THIS State Is Considering Giving Kids Cash For Showing Up To School
THIS State Is Considering Giving Kids Cash For Showing Up To School



@TheYoungTurks Says:
Should you become an annual member? Of Couuuurse! Click Here:
@midnightprince30 Says:
Alternatively drop outs can just work at a warehouse their whole life. Might seem apathetic but we shouldn't set a precedence that you'll be paid to do what you should already be doing if you wanna be paid in real life. We were worried about participation prizes? This is way worse.
@ContagiousRepublic Says: they can feed themselves one meal a week, the rest of the time poor students frequently come to school without a breakfast unless they also work after school which ruins their attention during the day. I can see students clocking out as soon as the money is earned, dropping out of 10% remaining time exactly with clockwork precision.
@widde4113 Says:
Weeeell, people get payed to do their work they're supposed to do...?🙃
@MaouHoi Says:
Maybe use the money wisely: - Free Breakfast/lunch that is tasty and healthy - in house child psychologists that help with any issues children face - free equipment/supplies to foster interest in after school sports and activities - Free Tutoring for those who want to aspire for greatness.
@devinaudette9770 Says:
Not every problem can be solved by throwing money at it.
@Kate-nl4lz Says:
You're just asking for parents to send sick children to school. Previous school year to save face, admin didn't warn families when germs were hitting classrooms hard. Because of this, & parents not being able to afford to call in w sick child, my children brought home a combined 5-6 viruses & led to around 3 months of cumulative missed work for me & my spouce. If there's financial incentive as well, yeah there'll be more sick kids in school! We had 18 total school days one child missed last year where we had to send in evidence, to the school that kept sending him home, that he was actually sick & not playing hookey (sp?). The deductible for a doctor visit of $250 was almost enough to send him to school if we were desperate. (Thank God we're not, but I don't blame the PARENTS who are!)
@dan020350 Says:
i was born late;
@christophersmith859 Says:
As someone who drew ssi benefits in highschool if I wasn't making money from being there I would have dropped out but I graduated and almost went to college
@lindapalka2058 Says:
I think it's a great idea and teach the kids to manage money at the same time.
@PeacefulPariah Says:
Denver Public Schools used to pay me $5 a quarter for every A. They opened an account for me at the DPS Credit Union and I got $25 bucks before someone like Ana shut down the program after just 1 quarter. Thanks, Ana.
@BrianWilson-xu8cs Says:
Believe it or not. Idaho actually did this for a summer school program in the 80s. Then governor Cecil Andrus championed the program. Not sure why they didn't continue the program. I thought it was successful. Kept me going to summer school.
@Tempest-B Says:
It’s probably all the school shootings. 🤷‍♀️😢
@magoo9279 Says:
They tried everything other than talking with the actual educators, parents, and kids. To find out why kids are not attending school. Ya, that does sound like corp America.
@magoo9279 Says:
Wait a minute. They can come up with money to pay kids, but they can't come up with money to pay teachers? Who's going to teach the kids if there are not enough teachers.
@RockerickS Says:
The poorest are the most affected by our horrible economy. Educated people telling poor people they have to go to a none paying job all day is pretty thick.
@vintagethings9187 Says:
Attending school is now in competition with lots of other things, like working part time, hanging out, playing computer games etc, and some money might make the difference. To anyone who doesn’t like the idea, the bottom line is that America has to get its kids educated, more, or at all in some cases, otherwise the future is very bleak. This is how things are, not how you hoped they’d be.
@nimbo1496 Says:
I think this is a good plan but put the money in an account that is then given to them when they graduate. Make the system have a minimum GPA requirement and if they want to go to college then the amount in the account is doubled.
@AndroidTales Says:
The government should be paying the citizens anyway. If it wasn't for us, there would be no governments. NO GODS/NO MASTERS
@melosova-suav8930 Says:
$500/ yr is peanuts.
@christopherconkright1317 Says:
family's can't survive with two incomes so
@aliciaromero2248 Says:
This is great. Teaching students about being responsible in school brings rewards. Work hard and get paid. Sometimes students don't make the connection. A little extrinsic motivation works. Most students who have attendance issues have many other issues. Sometimes the issue is poverty. How do you motivate a student who already lacks motivation? In addition, I would do vouchers for school supplies, clothes and some summer spending money. Have banks help kid open a banks account and teach financial literacy. I just don't want parents to exploit this. Also, teachers should be given stipends for their little reward systems in their classrooms. Teachers know how that adds up. It is the high financial cost of being a classroom teacher.
