Senate Still 'Very Far Apart' On Aid Package To Ukraine & Israel
Senate Still 'Very Far Apart' On Aid Package To Ukraine & Israel



@whitneyw.7919 Says:
I like Ben a lot! He is the best TYT host!
@Heledehana Says:
Wow the hosts today are quite dismissive of the civilian deaths… Disappointing.
@ACooperrocks Says:
Ben should remember who is the occupying power in this conflict, if he wants to make comparisons with Ukraine.
@christinapomponio6452 Says:
Wait u guys think it's a bad idea to say "if u give us money for our border then we will give u money for Ukraines border"? Not to mention both of these parties r supposed to be for the USA not any n every other country
@mamilove7998 Says:
The Palestinians are SEMETIC PEOPLE. The Israeli's doesn't want peace. They IDF HASN'T gone through the tunnels. Where HAMAS is, they have just been bombing the civilian population.
@ChazOfHonor Says:
Ben Ukraine is trying to defend THEIR land from invading soldiers, while Israelis are lobby bombs at innocent civilians and claiming land that doesn’t belong to them. Are you blinded to that difference?
@ChazOfHonor Says:
Israel deserves nothing and should receive less. Stfu Ben, go spew your IDF propaganda in Israel not here in the real world.
@titlexist5526 Says:
Is Ben Gleib interviewing for a job in the Netanyahu government?
@cynjhern Says:
Hamas & Netanyahu administration are wicked. Netanyahu has gone full blown Hitler. This cannot be ignored.
@DamajaCJ Says:
Just here after searching to see if z-boy BenGleib was still on TYT. Fk knows how, but sadly he is. Still parroting the same propagandist bs as the Likud fasc1sts . Mkay, switching channel again...
@DamajaCJ Says:
@bengleib @tyt Have AIPAC bought you guys too?! Same tunes being got out of you as all the other propaganda mouthpieces out there
@th3cr3a7or Says:
Imagine thinking that the Isreali-Gaza conflict is a war and still expecting to be taken seriously.
@irender4u610 Says:
Screw Ukraine. No more tax money. Enough is enough
@Mia-ep4zu Says:
This is bs, why is this on TYT?? Come on Cenk, this is lies, half truths and propaganda!
@danielbutovecky712 Says:
K cenk really bro. Your going to continue to let this zionist keep spreading american and israeli propaganda. This guy clearly doesnt belong at tyt !? Or are you changing course now..
@Alex-qh5wn Says:
Ben acting like 20k Israelis died in the last 2 months. Ukraine and Russia are not the same as Palestine and Israel.
@Gingerphile00 Says:
Nazikraine like Israel Donbas is like Palestine
@kyledavis7292 Says:
Ben stfu The 56 year occupation of palestine is the a reason anti semitism today is bad with the double standard in Israel
@kyledavis7292 Says:
Ben, stop trying to make Russia Ukraine the same as Israel. Hamas, one's a f****** military one's not shut up. No, ben is a propagandist
@kyledavis7292 Says:
Ben's becoming really gross is it just me
@kyledavis7292 Says:
Listen, either Benjamin N. goes or no more money for Israel. They have free health care and free college for all their people. We don't even have that here. Why are we paying for their war?
@childbomb Says:
Fuck Israel.
@kek3908 Says:
Looking like the Biden Crime Family is about to crash and burn.
@Tylerrl1664 Says:
No money to Genocidal Israel! I know Ben justifies its war crimes against Palestine, but I’m very disappointed in the other two hosts here for agreeing with him on that barbaric stance.
@evileyez504 Says:
always this socipath on the show, please get him off
@achillywind550 Says:
Wow. How wonderful of you to recognize the humanity at the southern border but not in Gaza.
@arettalayne3635 Says:
No more taxpayer money for war.
@lenapbean Says:
I'm glad Ben still gets to spew his completely emotionally driven, devoid of logic B.S. defending Israel's atrocities, but I'm not glad there wasn't someone there to push back on his easily debunked, ridiculous talking points. Ben is so blinded by bias it is mind-blowing and would be so easy to refute. Let's have a strong, smart, sane person to push back next time. He's got no leg to stand on
@0annonymous Says:
I guarantee that if everyone quit paying taxes all at once, that would force change overnight and even end the war, close the borders and get other things done that really need done. For those who don't pay taxes, just quit spending problem solved. If we all pull the purse strings all at once for long enough, things would change very quickly. If you want to see change bad enough, it takes all of us pulling together and just quit spending I'm starting to question just how many of these emergencies are actually real and how many of them are actually being purposely created. If those in power are going to create emergencies, then we ALL need to cry out to GOD against them. Remember, God WILL hear the cries of the RIGHTEOUS
@jeffreysharp9925 Says:
The temple was not there when the mosque was built. The last temple in Jerusalem was destroyed in the year 70, hundreds of years before the founding of Islam. Stating the mosque was built where the temple was is extremely misleading. It connotes that the temple was there and then the Muslims replaced it with the mosque, which is absolutely untrue.
@karenz1634 Says:
No more funding war any where!
@maxx_thedragondominator Says:
Naw…..don’t give the republicans anything extra. If they want to draw it out, let them.
@kek3908 Says:
Democrats care far more about foriegn nationals than they ever will about Americans.
@yasmeenm122 Says:
Ben is delusional, he cannot do revisionist history. Israel IS a colonial project and it always has been. Many Israelis have dual citizenship in the US as well as other countries that they can trace their heritage to. You cannot make a claim that it is not a colonial state and that they have nowhere to go… to claim that Jews cannot be part of any other society or of other ethnicities is in itself anti-Semitic. Judaism is a religion, people can choose to convert to Judaism and in Israel this entitles them to a citizenship. Palestinian human rights have been denied even before the establishment of the state in favour of Zionists, and this clown over here has the audacity to try to put his liberal Zionist garbage in as a way to justify what is hapenjng. No one said what happened on October 7th is acceptable, but to pretend that this is where the problems started is preposterous. Might as well have Ben Shapiro on the panel, atleast he doesn’t pretend he is not genocidal
@ogoo8973 Says:
Ben is full of sh*t!
@moody9442 Says:
maybe the jews should take a look at themselves and wounder why they been kicked out of everywhere. maybe no one like to hear that you gods chosen people and youll kill for your holy land. genocidal maniacs.
@moody9442 Says:
what the fvck is this pro iszi genocidal trash. go to hell ben. hes always got that evil scold on his face.
@phil1657 Says:
Maybe it be wa another piece, i have heard multiple times in passing... stimulus checks came from Trump Mr. eX
@petri2767 Says:
Is TYT intentionally trying to poison the well by connecting Ukraine and Israel like this? They are not similar situations at all.
@violetstorm8451 Says:
Ben, you are amazing and extremely kind given all the awful words thrown your way. I truly wish more people dug into human history more deeply and understood the depth the history in the Middle East. Those shouting “colonialism” clearly are dealing with their own issues having come from Europe to North America- or thinking they should be. Stay you ❤❤❤
@albertwesker363 Says:
Our allies are using the money and munitions have been using to kill civilians they don’t deserve any more aid, Israel has no right to self defense since Israel is occupying Palestine. Stop with the bs line that Hamas’s charter says its war is against Jews when it doesn’t. Ben is turning into jimmy dore, the other hosts also need to grow a pair and challenge Ben.
@yodhin79 Says:
Why are these evil zionists on TYT ? Anyone who supports what Israel is going to Gazans is an enemy of the moral free world.

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