Audio Clips Unveil Mike Johnson's OBSESSIVE Homophobia
Audio Clips Unveil Mike Johnson's OBSESSIVE Homophobia



@martintalbot875 Says:
He is gay...that's why he is so's quite obvious...
@glenjohnson5323 Says:
The 'small government conservatives' who want the government in our bedrooms regulating our sex lives
@scotthughes7440 Says:
Those who rail against gays the most are harboring gayness themselves..
@williethomas9953 Says:
This sounds about White Nationalism to me. The obsession these people have with what happens in other people's marriage and bedrooms is sick.
@calisto9856 Says:
these people are all unnaturally obsessed with other peoples sexuality . i dont know about you but to me that makes them all HUGE perverts . wasnt a rapture supposed to come collect all of these wierdos by now ?? please come and collect your demonspawn !
@JohnnyRebel-l9z Says:
Mike is a self loathing closet homosexual......
@azem02 Says:
Count the days before we find out he has hired male escorts. Not joking. It is happening
@lmartinez891 Says:
Mike Johnson may be a closet gay same like Putin
@kenpyle1716 Says:
Remember 'airplane?' Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?
@randomuser6378 Says:
He thinks about gay sex so much because his last name is slang for a penis.
@laheathen3388 Says:
I live in that neanderthal's district, and he doesn't represent who we are, or our community. He is another biproduct of a broken good ole boy system that will forever leave Louisiana as a backwards backwater.
@rikcab Says:
What more do you expect from the Gentiles in these their Last Days.
@541chuck Says:
I still don’t need anyone else’s god in my life keep your god in your live not mine because my god loves all except bigoted bully fools worshipping gold calf’s don’t you agree
@brett1961 Says:
He has already admitted going through his wife, gay conversion therapy that she does. So he identifies as gay or did at one point. But the lady protest too much. Speaking as a gay man I think he’s still in the closet.
@wop130 Says:
He’s so obsessed with the gays. I have a great feeling that he is a suppressed gay boy.
@jaredmarcelli2919 Says:
Is rep. Summer Lee a tyt justice democrat, or whatever the propaganda machine’s called now? What’s the atheistic progressive/liberal power privileged hive mind gaydar consensus on her? Or, does she get to be whom ever she says she is as long as she gives and says what the most degenerate loudest part of the population wants?
@PeBoVision Says:
"the lady doth protest too much methinks."
@jaredmarcelli2919 Says:
Are pregnant women making choices when they have sex with women during their pregnancy? They’re without choice and regain choice after climax and clothes are on, err?
@jaredmarcelli2919 Says:
Only pregnant women make choices, right?
@jaredmarcelli2919 Says:
Mike Johnson was on tv and didn’t mention homosexuals once.
@jaredmarcelli2919 Says:
If someone stumbled on this and didn’t know better they could assume y’all are dangerous hatful bigots calling for the lynching of a homosexual dragged out in a closet.
@Rue21st Says:
Mark my words: he will slip and his homosexuality will be discovered sooner or later. The fact that he believes it is a choice means he wants to convince himself that its a choice for himself.
@jaredmarcelli2919 Says:
Cenk is one of those ‘bears’ y’all like, it’s obvious. Plus, he said he’d legalize bestiality and doesn’t understand what consent-less is. This is clear as day and fact as true as his ‘media empire’ is propaganda targeted at fools to mock us falling over and hating each other into a more powerful position over those he seeks to Mike and hate.
@jaredmarcelli2919 Says:
Most people agree atheism is on the rise along with mental health issues, Idiocracy, racism, senseless violent crime, STDs, and delusions of all kinds of fairy tale grandeur to shove down each others throat holes forgetting how to define the word woman thinking new ones need to be dug to cover for the loss of the thing they can’t define. It’s not homosexuality that collapses society’s it’s the atheistic progressive/liberal power privileged world view and policy that’ll do it.
