OAN Sent Sidney Powell Smartmatic Employee PASSWORD Info
OAN Sent Sidney Powell Smartmatic Employee PASSWORD Info



@TheYoungTurks Says:
Should you become an annual member? Of Couuuurse! Click Here: https://go.tyt.com/tytjoin
@CaptainDickGs Says:
Hmmm Wonder what TYT has to say now that 4 smartmatic execs have been indicted on bribery & money laundering scheme related to their electronic voting machines.
@DavidLKaas Says:
Is Dominion Machines owned by Stephan Owens married to Bidens sister? 🤔😎
@DontBeeLeafTheHype Says:
All U peeps are deranged. Just saying. You all should get a life. Politians and corporate salesmen dont give a F... about you or your life. This is class warfare and you all are losing bigtime
@user-dn9vd9xg9p Says:
What's so strange is ... When we had paper ballots the results were in before midnight. Now with technology, the results could take several days or weeks....
@mrroman3862 Says:
I'm so glad she's not a lawyer. Most of the time you're host seems confused
@Priss933 Says:
Charles is big trouble. How OAN get the password . And sharing it with another party . He should be charged by the FBI
@iggexec Says:
You do all have women wives mothers daughters etc in your life. My life was ruined by my wife being raped. How can this trump adjudicated rapist be seen one have lees the country. Please stop sending money to his lawyers.
@JasonSpitzMI50 Says:
Criminal activity that's connected to Trump is beyond belief and totally disgraceful.
@markmajors3256 Says:
You cant tell trumpers the justice system and gerry Springer not the same thing
@psychicpajamas Says:
It's a class war.
@garyrichards7580 Says:
All right wing propaganda networks will be relegated to the dustbin of history in the very near future. Be patient as it will indeed happen.
@noigelskram2435 Says:
I thought electronic voter machine fraud couldn't exist though? TYT pushed this for over a year.
@mg4468 Says:
Ana: “Sorry, didn’t mean to help.” Said the wolf in sheep’s clothing…
@FFVison Says:
Any company that takes security seriously would make sure not to store passwords in plain text. Then on top of that, they should have a good security policy. If what is stored is used for authentication, it is really supposed to be run through some one way hashing algorithm and each time you login, it has to run what the user enters and compares it to the stored hash. It is intentionally hard to derive the password from the stored hash. Secondly, if you do have a list of passwords, the policy should be to have these updated with some regularity and access levels should ideally only provide the access needed to perform one's job. Most of the people on that list, if they are supposed to have access to any sort of voting records would probably only have read only access. These are assumptions that I make while operating under the assumption that the companies responsible for our voting security take security seriously and knows more about keeping things secure than some random guy in the comments section of a YouTube video.
@flibble89 Says:
2020 was stolen and we all know it.
@TheScandoman Says:
OAN is not a far right Network: They are a far WRONG Network! 😮
@Zoe-c9z Says:
She looks like ginny thomas
Orange Jesus is coming back
@silent_unseen2099 Says:
When the GOP says election fraud, they are doing fraud. Projection.
@vs-yy5cx Says:
Syndney took the passwords and one by one tried then, and they did not work, not one! She said the password three times, with chants in between, spinning counterclockwise on her left heal between chants and then throwing chick blood on the machine at the end of the cycle, that is how you do it, right?
@CurtisSmale Says:
Trump did not file 60 cases, let alone lose that many. MOST of the cases lost were filed by people without standing. In order words, they were not lost on merit. They were lost by having the case not even heard in the first place. With that said, fraud was the incorrect charge to apply. Election meddling by media, social media and feds was the correct claim. So of course Trump lost his cases. He brought the incorrect claim.
@CurtisSmale Says:
They were not attempting to breach into the machines. They were PERMITTED entry. There is a difference. The idiots that granted access seem to have been people that should not have, but that is not the fault of Trump or anyone working for him. He requested an audit and was told he could check the machines. The idea that he or his subordinates were breaching anything is ridiculous.
