Cenk Uygur Speech at College of Charleston Bully Pulpit Series
Cenk Uygur Speech at College of Charleston Bully Pulpit Series



@zillymonkeytv3013 Says:
why is he talking like he speaking for all of us naturalized citizens, because he sure doesnt speak for me, i think its great that only people born here can be president it makes sure our presidency is safe from outside influence
@vc5159 Says:
Stick to making shawarma
@mannyafcarsensl-rc6vv Says:
what a joke stick to making kebabs
@stretchlimbs Says:
@unipeg420 Says:
The door he's opening up would cause other governments to do the same thing and infiltrate our system. Unless he was born on a US military base outside the country he cannot run for president.
@donsheffler Says:
Cenk, explaining why the natural born citizen clause is in the constitution: "The founding fathers were very clear... they were worried about an Austro-Hungarian prince coming into the country and hijacking our democracy." OK, what? Cenk, where are you getting this stuff? :) The founding fathers were famously *NOT* clear at all about this. They didn't have *any* public discussions about it. There are no reports of this kind of discussion in the committee meetings or the general meetings during the constitutional convention. In short, there is *zero* evidence that the natural born citizen clause had anything to do with fears of an austro-hungarian prince usurping our democracy as you claim.
@bellradio Says:
So amend the Constitution and quit bitchin'.
@goat964 Says:
Who said cenk not American
@Wienerblutable Says:
The Prussian empire and Austro Hungarian empire are 2 different empires, actually they have been at war all the time. He should know that.
@scotthullinger4684 Says:
If Cenk Uygur was not born in the USA, then he can't be president. It's that simple.
@monaesorandomm Says:
I'm voting for anyone that's not Biden.
@monaesorandomm Says:
Why didn't I know he was running. 🥲
@sgtigerj Says:
I support you Cenk but it’s important to be honest about the opposing view. The DNC is not saying “we want to discriminate” they’re just saying “this is an important election and we can’t afford to have this drama because you probably won’t win anyway” Is their stance messed up? Possibly. Is it pragmatic, I think so. Should they still follow the law and not actively work against you? Absolutely. But we should still represent their position properly. They just know this will be a long drawn up drama in the courts and with the current makeup of the Supreme Court they won’t even rule on your favour. And looking at how the electorate is and how crazy the right wing is, fielding a candidate that wasn’t born in the US and is super progressive would just all the more energise the crazy right wing xenophobes and racists and morons who vote against their own self interest. The DNC knows even if by a miracle you would, win the court cases and beat Joe Biden, because of how half the country’s mind has been fckd, you’ll lose to trump
@SuperAmir2011 Says:
Really this is stupid - naturalize citizen and fairly liberal and I don’t think a naturalized citizen should be the president of the United States that’s crazy. You need to be atlest 2nd generation born citizen. What’s next asylum-seekers can run for the presidency? Like makes no sense
@robchuk4136 Says:
I remember Andrew Yang running around without a tie for his entire campaign. I never took him seriously because of it. I'm not interested in you seeming more relaxed or relatable. This is a job interview. For highest office in the country. Please wear a tie.
@Chitwnboii104 Says:
When Cenk announced his run, I said that he was not going to be qualified. Not because he isn't right in his legal argument. For the record, Cenk is right. However, American legal language was written for power and not justice. Cenk will not win this argument in court. He knows that. I just don't understand taking this moment to make that point. Why run for president? Also, realistically, he was never going to win the democratic primary because they rig the primary and have been rigging the primary forever. It feels like wasted time and resources. Cenk created a super pack to get the squad elected. What have they gotten accomplished? Maybe it's time to let go of the democrats. There are other parties and independents to support. Run third party or independent. That makes more sense. Don't you think?
@bellradio Says:
Ralph Kramden for President! https://youtu.be/YnvgWYm8B84?si=4ZYutl8gNFmhO2Fy
@xlprop6687 Says:
It really was a brilliant speech and i can clearly see that he did his homework in this One. But there is on small problem. You called your company The Young Turks and not the Young Americans. Don't forget
@MattyDemello Says:
And then you get people like Ilhan Omhar who give speeches saying her first concern is Somalia. No thanks. She represents America yet says she's in power for Somalia
@1QueenAliquippa Says:
You're fear mongering just like the Republicans. You just think you're above the law. Are there any other countries you can go to and become president if you weren't born there? It's for our protection. What if someone like Putin came here and became a naturalized citizen and tried to become president? It's not about discrimination.