@cesardimal4153 Says:
Mostly in the 3rd world religion is the opium of the masses. In the US, however, religion is the poison of the IGNORANT MORONS!
@princesspupcake1269 Says:
Extremely conservative w/ an obsessive hatred of Gays? Gee, I would be soooooo shocked if it turned out he was in the closet, like they always are.
@jaredmarcelli2919 Says:
Atheistic progressive/liberals believe in fairy tails and propaganda.
@jaredmarcelli2919 Says:
The problem is people were taught more about accusing sexual deviance, without even actully accounting for definitions so the goal post can be moved (as is consistent with only convenience to winning arguments that continue to allow for more public deviance) while screaming, “stay out of our private spaces” than they were about spotting propaganda. Everyone’s got calibrated gaydar and laps up propaganda. Amazing
@_BSH_1971 Says:
Mike Johnson’s obsession with Homophobia is interesting. Usually most homophobe’s are closet cases. This man hiding behind religion and hate. I’m quite certain that Mike Johnson craves the touch of a man.
@galacticwarlock2271 Says:
Johnson has pretty lips.
@paulgamez2713 Says:
Does Mike Johnson think he the Pope of the speakership. Only he knows best, for himself. His he a hater or a racist?
@bpp325 Says:
Gay people & gay marriage don't threaten me at all. Losing this democracy and the US Constitution and my freedoms are a MAJOR THREAT. This is the GOP. This is Johnson. This is Trump.
@jandnorton Says:
The only people who think like this believe being gay is a choice because they are secretly gay people forced to be straight hence why they think it's a choice.
@angelwings1888 Says:
Mike Johnson is himself unnatural 🙄
@mecdrum7 Says:
He looks gay
@nilsacantellops8173 Says:
So Republicans who speak so disgusting against everything or not evil huh you are Johnson the most evil and you wanna instill the Bible into people you’re not supposed to mix these two things together and that’s why they say Christianity will end up in hell because of you you are the worst Christian you’re not even close or next to Christian you don’t even have the Holy Spirit to guide you you’re far from it you need to go read the Bible and get with God for real stop the fakeness
@realamerican6101 Says:
I don't worship God I worship my ancestors. And besides that God doesn't have a mother. And the Earth is over 50 billion years old..
@realamerican6101 Says:
Does anyone realize that religion is witchcraft witchcraft just thinking that hopes and prayers will solve everything . Add results don't because of the stupidity . And when is someone in our damn stupid government going to enforce the separation of church and state.
@tonisumblin2719 Says:
Mike. You know what they say about skeletons in the closet. “If you gotta rattle you may as well dance” just come out the closet, Dude. It’s ok.
@keithjones9546 Says:
He looks like k.d. lang
@TophinatorStreams Says:
Mike Johnson might be gay. Or a Bi Christian, ashamed he’s been tempted by both sexes, maybe…
@gzucc Says:
Yeah, Mr. Johnson clearly wants to look into the windows of consenting adults engaging in sex acts to gather material for his and little mr. johnson's wank bank.
@jimih02 Says:
The problem with Mike Johnson is that he probably fantasizes about gay sex but since he can't have it he doesn't want anyone else to have it either
@EvonAgnew-pc8km Says:
this speak is wrong on so much need new speaker
@tonyh8510 Says:
He's homosexual
@shirleyrice5779 Says:
If Trump gets in the presidency again there will be no checks on power left.
@nealadavies2520 Says:
He doth protest too much! 🧐🧐🧐
@jaredmarcelli2919 Says:
I’m getting deleted faster and faster now.
@nosuchthing8 Says:
If you jesus freaks want to start a nation where pork is unclean or you cant mix colors, go ahead
@nosuchthing8 Says:
Hes clearly gay. Every single person I have known that obsesses about gay people turned out to be gay or bisexual. They project their sexual views on everyone else, and assume there have to be laws to stop it. As a straight guy, I have no interest.

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