Americans Feel They Need THIS MUCH For 'Financial Happiness'
Americans Feel They Need THIS MUCH For 'Financial Happiness'



@TheYoungTurks Says:
Should you become a member? Of Couuuurse! Click Here:
@dannylesbile8592 Says:
Men have to have money just for female companionship men don't look at money when it comes to dating women always want to date someone in a higher income bracket even if they split the expenses but usually expect for men to financially support them if a man looks for it he's s player a jigallo aka bad news so much for equality
@dannylesbile8592 Says:
A million means you still have to work you need at least 5 million with good investments n proper insurance
@dannylesbile8592 Says:
Home ownership is overatted you have to constantly pay taxes on it so it's not clearly yours if you can't afford the taxes you lose your home n in some places it's more expensive than renting
@dannylesbile8592 Says:
The biggest obstacle is housing once that's solved you have food and clothes n for most family
@andrewgonzales1359 Says:
I thought the research demonstrated that anything above $50,000 a year really did not make a psychological difference? I was born in '92, was comfortable at $40,000/year and I would say $100,000 is the most I would ever need yearly.
@MJPGuitar Says:
I’m 29 years old, work 48 hours a week and I make $22/hr in Upstate NY. ($33/hr overtime). I still can barely survive up here. And yes, I budget and don’t take on any additional debts if I don’t have to. The costs are out of control and national grid is already starting to pull its bullshit this winter. I went from $137 last month to $349 and it’s barely started to snow yet..
@arodriguez2707 Says:
Anna is tripping, the main issue is housing
@talyahr3302 Says:
A milli, a milli, a milli 🎵
@lindawellner5415 Says:
Generosity is the greatest gift you can give yourself
@Threecrazydogs63 Says:
Money doesn’t buy happiness. It can, however, buy security like healthcare and a home.
@pascalcanada9960 Says:
If the world population is as low as the 60's and 70's, you would find happiness regardless of how much money you make.
@guerareal7760 Says:
On the men vs women annual salary, a critical factor is whether the salary must support dependents. If there is only 1 earner in a family, of course they are going to respond with a higher amount. Or did the survey specifically state that the salary was only what was needed to support the individual?
@elgranpancho4426 Says:
Average cost of a house in California is $700,000...... just saying.... Millenials are not wrong. I am not a millenial by the way
@karengerace7506 Says:
I feel poor, but i'm not.
@mikeshikes8401 Says:
If I put $1.2 million into a high yield savings account or CDs and earned 4% I'd make $48,000 a year for doing nothing. Thats significantly higher than my $18.50 an hour gets me a year
@sivaones Says:
How rich do millennials want to be? Let’s see, boomers and most gen x have traditional pensions. My assumption is millennials are factoring in what they’ll need to save for retirement and healthcare. The disparity between millennials and gen z is probably the naivety of youth. Gen z is looking far enough ahead. They’ll soon realize they’ll need more to survive on their later years.
@gailmrutland6508 Says:
*YOU PEOPLE SUCK. You have that right in this threat country you constantly bash...but why flaunt it??? Everyone has seen the size of the relief vale on the back end of a horse, why emulate it on your broadcasts??????*
@galacticwarlock2271 Says:
I think 150k is barely making it and 300k is enough to srart a family, live well, buy a house and save money.
@adwdwdwas Says:
Things are slightly different now but men are expected to be bread winners so that's to be expected.
@corriemathiowetz2135 Says:
How much are those millennials going to inherit their boomer grandparents money so their expectations are shewed to the influence of them?
@waltermitty4052 Says:
You all could get jobs at Walmart greeting people. I think you're probably qualified for that if you get fired
@goodbher9244 Says:
Honestly. I couldn't live off less than $30/hr, and I'd still be struggling a bit.
@theoriginalsoundwavesurfer1814 Says:
Money doesn't "buy" happiness, it gets rid of stress.
@jakejake7289 Says:
Money may not buy happiness but being broke definitely buys you stress and unhappiness.
@alexlamuraglia8739 Says:
Happiness comes from the inside ❤
@Herb-c9m Says:
If you withdraw 5% out of a retirement account that has 1.2 million you would have $60 k per year.
@aplayershunch6713 Says:
$1.2 million x 339,996,563 = what % of the gross national income? (previously known as gross national product GNP)
@timothymulder8085 Says:
as a SINGLE man, i would be happy with 181k. if i were MARRIED, i'd want that around 300k. it's the expectation of 'providing'.
If your members make you honest, you need a ton moremembers.
@bonbonvegabon Says:
Americans think they need 1.2 million a year to survive? LMAO. They did the same survey here in Canada a few years ago and the majority here said they would only need 200K a year to survive. Wow your country members are so gre*dy and delusional lol
@thesuncollective1475 Says: mortgage , new car and a rental home...yeah great
@Morcap Says:
More like $10 Mil. Anything bellow and you are constantly thinking that inflation will eat away - and fast - all your nest egg. As the saying goes; if you have less than $10 Mil you are one law suit away from being homeless. And you won't be wrong.