@lydialombardo5606 Says:
Born in Turkey, can't run for president 😂😂😂😂
@lydialombardo5606 Says:
So he wants us to ignore the Constitution 🤔
@daveeyde9622 Says:
Nope.. Still not eligible. Drifter. Clown. Liar.
@patriciamarkham6999 Says:
I believe if a person is a citizen of the USA, born here or naturalized, should be able to run for any office they want to. Their beliefs in what is right for this country is all that is important. The only thing I believe that should happen, is that anyone who wants to live in & work in the usa, no matter where they're from, MUST LEARN ENGLISH in order to live here & have a job. The employer should pay for the ESL tutors in order for them to hire someone from another country. I am tired of going shopping at certain stores & finding out that someone I need help from to find something doesn't speak or understand ENGLISH. I think if you love & respect the country you are living in, you should learn that country's language to show that love & respect.
@ertannebi3181 Says:
HELL yeah Cenk I’m with you all the way man you’ve got my support for President ✊✊👊👊I loved everything you said in this college speech 👍👍🇺🇸🇺🇸
@JChang0114 Says:
Cenk needs to file a lawsuit as he is running out of time for SCOTUS to intervene. Unless he doesn't want to pay court costs and this is just a publicity stunt.
@agnethahynes9112 Says:
@donsheffler Says:
Schneider v Rusk did not say naturalized citizens need to be treated *exactly* like natural born citizens. In fact it specifically pointed out that the presidential eligibility clauses in the constitution drew a distinct line between natural born and naturalized citizens. It is ludicrous to suggest that this case wiped away that distinction.
@akhagop4123 Says:
People who identify themselves as muslim, they never have loyalty for non muslim nations and countries.
@KevinJonah Says:
You were good Good Heart
Sorry Cenk if you weren't born here you cant be president. It's 2024 not 1824. Rules are rules. 🤷
@writerightmathnation9481 Says:
All of the founding fathers were immigrants. Let that sink in.
@Kikkipriest Says:
No thank you - he is a terrorist sympathizer and is clueless about war.
@johnlynn8543 Says:
In what country was George Washington born?
@casper1tv205 Says:
Ever thought of talking to my brother mal hyman running for Congress in Hartsville South Carolina
@mulan2010 Says:
A sign that you are a good person is when the establishment try to give you 0 attention. They don’t even want you on the ballot. They don’t draw attention to your work. They just ignore you altogether.
@mulan2010 Says:
Cenk 2024
@craigpoer Says:
Please don't let ceek near the children. Hes funny in the head.
@macroman52 Says:
Too bad Arnold Schwarzenegger didn't think of this, because he would have had a lot more popular support.
@buFFlosouljah1 Says:
Who is allowing non naturslized people to run their countries anywhere on this planet?
@darv011 Says:
Go Cenk!! The constitution is clear in its amendment, naturalised = born!!
@PoppaCYS Says:
The constitution is pretty clear - only a natural-born citizen can run from President. The USSC ruling on an unrelated case doesn't nullify that requirement. I like Cenk, but this is a waste of time and energy.
@jspanos500 Says:
Taking out the question of whether Cenk is legally permitted to run for president, the political parties in this country are wholly undemocratic. We need major changes to our elections, like rank choice voting, if we're going to allow this two party duopoly.
@skylerprescott9175 Says:
What stops China from sending someone to become a citizen and run for office on their behalf.
@ibtisamhtewek3407 Says:
I am an immigrant and I trust no Muslims nor Middle East or any where else to be my president and it is proven Muslims all what they have to fight is to implement Islam ,
@ibtisamhtewek3407 Says:
It is up to you if you want to be a citizen or not , if you want to stick your Islamic Shariah nobody can help you , and stop complaining ,
@Dennis-nc3vw Says:
I don't like Cenk but I agree non-natives (lowercase n) should be allowed to run for President.
@osucowgirl2001 Says:
Great that you let him speak! He is a moron but give him the chance
@Colbycrab Says:
Stop donating any money to the Young Turks. It's mostly going to Cenk's farcical waste of time campaign. The guy is an absolute joke, he's wrong on practically everything and has been embarrassing himself in debates these past few weeks whenever he appears on someone else's show. Just a no-nothing blow hard.
@paulbromley6687 Says:
There are reasons why discrimination should be permitted one reason is if a criminal wished to stand for political office maybe a sex offender or a person who may use the power for selfish personal gain these people deserve to be denied the privilege. Standards in public life have plummeted as the general public have become more apathetic and so they consider disgusting candidates for the presidency

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