Will Fani Willis' Alleged Relationship With Prosecutor Blow The Trump Case?
Will Fani Willis' Alleged Relationship With Prosecutor Blow The Trump Case?



@TheYoungTurks Says:
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@ChristianDevoin2 Says:
In 2024 TYT is totally oblivious to the First Amendment.
@salvadorvasquez8426 Says:
So who would have experience with this type of case? Has Wade got results? Ha $6k for 3 trips...ha ha I think it's embarrassing. Wade has spent way less (650k) then Jack Smith and gotten far more results. I watched the hearing end to end. This clip was disingenuous.
@lamontlowe7017 Says:
Definitely tons of systemic Racism.. when blacks have a hearing they testify bcuz of American double standards. When white republicans testify they say 3 things “I plead the 5, my council told me not to answer or I CANT RECALL”. Meanwhile Donald Trump with 100s of allegations don’t answer nothing
@thomasinacain5124 Says:
@Bart157 Says:
I am happy to see TYT reporting this fairly
@steveb9525 Says:
She has fruit flies under her dress
@steveb9525 Says:
She needs a whole roll of toilet paper to wipe down.
@vincentmoore9029 Says:
I hate to say it but she played herself.And to go into a church and defend her behavior is beyond hypocritical. As a Blackman I am ashamed because she fed into every stereotype that is out there about hyper sexual misogyny.Not even morally defendable the man is still married and that is sexual harassment in reverse. He is a subordinate. She needs to resign or he needs to. It won't be taking seriously if she prosecuted it. Trump and his people will make this a blood sport. She compromised the whole case and it is irresponsible.
@kaizer2312 Says:
Trump is scared out of his mind. This case will not be dismissed nor will Ms. Wills be dismissed. Mr. Wade's estranged wif😅e just wants more money in their divorce proceedings.
@johnblank9891 Says:
Lol Fani is corrupt. Democrats are corrupt
@stepministriesinternationa5933 Says:
I believe they both should step aside from the case. However, this doesn't make the charges against DT go away. Lapse of judgement; did they believe that this wasn't going to be revealed. Crazy, please stand down.
@mikehoward3018 Says:
If you’re prosecuting the former President of the United States, you have to make sure you’re squeaky clean crossing your tees and dotting your iii. You can’t have any mistakes along the way. Between this and Cory Bush BW taking huge Ls in 2024
@jacquelineortiz9578 Says:
Here are this reporters and anchors inviting anyone they can to Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Blaaaahhh... Goodnes when is this going to end?
@jacquelineortiz9578 Says:
The whole Case is a Hoax! It had to start falling apart somewhere😅😅😅😂😂😂😂😂Al Gore made a big issue and a national recount when he lost! But justice looks the other way When is about Trump ! I'm an independent and I see it! Is ridiculous!
@bonifaceshamu2760 Says:
If Willis is discharged for having a relationship how about Trump who has even paid 83M.
@raphaelandrews3617 Says:
IF Fanni Willis is bonking her prosecutor good luck to her for getting a toy boy. I think this is the Trump people using this as distracting tactics to detract from the case. He is not the ONLY lawyer on the case and they trying to claim this case is about a WITCH HUNT. This is total made -up bullshit.
@jonzeejonez4585 Says:
We all know the drill here... Black for only allowed to prosecute blacks. What happened here is that Wades wife was offered money to kick up dust. Can't wait for the information on who paid her to come out ans it will.....🤣😂🤣
@jonzeejonez4585 Says:
The Trumpsters are working over time here.... Their relationship is their business, the money he is paid is now his money... Lastly, there are lawyers on the U.S. Supreme court who are below qualified if you count where prerequisites. Save the BS crying....
@veronicaleon8075 Says:
They have Trump saying ‘ find me 11k plus…’ and this is why they are bringing charges against him?!?!? How stupid. We all say ‘Get me ‘x’ numbers to make my quota’ in wishful thinking as they are counting numbers in the company I used to work for in hopes I meet the quota to be in the safe zone. How absolutely stupid that anyone thinks they have a case on people who have wishful thoughts. These people prosecuting Trump are disgusting.
@richardprice1729 Says:
Sounds like a big scam to me
@thomasramirez1732 Says:
Very good saying
@thomasramirez1732 Says:
How stupid
@raharmonnelson7537 Says:
Sooooo fire her and hire a new DA that magically won't prosecute trump.... gotcha..... 4:43
@danidesip2432 Says:
Yes, Fani don't abuse the clout golden goose.
@rikkoshop620 Says:
Allegedly being the controlling word. The divorce papers have been unsealed and Fani doesn’t show up anywhere in those documents. And the funds used where not tax payers money. Sorry TYT but the guy was a former Judge. (So he is no lightweight) Stop jawboning and be journalist for a change !!!
@thedeal9526 Says:
Ask yourselves this: If Wade's primary specialty is personal injury, why is it only now that you have an issue with it? Trump was convicted almost 6 months ago and only now are you looking for credentials? 4 out if 19 (more than 25%) of the defendants have already pleaded guilty. You have admit that for a petsonal injury attorney that is not bad!
