You made exactly 0 points only slop with buzzwords
@MrStebe120 Says:
Uh... if no one works then everyone starves, freezes and dies duh
@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 Says:
@AdahPAHtatah Says:
That is less than my Social Security!
@jan-pi-ala-suli Says:
ok cool i’m more of a marxist anyway
@tacticalgoldfinch8953 Says:
75% of that goes to rent alone for me and I live in a smaller town. Not crazy small but class sizes for high school are 100-120
@friendlyminer Says:
@wesleyhewes9606 Says:
@brianbrown1577 Says:
Only cost you 5000 in taxes
@liawweileong6036 Says:
If you just hand out the 1k without the exchange of product or services, you will just cheapens the money
@antonrobert2170 Says:
If everyone has that attitude then no one contributes to society and thus there is nothing. The only people who should be exempt from contributing to society is the disabled and children with retirement being a reward for your contributions. Other wise you are a burden and a selfish one at that if you can but you don't want too. It should not be other responsibilities to look after you are just exploiting others at that point.
@schumerus6786 Says:
This woman is explaining why no nurse wants to works in geriatrics at the hospital or nursing homes mostly. Work sucks and you get paid the same if you go somewhere lighter on your back. But some have to, as they weren’t taken anywhere else. This woman isn’t proposing 1000 dollars, Prager you don’t listen, she is promoting a better Work- pay ratio for shitty jobs, or even a better quality job fir the same pay. Make the workplace show they need you by accommodating by pay rise or improved environment or just leave the place and find a place that does. Your old workplace should, if workers unite, go bankrupt due to lack of workers gradually
@mikk1332 Says:
@paulwaller3587 Says:
@carluptagrafft8563 Says:
In the usa you can have all your basic needs met. A free place to stay? See the homeless shelter. Food go to the food bank and or food stamps. You can get a free cell phone from the government. Health care emergency rooms can't turn you away. Now im not saying your gong to get the best quality of item but your basic need will be met. What these people really want is nicer thing then what is on offer.
@Phantom8589 Says:
You dont work you dont eat how about that! keep it simple and if you starve its your fault!
@theimpostorafungus1213 Says:
Edit: regarding the actual video, why are we against helping others? We could definitely afford this if taxes against people with ludicrous income was increased (or existed at all lmao.) Surely, SURELY you can see that people having a home makes it easier to get a job and be more productive in said job.
@goldbond1034 Says:
Also, where’s this money coming from?
@rwsmith7 Says:
We CAN fix stupid, but it's gonna hurt.
@skylark6167 Says:
"i know this sounds like a good idea but it's not, its not i promose, don't even try it, i can't explain why it's bad but it is and all the studies that say its good are wrong and don't trust them because i said so"
@hughmungus7425 Says:
"Hey, like, what if the government just printed money and gave it to us for free?!" - every 7-year-old and every communist.
@Marv0712 Says:
You hate it until you need it. I used to hate the idea of ubi too, but now I'm unable to work for the foreseeable future and could use that money for living expenses
@HisDudeness1986 Says:
Communism has proven to work well in the short game, but never in the long-end.
@Hannodb1961 Says:
UBI = Hyper inflation.
@АнтонТвардовский-г4и Says:
Ah yes, work or starve is a much better option than government handouts, very much slavery indeed
I swear to god, everything is slavery for conservatives except for actual slavery, which never happened, but if it did, it was a long time ago and we need ro forget about it
@hiphopblows9490 Says:
It’s hard to take someone with a nose ring seriously.
@Letha-AnnCooper Says:
LOL. Yeah. Who’s going to give you a thousand dollars for doing nothing? That’s just greedy and lazy.
@Tonyp3 Says:
There will always be jobs that no one wants to do. It’s part of life until we get to a point robots can do those jobs effectively and efficiently that will always be the case.
But those leftist actually want people enslaved to the government. That’s what democrats have always wanted. The just found it’s easier to keep slaves when no physical chains are present.
@nlmaster9811 Says:
Capitalism just ends with feudalism once all of the resources are privately owned. Like the idea of never owning anything, no home, car, anything. Late stage capitalism is for you ❤. Hope you like subscription services.
@glocksundgeworfenheit_ Says:
Ya know what doesnt help jobs get better to compete for us? Unlimited workers that dont pay taxes.
@beware3586 Says:
This coming from the person who very likely thinks food just magically appears in stores
@pinnacleroofing9841 Says:
The problem with UBI is math. Experiments have been done that purport to show it works but here's the problem. If a town has 1000 people and 10 of them were given an extra $1k as a test, those 10 people are relatively richer than the rest of the population and would therefore actually have more purchasing power. But, if you gave that $1k to all 1000 inhabitants that would cause price inflation in areas like housing and services that are locally priced (food would probably remain unchanged) so the extra $1k would only gain you about a 10% increase in standard of living or, about $100 per month. Do it across the country and even stable prices like food will experience the inflation. The $1k now has no effect so another UBI is needed which will give another short caffeine boost until that is now also worthless and yet another is needed.
