MAGA on Why MLK Would Be A Trump Supporter
MAGA on Why MLK Would Be A Trump Supporter



@archstanton5973 Says:
Go read SCHOLARLY material on Martin Luther King Jr. and you WILL find out VERY fast that MLK was more radical in 1968 than he was in 1958 and was by ALL definition a Marxist. I'm not pointing that out as a bad thing.
@dottiekelly1101 Says:
oh, i hear a whole bunch of white resentment and fear, a driving force of much of this movement. I'm guessing these people know two lines from MLK Jr. Lincoln Memorial speech and that is all they know about him.
@joanrodriguez7587 Says:
bat crap crazy
@anothertrumptard5163 Says:
"We're not racists" = we believe black people should rise - on their side of the fence! 😢
@mustbtrouble Says:
Saaaaayyy Whhhhaaaat?!
@VansHalham Says:
The lying stinky orange POS has these poor souls wrapped around his finger. When he ends up in prison we are going to need the decommissioned psych hospitals to get back in operation.
@anjeclbarnes Says:
Trump supporters please 🙏 research this for yourself. Ivanka changed her last name to Kushner & won't go near him and a wife that wont go near him. I know his daughters married but she took a job in the WhiteHouse afterwards. Would u give up a lifetime salary for a last name not comparable? If so, how smart of a business move is that? Could this be how those 6 bankruptcies happened?
@anjeclbarnes Says:
I think Dr. King would tell Donald Trump to tell his supporters the truth. Admit that he's a politician , that he raped E Jean Carroll, & he has said he wants to get rid of the American Constitution.
@Jennifer-jt9cb Says:
She's white. How the hell does she know a goddamn thing about what black lives were like under the Adolf regime?
@bernardturner8103 Says:
These two half wit bigots are talking out of their 4 points of contact 😮
@mikewalton6856 Says:
Once you say “the blacks” I’m ignoring everything you say after that
@toniacalhoun8446 Says:
Is this witch crazy. Blacks?
@VerityJohnson-sy6kf Says:
Trump is the biggest racist out just like his dad before him who was in the Kk
@VerityJohnson-sy6kf Says:
Trump is the biggest racist lieing coward out
@Patty-lb3sl Says:
So you don't think MLK would have a problem with eliminating the slave heritage from the history books. You people are just plain dumb. Opie you go get you some roadkill. Kets not forget deathsantis ignorant statement that many slaves learned a trade and it was their faults for not building a career
@Patty-lb3sl Says:
Omg they are brain dead. Why?
@carlanorris226 Says:
It sickens me to witness apparently cognitively intact adults opine that "Trump cares about the people." Horse waste! Trump cares about Trump. This fact was brought sharply to light recently when Trump expressed his hope that the U.S. economy would make a downturn in 2024, thus potentially causing loss and hardship to those very "people" about whom he and his minions insist that he cares so deeply, *if it would make President Biden look bad.* I have medically documented brain damage from a massive cerebral hemorrhage in 2001, and even I can see that for Trump people, including his own worshippers, are merely means to an end. If they suffer in the process of his quest for power, too bad - collateral damage. 🤷🏼
@junawallace7315 Says:
Whenever the word "people" is missing from the term "Black people", you immediately know everything that you need to know 🥴💀😭
@Rbills02 Says:
These people only know one quote from MLK. They need read his more socialist writings and quotes.
@bikeconnectionbmx Says:
Why do white Trump always have to talk about what Trump has done for black people? Before you say anything no Trump didn’t help with HBCU and actually Biden offered more money for HBCU than Trump. Education is cheap
@beverlylargent5580 Says:
We didn't have no peace when trump was president, nothing but hate and chaos!
@LaverneRivers Says:
I think the word racism means different things to different people, so the answers will vary and the truth is hard to be told...
@jshelhorse Says:
So much dumbness ... so little time.
@rickysandefur700 Says:
Trump is racist and so are these people always making excuses for their great white hope,orange jesus or what ever these traitors call him.
@rickysandefur700 Says:
These two morons are perfect examples of trump voters. They are racist idiots I know MLK would not support Trump!
@charlenemossen6611 Says:
These people are out of their minds!
@PhilipGoldstein-kb9tm Says:
If you listen to white people,, Martin Luther King will be white in twenty years
@keef0088 Says:
MLK talking about character. lol. a philandering, plagiarizing woman beater. how rich.
@okp76 Says:
They al have the same MLK quote....LOL
@geriedavis556 Says:
Its so funny when he asked the one lady what was her favorite quote of Dr. King and she said the one that EVERYONE remembers but when asked about Donald Trump, she didnt have one.
@bud2762 Says:
These folks are a bad reflection of white Americans.