@dgerome6981 Says:
It isn't right wing to recognize that men routinely feel a responsibility to have $$ to support their families, while women make better choices about what career positions they are willing to give up in order to have a higher quality of life. Women are far more likely, glass ceilings notwithstanding, to reject a high corporate position that would rob them of family life and the opportunity for spiritual self actualization. Many of us on the far left are aware that in survey after survey, men, far from being selfish and over-confident, feel a driving need to provide as much financial security for their families as possible. Few of us do not have a male family member or relative who sacrificed their lives, literally, for this conviction. And while women want and deserve all the opportunities available to men, they are much more likely to expect that the major financial support of the family will come from their male partner. Hashtag #billionairewives
@beatmanbeatman498 Says:
Cenk, we have to pay to live on earth. Cenk, do you know how much a house cost?
@cherbear1996 Says:
Boomers aint out there retiring sweet naive Ana..have ya noticed how many 70+ are working, begging, etc? Livin on ss/ssdi doesnt cover your copays, procedures, testing? Get real... Im a boomer at 63 and if i hadnt become disabled id still be running the halls taking care of my patients bc i loved being a nurse but also bc real life aint cheap...
@cherbear1996 Says:
I live in my van bc i lost my fully paid for home after i got sick then diagnosed as disabled, went thru my savings, trying to keep it but couldnt pay lot rent for two months..finally have most of my debts pd off on my paltry ssdi check now saving for a place to live and/or a new to me vehicle bc this one is dying..fading fast..if i had $10-15,000 i could buy a mobile home n only have lot rent to pay plus utilities and I'd still have a little extra..prob take me three years to save that tho n by then I'll need 20, in the winter i just pray i don't freeze to death n in summer i pray for no heat disabilities make it very difficult to deal with both so its def a struggle..cant get help, waiting lists for low income housing in safe areas are years long and i never give up but lately??? It gets harder every month..✌️
@achillywind550 Says:
Money can’t buy happiness but it can buy contentment and relief.
@Jonathan-ic9ef Says:
I'm pretty sure that Cenk's net worth is based on how much money he would have if he sold all of his assets, including TYT. I'm guessing they decided to lump Ana in there, for whatever reason, even though I'm pretty sure she has zero stakes in the company.
@Zuriki09 Says:
Pretty sure Millennials asking so much more is because they want back pay for decades of being robbed by the "Me Generation" (yes that's the original name of the Boomers).
@roseorozco1384 Says:
I live paycheck to paycheck 😞😭 I'm past due on my electric bill, YES money makes you feel happy 😊
@annharlan8926 Says:
Correct. I've been dirt poor (and am close to it now), and you cannot be happy when you are constantly worried about paying bills and getting enough food. But I've also been middle class and it didn't "make" me happy. Living in financial security, stable housing, having family and friends close, being able to share with those in need, sleeping well, that stuff made me happy. We can't even sleep well if we always have struggles paying our bills - and I do not extravagantly live. I'm just speaking of a stable income and stable housing.
@gb1701 Says:
Most working Americans would be satisfied receiving anything over 30k a year, consider only half of them already do.
@coosoorlog Says:
1,2 million? Wow. I think like a big delicious pizza would make me happy right now.
@RKetReacts Says:
I watched my parents work their ass off for the american dream of owning a business and having some sort of financial freedom. They weren't expecting to be rich but, they wanted to give themselves security. Just like what this episode talks about. As they grew their business BOOM the 08' recession hit and just destroyed my parents. We live in a smaller town and my dad bounced from one shitty job to another. My mom became ill and received dismal disability money. I became extremely ill and almost died due to lack of medical insurance that my parents couldn't afford. And I'm the so called greedy, lazy, entilted Millenial. I've worked my ass off being a single mom, working fulltime while getting BA degree and I still don't make enough to pay all my bills on time and utilize the local food bank. Not complaining, just facts. I'm always looking for OT and constantly working. To me those numbers mean security, weight off my shoulders and ability to be a more present mother; instead of the stressed out shit show mom that I am now. Again, I'm not talking about being rich. I'm strictly talking about not having to use a credit card to buy groceries/gas or live paycheck to paycheck. I'm talking about the basics of basics. I know there are many who've struggled more than I could imagine but, i'm sharing my story. Shit, I would LOVE to be a TYT member but, I can't afford it. I feel Ana shares the same stresses that I do.
@goldyg6511 Says:
I couldn't wait to hear the number of these ignorant people, 1 million will not last very long at all even your 60 yrs. old ........ Owning a home is very expensive. I cannot count the people I know people with money who are miserable.
@TheVelvetLoungeLife Says:
@letsfailgaming9850 Says:
2:58 honestly on that, there are times where it is meant genuinely as someone who wants to uplift someone who's lost quite substantially.
@jon350 Says:
Hey Cenk -- I live in the OC, new 2bdr condos are being built in the middle of Irvine starting at $1.2M. So make sure to take SoCal housing prices into account.
@asdfasdf4924 Says:
If any of these people actually had 1.2 million dollars, I doubt that they would consider themselves happy afterwards

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