At this point everyone will see it doesn't work but the market has priced in the "free" money and we can't go back but are spending billions to fund it.
A possible angle/solution is to get foreign and domestic hedge funds out of the rental real-estate market which drives up the cost for families and get the US gov't out of the free-money-to-everyone-else-in-the-world business
@matthewplesniarski90 Says:
Ngl, with the proliferation of automation, the idea of a ubi isnt so ridiculous anymore. If every human in a position gets replaced by a far more efficient machine, the costs to run that company go down and the profits will increase, but with that comes people unable to find jobs and make a living, as they've all been automated away. So in my opinion, its entirely reasonable to say that the value created by machines, in replacing hard working individuals, shouldn't just be pocketed by those at the top of the ladder, but it would be almost necessary for that wealth to be redistributed, as at that point the whole basis of trickle down economics would be removed with wages affectively disappearing. Its obviously a complicated issue, and I'm not the omniscient man with answers, but I think calling it impractical is shortsighted
@jwoods9659 Says:
Dude your not getting ANYTHING. Your just going to be broke.
@cheesecake5859 Says:
I think welfare should consist of government housing, government provided instant potatoes, and baby formula. Food stamps on debit cards are just an invitation for abuse
@Elizabethrodriguez-co5cy Says:
This is actually already working in the Red State of Alaska. Oil and Gas pay residents, oh yea, most of America is less than a 500$ emergency of being a very serious predicament.
@WhiteRavenSong Says:
Any message coming from PragerU is sus! 😬
@dragonicmonkey7 Says:
If we eliminated every single social program and replaced it with UBI, we could establish a baseline for people while also allowing for normal jobs to exist
@mikehigbee2320 Says:
So...exactly how do we "come together as workers" when we're not working? Where do you get the "basic needs" of life when no one is producing them? Where does the government get the money for your handout, when they can't spend a dollar before they take more than a dollar away from someone else, first? From whom will they take the money if no one is working? Economics isn't a one way stream. It's an ecosystem. Each part has to both give and take in some way. Your system is all take on one side, and all give on the other. Good luck with that.
@dievas_ Says:
No, you contribute to society if you want to live in it.
@JoshC-End-Abortion-Fear-God Says:
Cool video
@iamzenia Says:
ok, so because $1000/m *isn't* enough to survive on, ditch UBI. Uhh... establish what *IS* the top of the bottom 1/3 'band' of 'basic needs' and demonetize it *completely*. UBI is a stepping stone towards full demonetization of Basic Needs and Freedom *FROM* compulsory involuntary servitude to a corporate owned reality. A *home* is a PLACE YOU FEEL AT HOME, not a "product" on a "marketplace" to be exploited for gain. If you think otherwise, I'd refer you to the prison you suggested.
@taroubb1940 Says:
The girl's rant is what I expect from a cow person nowaday.
@pinnacleexpress420 Says:
and how exactly does $1000 worth of free power enslave people? you shouldve posted a link in this short to a full video that explains
@WharGhoul_ Says:
Soon enough, the UBI will come, and when it does, it'll be the same as the government handing out free toilet paper
@justinm1200 Says:
Then how would society run if people didnt work crappy jobs?
@christophersimon4493 Says:
You could make it $10,000 a month. It doesn’t matter when they can print as much money as they want. That’s how this game is played.
@ac3sw1ld2 Says:
Raising pay for minimum skills does nothing but hurt the country as a whole raising minimum wage while keeping skilled positions at the same.rate of pay does nothing but make EVERYTHING more expensive and causes people to settle into a dead end BS job instead of bettering themselves and learning a skill it's bad all the way around
@RichardDuryea Says:
Depends on the person but it can really help someone in a tight spot.
@ronliebermann Says:
There’s no point in talking about Universal Basic Income. First: remember that right now, the U.S. treasury is printing money faster than Zimbabwe. So a thousand dollars would quickly lose all of its purchasing power. It would actually be three hundred dollars.
Second, The demographic problem has two parts: The first part is immigration. Hispanics have flooded the job market. And the second part is old people who own all the assets; and they won’t transfer those assets to the next generation.
So returning America to a sane economic policy will mean a drastic reduction in government spending to reduce inflation. Medicare and the V.A. will have to end.
It will also mean expelling all the Hispanics from America. The United States is an Anglo Saxon, Christian, English speaking country. Nothing else. Hispanics are dangerous invaders. So are Hindus and Africans.
The last part will be a new dollar, and a repudiation of all debt. After that, America’s assets will be redistributed so that young married couples can get married and raise families. That’s the primary objective.