@thedeal9526 Says:
In Defendant Roman's own words in his motion to the Court "may have" and "UNRELATED to the case". There you go, here we have a fishing expedition which reveals nothing.
@PetePeterson-h1u Says:
If it wasn't for her 1:33 the fact she is on thectrump case this never would have taken place, yes its tied to the Trump case, the 2 faced liar "C ant "U nderstand "N ormal "T hinking pos
@muzikmyke3008 Says:
First let me say it’s refreshing to hear TYT actually speaking some truth and making a fair argument that can be debated. Next, I’d make the argument that corruption on behalf of the prosecutor bringing a case SHOULD throw out the entire case, as unfortunate as it may be for us all. The reason is because prosecutors, those making the case to put away an innocent-until-proven-guilty individual for allegedly having impeachable character, need to have unimpeachable character, so that we can make sure they’re not being paid to bring cases under false pretenses. The simple existence of a court case does not equate to guilt on the behalf of the defendant. They are innocent until proven guilty. A prosecutor being paid to bring a case outside of the proper framework is not looking at the relevant facts, they are looking to win by any means necessary in order to satisfy the paying party. This approach will more than likely include further corruption like hiding exculpatory evidence etc. People within the justice system need to be held to an extremely high standard. This goes for judges also. This may mean that unsavory characters have their cases thrown out, but this is why it’s of utmost importance to have exceedingly good character prosecutors and judges, who operate according to the law and NOT special interests. Thoughts anyone?
@souniert Says:
To actually hear you guys except the fact that what they’re doing is wrong is kind of a big deal! And it does mean that they were doing something wrong because she is getting paid to keep the case open or to open the case in the first place. How can you not understand that fact that he shouldn’t even have been indicted! These charges are ridiculous! He’s being charged for questioning an elected election and to find out if there’s any way legally can he have illegal vote overturned. This is only about going after Trump and his surrogates so that nobody will want to work with him and if you can’t see this, especially with all the things that have happened to Trump and been proven to be bull crap then you are just not looking at the facts. If I hire somebody and get kicked back and that person is getting kicked back for a case that I brought then absolutely Trump should be able to get off Scott free. Just like that crazy woman in New York, who has no fax and literally one a lawsuit in your criminal state of New York by just making a statement and then Trump responding to her. How in the world can you not defend yourself and you liberals are actually defending taking away peoples rights in court? Shouldn’t it be a high bar to get charged with anything? Oh wait, he hasn’t even been charged with the crime that you say he should be charged with! You people are truly the Pravda media of the old
@jmarsubiefanman764 Says:
Is the $650k going to him personally or his firm? Are there multiple attorneys from his firm working this case? & Trump once again exploiting a technicality and using it….doesn’t mean he’s not guilty. #MAGAHypocrisy
@jjs1990 Says:
What a disgrace
@conversationswithme8601 Says:
She totally screwed herself! No pin intended....😮
@natlewis6710 Says:
I have been going for drinks or a meal with my boss for years now, even though we have never been in a " relationship". She wanted someone she knew would do the job and I wanted some more money. Being nice is part of the stock in trade
@zainaraqs Says:
I agree with what the guy said at the end
@AwkwardTruths Says:
"Blow"? Who is creating these video titles?
@JosephHization Says:
Why? Sometimes the affairs are longer than reported. Let me put it in terms you might understand?! My women is the boss. She will be behind me the lead attorney. No one is gonna miss the hangman, if they are fkn with my woman!? Pow?! She will be advising him the whole time...pow...
@JosephHization Says:
Did all this happen before the case was filed or during the case...
@JosephHization Says:
I would go anywhere with her?!
@gjohnson5 Says:
I didn't like this video because it did seem to run with the assumption that Wade and Willis were in an affair or relationship ( the divorce papers were already filed when the alleged relationship happened so affair wouldn't apply anyway) My understanding is that the unsealed documents don't mention Fani Willis anywhere. Also My understanding if Fani was having issues hiring someone who would take the case , so her choice in Wade may have been done from this issue. The idea that she hired a boyfriend , doesn't seem to have a shred of evidence corroborating that allegation
@paligap7502 Says:
Watching these spin on their tail is quite funny.
@davedanny9053 Says:
@markzalar2272 Says:
@markzalar2272 Says:
@markzalar2272 Says:
@markzalar2272 Says:
@rgrif8830 Says:
Really Ana, he doesn't have the proper 9:03 experience? He has been an attorney for years; he had served as a special counsel before; he is a former Judge! How much experience are you looking for!? If this was a white man or woman would you question this? Ana you got this wrong.
@sylodui8896 Says:
So if he's not experienced, then this should be a shoe in for the republicans right?! Willis was dumb to do this though. People with money and power usually don't have common sense. They always think their way is the best because people usually don't tell them no or that's a bad idea. Even when they are told no or it's a bad idea, they have the resources to go ahead with their plan anyway.
@kfowler74 Says:
They have both met with the White House too.

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