@koolaid9273 Says:
Look😂 y'all I'm from the hood and I know most of the parents will take that check, and nowadays so many kids smoke weed pay them and their gonna get the kush an hydro,I totally think it's a bad idea,go after the source the parents, and they don't want know smoke the parents gone be like I ain't going to jail get yo ass up and get to school period.its called good parenting now bye.
@istrumguitars Says:
Pay for me but not for thee? How about instead of this crap we start funding critical thinking, communications and media literacy for high school students
@darrellburton4111 Says:
lol….. People are running this country to the ground…… Nobody wants to say the obvious…… Penalize parents and stop sparing the rod and spoiling the child….. No one wants to say this…. Tell me years later how is time out and And best friend parenting working out for you…? I also like the method the Salem s hook is using in addition to what I’m stating…
@TheLastLineLive Says:
I like this idea but I think it should be tied to grades as well. Just showing up is not enough on its own, the kid needs to put the work in too.
@autumnivyhowe3775 Says:
I was having panic attacks amd suicidal thoughts daily for pretty much all 4 years of high school and missing or tardy 40% of the school year at the peak of my struggle. I was constantly in trouble with the attendance board. They even threatened me and told me that my parents and/or myself could go to jail for not making me go to school. They made me take texts at the doctors over and over again and kept saying It wasn't really an illness because the tests showed nothing. We brought tons of notes from my psychiatrist that explained it was neurological but they said that isnt a real excusable illness. It wasn't until my junior year that a new attendance supervisor really listened to why I was missing school and she suggested mandated therapy. I went and was diagnosed agoraphobic. They put me on the "home and hospital program" where basically I had to homeschool myself and do all my classes online, both my current course load and all the classes I had failed. They sent someone once a month to check in. All the people who had seen me as a disrespectful delinquent with no appreciation for education, watched as I caught up completely with almost no further help from teachers. They watched, after years of claiming that I was pretending to be ill to get out of school, as I fought hard to recover in therapy and every few months would return to in person school before my mental health dragged me back under and sent me back to the H&H program. My own school counselor begrudgingly admitted that I was clearly motivated, but told me it would never be enough to recover my units from when I'd missed school and that I'd never graduated on time. I completed my courses and got the district signature on my diploma 2 hours before we walked the stage. With more intensive therapy over the summer, I was able to go college and hold down a job and I didn't miss a single class due to illness of any kind. Mental health is a huge factor for many kids who struggle with attendance. Our country needs to address it if they want to see an improvement in the potential futures of our kids.
@virginiachris80 Says:
Kids should not only receive an incentive but kids and their guardians should be either getting disincentive when they are truant.
@Chuck145e Says:
I'm completely in favor of this. Schools are meritocracies anyway. So, rewarding students with money to succeed is a brilliant move. That will also teach them responsibility in the workplace.
@nikeiaturner9373 Says:
No no and no and the dark people of ohio didnt ask for that 😮
@Grace6767-c2r Says:
….or just go to school. Don’t pay them smh.
@seeleunit2000 Says:
I'm honestly in favor of paying students for getting good grades at school. So, I'm not against students get paid for attending school as well the students receiving, i just think that this idea should have been implemented years ago. This could be done in a the fifty states.
@davidhutchinson5233 Says:
You just tell kids the reality before reality asserts itself. I can teach you and help you. That's a whole hell of a lot than life teaching you. Life is a teacher as well. But life won't be as friendly and caring as I am. Life will chew you up and spit you out. If you think you're ready to face that completely and utterly unprepared, have at it. But if you have a modicum of intelligent, let us learn and reason together children.
@williamking2337 Says:
This is just giving rich kids money. Look at the people who don't make that mark. Poorer, more health issues, gang violence. Same thing with the GPA thing. It is proven that kids that are hungry have lower test scores, and who are the hungry kids. This is just smoke and mirrors to give rich kids free money.
@NoisyMayhemInc Says:
Here it used to be legislated that anyone sighted during school hours 11 by the truancy officers they put you in a paddy wagon and Shanghaied you 500km away in Longwall high security old school Victorian era juvenile detention 11-18 years and it was worse than any adult prison I’ve been in Now it’s 10-18 because at 3% of the population the evangelicals receive 100% of the state and federal funding for community wellbeing programs addiction services and mental health counseling services and have the highest self harm rates on the planet and a 78% recidivism rate
@OliverNorth9729 Says:
@jusdesireable3224 Says:
So instead of parents being parents we paying kids who will now think even more they are above their parents. Nah this can't have any bad ramifications, no way...
@66Sixxy Says:
It would have been great if my youngest's (now 22) teachers had the understanding that we didn't have a vehicle, a home computer, & any internet at home during her middle school & high school years. & she was on an IEP. I didn't even have a way to get her/us back & forth to the library. It's a small town & there's no public transportation. Also, I'm disabled, & she has Asperger's Syndrome. Hell, I still don't have any of that. I don't have cable or satellite either, just my smartphone.
