Australian University Removes 'Merit' from Hiring Practices to Improve Diversity
Australian University Removes 'Merit' from Hiring Practices to Improve Diversity



@endlessgamer2079 Says:
As someone with autism and afew other disabilities, your use of retarded is spot on love it hearing kept it real
@josh656 Says:
Margaret should recognize her privilege and resign.
@markfcoble Says:
I judge on identity for these very reasons!
@markfcoble Says:
Affirmative action education means very low standards. When I see them I know they are not near as smart.
@nathanmurphy7549 Says:
πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈ I'm starting to hate this country too many City ppl
@vad8712 Says:
Here's hoping the next time that raisin in red hair needs surgery her physician was hired in diversity instead of merit! You know, we don't want all doctors to look the same after all....πŸ™„πŸ™„
@danpatterson8009 Says:
And when these "graduates" can't find a job or just see no point in working, there will be calls for more government aid programs to support them. Marvelous.
@Aikuchi Says:
She doesn't qualify for her own job by her own conditions i suppose.
@JerGol Says:
Fukken lunatic at the helm of the loony bin. How could this possibly go wrong?
@quasar8898 Says:
Just imagine- removing "Merit" from every profession.......police, firemen, soldiers, doctors, nurses, dentists, lawyers........what a wonderful world.......
@TPQ1980 Says:
Let's see just how proportional she makes things. From my research, "diversity" usually results in an under-representation of straight White males.
@asmkalrizion7078 Says:
when they say "colorblindness doesn't work" they mean it doesn't work for achieving equity, their goal is to get equal end results so anything that doesn't pursue that goal is considered bad
@robertmiles1603 Says:
"Diversity"? Sounds more like die-versity.
@joesapiens2871 Says:
I find it disturbing that the bar is getting so low that I can participate in things that were so far out of my league years ago. And Im medically speaking....crippled. I know my limits. I will not do things I just cant do.
@Chris_Landry Says:
being a white disabled man gets you nothing, not even disability benefits
@dingodog5677 Says:
Merit has been removed from the Queensland government public service. The place has become retarded. Don’t expect much out of ur tax dollar.
@mattyb1624 Says:
UQ and QUT are an absolute joke, too busy with this to create effective courses
@TheFatalcrest Says:
πŸ˜‚ "We no longer will use Merit" Man. I want to see that promoted in a hospital or in mechanics, lets see how fast we back track on Merit and Talent
@stephanreiken9912 Says:
So as a data analyst, i should apply for a teaching job as a nurse here. Since merit doesnt matter, i should be good
@chrisreynoldsartwork Says:
They don't want everyone to look the same, but, if they had their way everyone would be a Marxist black woman or a Marxist blue, green or purple haired white woman! Whi are these stupid parents willing to pay for this non education?!
@NephritduGrey Says:
So, the lame excuse was "We also want to hire people who are bad for the job, plus we are racists." Why should anyone take those oxygen thieves seriously?
@revolesto4151 Says:
"Judge a person not by the content of their character, but by the color of their skin" - this university
@wrongthinker843 Says:
Well at least they're being honest for once. Diversity is the opposite of merit.
@kevindavis5966 Says:
"QUT administration puzzled as to why standards have precipitously dropped over the five years since enacting their 'no merit' hiring policy."
@nvfury13 Says:
Wow, that University is just blatantly racist and sexist.
@craigdouglas7106 Says:
I would love to ask Professor Shell just one question, have you ever played in a team sport? Who always wins, the most talented. It doesn't matter what the team players look like. I know I sound sexist, but the feminization of culture will kill us.
@user-hg2ow2em6n Says:
Vag v no vag is problematic in and of itself... all those ladies born with an outie will get testie!! πŸ˜‚
@antonkovalenko364 Says:
Idiocracy - the greatest documentary of all time.
@luminousbanner9643 Says:
Funny how her name is so close to spelling Shill
@Username18981 Says:
Who ever thinks they need to remove merit from a hiring process to find diversity, is racist as fuck.
@TheHighlander1 Says:
Lets make the world diverse by giving each race and cultures their own plot of land, sovereign country borders for them all.. then agree to world peace and let each country thrive on their own merits. I wonder what that looks like... Oh.. all of human history until recently.