@LeShaay1 Says:
This Black woman didn’t
@bobbiewallace4008 Says:
Bull. Dr King wouldn't be allowed to stay inhis crappy hotel. King wouldn't have liked trumpet
@jeanhensley3903 Says:
Of course, white people like this thought the slaves enjoyed slavery🙄
@tania2160 Says:
4 FOUR LONG YEARS OF STRESS, OF LIES, DECEITS, INSULTS, ETC. ETC. Were the best? Wow!! She must had been on another planet! What an old MAGAT! DONALD TRUMP is an IGNORANT NINCOMPOOP! who talks as having constipation on his brain and diarrhea in his mouth, mixes topics that don't make any sense, lies, invents facts. blames everybody for his mistakes specially President Biden when in reality, he's a thief a liar, fraudster (left hundreds, if not many workers without their pay, lied to the banks, didn't pay taxes for almost 15 years cheating USA Government) a narcissist Fascist Dictator wannabe. He's nothing but a pure scum, ugly with a disgusting orange nightmare terrifying face, thinking himself that he's handsome, smart with a BIG BRAIN!! To the MAGAT followers... specially to the elderly woman who think that TRUMP is God's sent, that he's bringing the second coming of Jesus... Are you Kidding me? Jesus was kind, humble, consider by his race the most knowledgeable of all teacher's in the Jewish religion, a GREAT RABBI!! How could this crazy MAGATS could compare this trashy waste of human flesh to a such DIVINE individual as JESUS? HORRIBLE! Not to long ago, this thought and expression would have been consider a blasphemy!! 300 years ago, you would have been burnt to the stake. Stop being blind and stupid! because if "your imbecile god" he gets elected YOU specially old woman will lose completely your benefits as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and perhaps your savings whether they are big or small. A DICTATOR as Trump wants to become... seeks richness at all costs, it doesn't matter how. That it's what Hitler did with the Jewish people, confiscated all their assets and way of supporting themselves and at the end he ordered to have them burnt... Trump is already saying that he wants to build jails and have the police make raids as soon as he gets elected... Don't you wonder why? That is also how Mussolini acquired his wealth, confiscated the assets of major investors and rich people, some were executed, killed and some were able to scape... The same now a days Putin, became a billionaire killing his adversaries (What Trump wants to do) and incarcerating wealthy Russians, some of them escaped to oversees. What about the Korean ruler? Killed sooo many investors, and no one can exceed his wealth otherwise is executed on the spot.... So, keep on cheering your idol, but prepare yourself to live begging for food on the streets until you die of hunger and desperation since your ADORABLE GOD TRUMP will not move a finger to help you. SEE? HE DOESN'T HAVE A HEART OR A CONSCIENCE... If you think on this terms, PERHAPS you can consider keeping the rules of DEMOCRACY? At least now that you're old, you may still enjoy the fruits of your labor paid by the young people now in taxes, who are working to keep you safe and well. Didn't you know that the younger generation supports with their taxes the elder generation? (That is also call POSITIVE SOCIALISM, was establish after WW ll by President FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT when utter poverty struck America. It Trump takes away (As he's planning to do) you must consider that without it, you wouldn't have a penny available. Be cautious specially now that you have reached an age that you can't full around with your security... YES? THAN... VOTE FOR DEMOCRACY!! silly MAGAT
@davidmadison9369 Says:
MLK would be pushing Bernie FROM THE LEFT!!! 😂😂😂
@1911gleap Says:
Not ONE complete statement or sentence in their explanation, with a cogent thought attached to it! NOT ONE!!!
@hopetaylor7159 Says:
This is why Trump loves the poorly educated.
@LarryWhite-l1j Says:
Trump doesn't give a s*** about no one but himself
@LarryWhite-l1j Says:
The profile of Satan is Trump a liar a thief a murderer and a destroyer
@LarryWhite-l1j Says:
We were all black and Johnson was assassinated assassinated
@meemee5660 Says:
Funny how white folks THINK they know how Black folks feel and think, but the most ridiculous thing is thinking that Dr. King would EVER support trump!!!!
@cliftonmorrow3976 Says:
I would love to see this question asked to trump supporters in front of a black audience.
@D4L_457 Says:
No we didn't. Do you remember George Floyd and all the police killings of Black people. He made people mad snd divided us even more. And if you can't see your party is racist then you druck to much trump kool aid. If your not racist but stand with racist the your just like the nazi systemthizer.
@hawkhm97 Says:
These people are not telling the truth they talk but they have no proof of what they say you can't get out of Walmart without having a receipt mega people never bring the receipts
@Don.tKillTheMessanger Says:
Favourite Trump quote? Trump doesn't have any quotes? He doesn't understand the.meaning of the word "quote". If he says anything, he claims it as his own. Even though he doesn't have the capacity to understand words with more than 2 syllables.
@liztewliztew Says:
0:00 - Blacks had better lives the four years tRump was in office”? Seriously? Did she forget about all of the protesting & riots that followed the death of George Floyd? 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️
@BrittneyCooper-yb3td Says:
Yes racists and George Floyd would support Trump too.😂
@thomasgoree7976 Says:
Oh really 🙄 Dr King spent half of his life opposing someone like Trump Non of these people know nothing about Martin Luther king 🙄
@brunoangel4556 Says:
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂your full of 💩

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