@judydean399 Says:
of course it's Ohio
@thebougiewineo8976 Says:
My sil and bil (doctor) received food stamps during covid because they lived in Ohio. Now they receive federal covid money for tutoring their kids in Virginia.
@Viking33729 Says:
How about schools are mentally draining , they learn more online then in school environments. Learning about jfk and Germany can be done online in one hour., but no children listen to it in drifts, drabs in lessons on and off . Get with the times there’s an idea
@HappyJackKitty Says:
School isn't safe anymore, politicians keeps banning books and wants to teach revised civil history. Actions have consequences
@annharlan8926 Says:
A lot of crap is taught in school now and students understand that. There are a lot of things that are much more important than geometry. Teach them to balance a check book, manage using a debit card, how to avoid credit card debt, how to buy a used car, how to sort out fake news from real news, how to grow their own food, what colleges are not accredited, how to find a job with computer algorithms interfering with them getting a human to read their resume/application, what degrees are almost worthless, how to answer questions in an interview, how to make friends and keep them (basically social skills), how to do simple science experiments to compare, how to find their way around a city and the planet, how to find an apartment to rent, how to limit time on social media, how to destress, how to maintain a school/work balance in life so they don't burn-out and mostly how to think critically - ask them if there is another answer to a problem that presents. Most jobs need you to be able to read and write well, interact with people at all different education and SES levels, and be able to do basic math. That means, you have to read a lot of books, write a lot of papers, interact with a lot of people (like public speaking and working in groups) and do basic math. If their field of interest (such as computer programming, data-entry and security) demands more, then they can take those classes separately from the other students. In elementary school, one of my daughters was just learning about adding and subtracting, and they taught her 5 or 6 methods. She couldn't get one down before they started on another. All she needed to learn was how to borrow and carry-over but they spent a lot of time confusing her, giving her anxiety about school and causing her to have nightmares. She dreaded going to school. I told them that she could always learn some math concept later, but if they taught her to hate going to school, they were killing her joy of learning. They didn't care. They were following some weird curriculum that was untested for long-term memory, accuracy and use. School can be fun, and it starts with learning to read. The first few years should be focused on reading books and occasionally reading on the computer in older grades. The teacher should read to them every day, in the early years, so that they love books. They should read as their brains are able to master the concepts - with no judgment. LeVar Burton was correct all these years.
@catherinewilliams9680 Says:
When I was in high school, parents were hauled into court when kids didn't go to class.
@edene.4870 Says:
This is the stupidest thing I've heard in a while. The states refuse to give kids things like free lunch, throwing away unpaid food in front of the kids' eyes instead of giving it to them, they refuse to better the education system in general and taking off the burdens on the shoulders of teachers, and then they think a slapdash bandaid like paying kids to attend is a good idea? WTF? In other countries parents get penalty fees if their kids are absent from school. Get rid of homeschooling, minimise private schools, invest in the betterment of schools, let the kids have free lunch - that's all you need to guarantee topnotch educated kids. But then, let's be real. The lawmakers don't want educated kids, they just want the numbers to make themselves look good.
@BigBox609 Says:
There will be an alien 👽 invasion on October 22nd, 2033. 😱😱😱 Be prepared earth 🌎! #alieninvasion #prepareforearth #October22nd2033
@somitafekete3005 Says:
Ohio is so busy suppressing the rights of their own citizens and now local government is paying kids to go to school????? Sounds like another tax on the population to fund rich kids’ education because we all know lawmakers have done EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN TO MAKE CHILDREN FEEL HOPELESS.
@robm1438 Says:
You have no idea the hell scape the GOP has created in Ohio schools. They changed the law last year that any parent can pull their child out of school for any reason and list them as a "homeschooler" and there is ZERO regulation or followup. My crazy ex wife has removed my kids from school and said they are homeschooling. They have not done any work for the last 7 months and my only option is to fight in the family court. In Cuyahoga county, the court is a complete useless POS and it will take me probably 2 years to get the case heard. All an effort to break the public school system.
@alainabrown9836 Says:
I’m in Ohio and part of the problem during the pandemic was the online school structure was not working well. Teachers were definitely passing students with F’s because they didn’t know what else to do. An of course it’s one teacher to so many kids so it’s hard to help kids who are struggling online. Now back in school in person it’s better. This is just one aspect. There are definitely other problems.
@jamespratt7691 Says:
The only way to fix education and school is make private schools illegal. The rich will instantly improve public education

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