Santos Says Expulsion Would Be "A Badge Of Honor" In OBLIVIOUS Rant
Santos Says Expulsion Would Be "A Badge Of Honor" In OBLIVIOUS Rant



@Sitchinite420 Says:
😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Get your shit and GET OUT! May your Karma find you. Such a lying thieving dog murdering POS! Who would hire him now? Santos may be homeless in a year. That would be justice.
I thought he was making america great again? I mean he is the most masculine male in the Republican party let the man govern!!
@kristinschuchman5776 Says:
Kind of disturbed that Hillsdale University is advertising with y'all. Seems pretty counter to your professed values. 🤯
@deekay3064 Says:
“With white, pointy hats…”. Interesting observation.
@David-qi2ck Says:
He still has the money he got for inventing the spaceship
@theone31man Says:
But look how gracefully Republicans step down once their crimes come to light. They bow out so gracefully and have so much remorse. Like he says its a badge of honor to be expelled.
@BlindMellowJelly Says:
I see a future for this turd in the porn industry. I think he is excited to kick it off.
@larrydraper9490 Says:
There is no honor in dishonor ! He is a vomit stain on robes of government !
@VinylAthletes Says:
I’m sure Santos sucked a few lobbyists diks too. But he got caught 😂
@LuckyMan-zr6nu Says:
<<< ANTI-AMERICAN LIBERALS LIED TO AMERICA: ** Trump - RUSSIA COLLUSION - pushed by DNC, Hillary, FBI, DOJ, Pelosi, Nadler, and MANY MORE for 4 years - LIE. ** Harry Raid: -Mitt Romney paid ZERRO taxes for last TEN YEARS" - LIE. << Joe Biden LIED TO AMERICA: ** Hunter Biden story is Russian DISINFORMATION - LIE. ** The laptop doesn't belong to Hunter - LIE. ** Hunter's laptop is a Russian DESINFO - LIE. ** No business with China - LIE. ** I don't know anything about Hunter's dealings with China - LIE. ** Nothing was unethical. 'My son has not made money - LIE. ** "NO INFLATION", but pushed through the "INFLATION REDUCTION ACT". ** "THE BORDER IS CLOSED" - but Millions of illegals and criminals are pouring to America. << Imam Obama LIED TO AMERICA: ** "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." -LIE ** "No family making under $250K will see any form of tax increase". -LIE ** "If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period".- LIE ** "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." ** "No family making under $250K will see any form of tax increase". ** "If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period". ** "I sent to Iran only $400 Thousands", but it was $150 BILLIONS of tax dollars ** One Thing All Liars Have in Common: They are All Liberals.
@hopeausbyn1734 Says:
He's 🐁 Rating everybody out!
@jeanrobertlaguerre7495 Says:
Why are you giving this guy coverage. He has no shame. He's doing this for publicity. Shame him and turn the camera off. Same thing for Donald Trump.
@hopeausbyn1734 Says:
📛 Badge of Honor. Lying , cheating, and " Only Fans."
@Maxandlisa88 Says:
The way Wosny pronounced Latinx is wild LOL (Lah-tin-ex)
@dominicdipentino9548 Says:
Santos is more afraid of losing what he calls his "quasi-celebrity" status. Guess what? You are nothing and will always be nothing but a parasitic virus. Go live in some hut in the Pacific.
@dominicdipentino9548 Says:
Trust me: He cares. How will be be able to pay for his queeny luxury lifestyle to which she has become accustomed. Trying to save face is a nice idea, but not convincing. I predict a huge publicity seeking stunt by Santos on the 30th. He just can't keep his BIG mouth shut!
@Bob-Lob-Law Says:
I understand George's confusion, Trump lied 35,000 times and the MAGA's love him, Santos only lied 200 times , it's just not fair!
@kitmangore Says:
He doesn't want to work with hypocrites 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@FFVison Says:
Congress persons have sex with lobbyists while simultaneously screwing over almost the entire country. It's an orgy. True, that is not right, but neither is what Santos has done. Keep "what abouting", George, if that is even your real name.