@monkeybrain9859 Says:
I don't care who fixes my motor and replaces my brake-plates just as long as they're a disabled non-binary person of colour. If we crash and the engine blows up resulting us in burning to death, screaming in terror... it'd be really prejudiced of us to not blame the Hwhites for manufacturing cars.
@c0d3warrior Says:
I love how all those pseudo-intellectuals slowly destroy their own spaces and create a landscape where only the hardworking and everyday-life smart who stay away from all this insanity as far as possible will succeed in the long term. Keep sawing at the branch you're sitting on, woke equity girlbosses - there's no way this is going terribly wrong within the span of a decade or two. πŸ˜‚
@bluegreenash Says:
"Ready for the real world" nope not a course....
@bluegreenash Says:
To improve the talent pool we are lookin to remove the requirement of "talent"
@theatheisthammer Says:
@bearing this is pathetic and destructive so yiu will get jo blogs not qualified to teach computer repair and doesnt know jack shit but is black skined. Then you have marvin who has studied every last second and worked hard ro get to ge qualifications that would give him the chance at getting the job. And the black guy gets it cos hes black. So then you end up with a tech repair class and all those students will fail because the teacher is teaching the wrong things and how you so them. So then the universitys reputation becomes that of failure. And then no students want to go and lets say you want to pass the students of mi orities no matter what then you have people going for jobs and those companies who rely ob qualifications hire the the minority because they have the papers from that university then they could cost that conpany billions and stunt the growth of technology, another side effect is that white people will end up not bothering because they are at a disadvantage. The world is a tough place the problem of the black communities is basically ghetto culture poor kids see drug dealers and gang bangers with everything they want with little effort. But there are no posative role models to teach them there is a better way so they end up becomming a lazt gang member thinkjng steeling is best. And now we have kids being TRENDYGENDER because they jnow it gets them attention and passes that they wouldnt get otherwise. The whole thing is a complete mess. And the ctcle will feed itself unless we nip it in the bud. Meratocoracy. Is the best way. And why hasnt BLM members been held accountable for spending all that money that would have helped young ghetto kids get a better start been prosacuted. With their mansions and fast cars and luxury clothes they just had to buy themselves.? Society is heading for collapse and i fear for my grandchildren i fear rhat my generation and my sons will be the last to see sense. Its americas fault infecting the world wirh mental retardatio, hell in the uk labour are gonna make misgendering a ceime. Well i can tell you hope they just wall the uk off and make it a ppen prison because that will be the breaking point the goverment forcing you to lie about reality. Make a mockery of the justice system. And normal folk wont stand for it.
@mightywolf4072 Says:
They dont even care about actual education. Just, " Hey, as long the money comes in, if they drop out, we still get paid."
@user-xm6tw3sv3n Says:
When has diversity ever worked? Im asking for a friend.
@allenvejar246 Says:
I was in Australia when the Melbourne opera house wasn't completed 1972? I loved the flowers and friendliest but to see now what the crown did to it's own people
@theun4giv3n Says:
You missed out that hiring scientists that are good at engaging with people is a meritocracy. She's hiring people who are good at something. She's a hypocrite.
@aaronhersey8466 Says:
And when it all comes crashing down it'll be blamed on "isms" and "phobics" and REEEEEEEEEEE
@redfoxninja3173 Says:
Who needs to be skilled, trained, talented or even work hard at anything when all you need is diversity, pandering and pronouns
@djuro14 Says:
So compassionate and sophisticated.
@FuckGoogle-FuckChina Says:
Are they doing this on purpose or are they really this stupid? Either way, they're destroying our civilisation.
@FuckGoogle-FuckChina Says:
They should only hire palestinians from now on, so that they can replace science with snack bar god, objectivity with the stories of how the Israelis wiped out all dinosaurs, and common sense with wishful thinking.
@DH-xw6jp Says:
"we are moving away from the merit principle." Why? "We need more black people." Hahahaha, If I didn't know better I would suggest the Babylon Bee sue them for making satire impossible.
@alexduggan68 Says:
Oh my God, my husband is having a heart attack. Dont worry madam, weve just given the job of surgeon to Klinko Ojabki, the former toilet cleaner. Everything will be fine.
@haterade3.029 Says:
What could go wrong
@johnsmith-de3tl Says:
translation: we want professors that find the answers we give them.
@maximus4765 Says:
Alternate title: University goes out of business.

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