citrusbutter7718 Says:
Over it...
@brocklock3533 Says:
This is just the beginning. Keep on voting for Democrats you American fools.
@kendrewreviews Says:
These illegal immigrants should be jailed and so should Donald Trump. The law is the law. If you lose, you lose. These punks lose and they attacked police. Trump lost and he indirectly attacked congress. Our only loyalty should be to the law - regardless of political affiliation. Are you with me?
@kendrewreviews Says:
These illegal immigrants should be jailed and so should Donald Trump. The law is the law. If you lose, you lose. These punks lose and they attacked police. Trump lost and he indirectly attacked congress. Our only loyalty should be to the law - regardless of political affiliation. Are you with me?
@Tonez617 Says:
Wait, wait, wait… did she just say there is no indication that immigrant communities have a higher rate of crime? You mean the “illegal” immigrants that committed crime to get here? Thats an 100 percent rate. How much higher do you want to go Ana? Beyond stupid…
@Light2share Says:
yup here is dumbturks political position in real life.
@catchnrelease8528 Says:
Didn't you guys say "defund police"?
@catchnrelease8528 Says:
Deport everyone and don't allow asylum again for 10 years. Then they'll know how to behave.
@michaelmoore4180 Says:
Deport the ones breaking the law, simple as that! We’re screwed no matter who wins the election 🤦🏻‍♂️
@strongwomanswanson6711 Says:
Vote blue no matter who ? what happened?!!
@Niko.and.Starfox Says:
When will you apologize to Dave Rubin? has it sunk in yet?
@victorsaenz9452 Says:
This is what progressive wanted and now they’re crying about it
@juliacarlstad4437 Says:
Deport them anyway!
@hieptruong5222 Says:
TYT pushes to vote for Biden and now the chaos ensues! Open borders sending hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine and Israel while Americans get nothing but inflation, job lost, crime wave, defunding of police high price of housing and food. THIS IS ALL ON YOU PUSHING THE AGENDA!!! Under Trump we all ate now we're picking up the crumbs to get by
@Grandmas_Favorite Says:
Anna kept telling the truth! It’s be refreshing watching you grow , becoming more rational, moving further and further away from the far left that makes up more than 1/2 your audience!
@supayute1 Says:
Very surprised on your take when i see that first thing i think is what did the cops do i live in nyc I know their discuss for ppl of color much less immigrants there was a entire campaign against immigrants for months not this the an entire robbery ring busted smfh lets not fall into the trap now they want ny to work with ICE come on if this was unprovoked lock they ass up!!! But this looks and smells very fishy

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