@mistaaustin3854 Says:
White pointed hats😂 Seriously???
@keithkoenig5320 Says:
This new TYT co-anchor is a colossal bore! He adds NOTHING. Any of us could do a better job! Is he the best person could find??
@1Tomrider Says:
In the Bizarro World (or htrae, earth spelled backwards) where Santos lives along with tRump, being expelled or impeached would indeed be the high point of a tawdry career!
@wolfman67ful Says:
Where is the LBGTQ+ community? Where are the leftist? Here's an openly gay Congressman being attacked, but it's crickets from the Queer Nation. Such hypocrisy from the left.
@brigittescott7826 Says:
What will Santos do without his congressional $175,000 salary? Probably change his name again and hide in Canada?
@omarisawesome1996 Says:
George santos for president
@miahkahn1 Says:
Tyt dropping the ball
@franciscodiaz8564 Says:
Bitch Santos. Thank you Ana.
@happyliving1922 Says:
If he claims he's being expelled, then that means he's not.
@BlackCat-dm7se Says:
well if they didnt expel him before they sure will now after he said all that 😂😂
@marron5272 Says:
Well he said something right....but notices how he wasnt saying that shit until his ass started hitring the fan lol
@SonOfRamenEgg Says:
George, just resign and say you're doing it so you can spend more time with your rented baby.
@MrNeltoni Says:
Santos expulsion consider as a badge of honor? Ok, just kick him out, better yet, boot him out!
@robertberthaut5846 Says:
Were poor George not so flamboyantly gay, he'd be just a typical Republican.
@electricsheep1984 Says:
Paying for OnlyFans has got to be the stupidest thing a person could do. There are countless free options, why spend anything?
@DarrylHicks-ey3tr Says:
IVORY tower, with their pointy hats? 🤔 Why what do you mean by " pointy hats " ? He's trying to get ahead of the frankentrump 💩 STAIN'S go to line, after his convictions I guess, because that's EXACTLY what the trumpenstein 💩 monster is saying,and is what he said he'd do, RAT the REPUBLIKKKLAN GOP party out if they don't help him, LMFAO 🤔🤭
@TheNaturalust Says:
What a dipshit. He’s pasting the walls outside his office today with picts of Hamas hostages trying to kiss up to the Israeli lobby in the hope it might save him…how pathetic.
@paul9156c Says:
Whiney little beotch.
@thomas45081 Says:
Most people in this country that actually work, wouldn't be worried about getting expelled/fired ... they would be already in jail facing years in prison, if they done what this guy done, or even less. And that is where Santos belongs, in jail/prison 🟪
@sharongillesp Says:
The media ignored Santos, knowing they’d be able to create a narrative to sell. To them, Santos was a, “We can use his story later. Let’s see what happens after he’s elected. It works for great fodder”
@sharongillesp Says:
Santos lost his seat in musical chairs. . . last one standing.   Even so, the entire system needs a MAJOR OVERHAUL.
@tedcains1 Says:
More like a badge of failure. Only an idiot would consider getting kicked out of someplace an honor and success.
@sharongillesp Says:
And yet Trump is still running free.
@JamesKonzek-xr5zy Says:
He sure does have great DSLs!
@williammartinez840 Says:
Suck in that guy Kitara, it's time for your perp walk.
@marengopanthers9438 Says:
the liar con, wants to pretend he did nothing wrong 🤮🤮🤮
@michaelbuehler3897 Says:
You can tell Santos is a ***hole just by the sound of his voice.
@bobmcrae5939 Says:
Santos will soon be able to wear that "Badge of Honor" on his orange jump suit.
@sunsetkizz1 Says:
Georgie is a great thespian! 🎭
@brograb898 Says:
Jail is scary. He’ll be ok. He can go on Drew Barrymore’s show when he gets out and start a podcast if those are still relevant in 5-10 years.
@RationalMinded Says:
Ew. He's a blatant criminal - and a Simp.

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