@electricsheep1984 Says:
OAN is gonna get *OWNED!*
@dannybernstein1088 Says:
No it just means that they were trying to break into their system and try to plant evidence it's not at all anything on smartmatic it's all on OAN because they're trying to breach somebody's company and who knows what you could do inside there they're not trying to find evidence they were trying to plant evidence
@davidtaliaferro Says:
How did they get the passwords? Hacking? Isn't that a computer crime?
@KaiserBlade Says:
The Phillipenes banned Smartmatic from their elections. They know they cheat.
@DJ_Katone Says:
But yet they claim the election was rigged! Ha!😂😂😂😂😂😂
@Macdaddy418 Says:
the only Smartmatic voting machines in use in the US 2016 elections were in Los Angeles County (and I think maybe Utah?). Thus the lawsuit. They were not used in ANY of the states trump said were rigged.
@pauljarrett6103 Says:
My question is how did OAN get the password list to start with?
@Parabola_PJ Says:
Out of Fox, Newsmax and OAN - OAN is the weirdest of all. The anchors are so strange...
@seviregis7441 Says:
Quite clear where all the cheating was going on. All Dump has ever done lifelong is lie, cheat, and steal... that’s his gig and he knows it well. Now they’re demanding paper ballots, and we know why... so they can see the votes, and throw out the democratic ones.
@patriciaj2684 Says:
Paper ballot only. The computer voter machines rigged. All media liars for communist enemies of AMERICAN CITIZENS
@wmrieker Says:
Smartmatic had a list of passwords? I would think a company, that has a large security component to their product, would be sophisticated enough to know that having a list of passwords is a big security breach, let alone allowing it to be copied and leaked.
@JoeSmith-cy9wj Says:
There was absolutely no evidence of tampering before Carlson said there were " questions ", which there weren't.
@JoeSmith-cy9wj Says:
The malice is in the aquireing of confidential information necessary for secure elections. Not knowing the methods by which it was obtained, and irregardless of that, it is a crime to tamper with or obtain and disseminate this proprietary and critical information necessary for secure elections. This act was criminal regardless motive.
@davedemyan3302 Says:
Charles Herring sounds fishy to me.
@carmensaavedra1096 Says:
Everything is going to hell thanks to trump
@lisaengelage1541 Says:
I would be more concerned what OAN did with those passwords and how long they had access to them - the stolen election was a strategy they all pushed - did OAN believe it?? I doubt
Smartmatic is the reason we have corrupt Joe Biden as president. Keep an eye on these cheating bastards and their compromised machines or they will cheat again.
@hand0nmysteel Says:
Lets guess another summary judgement with a lib court and judge then a huge verdict
@littlelady.7vidhyavishal376 Says:
Oh wow, another lawsuit is on the way.
@ricklehman8097 Says:
Excellent Coverage
@duke2912 Says:
Some People don't realize how big this Trumpism movement is. They are fighting for the Soul of the Country they Stole and use minorities as the scapegoat for everything wrong in the Country.
@eze9057 Says:
Using lawfare to shut your opponent up.
@eze9057 Says:
Young Turks ilegally propogated the Russian Coluison lie againt a standing president. It was all a lie.
@eze9057 Says:
One corrupt news outlet calling another one corrupt. This does not make sense.
@cosak23 Says:
hilarious that certain Americans who know the toxic , lecherous , deceitful baggage that Trump carries , yet still think he is a worthy president , what cave have they come from
@CraigMcfly1985 Says:
To your point Cenk you're right, OAN will eventually be not only bankrupted completely but to be canned for good! This is why Oan and NewsMax should never be involved in cable news in da first goddamn place, now that's another example why #FAFO comes to play folks.
@CraigMcfly1985 Says:
If OAN officially violated these laws and helping out Sidney, then it's a clear sign of #FAFO🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️

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