Trump's Biggest Critic Having a Change a Heart! ????
Trump's Biggest Critic Having a Change a Heart! ????



@MarkDice Says:
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@MicahDamger Says:
“I’m open to voting for Trump” -Bill Ackman Their votes are totally conditional on who affirms their supremacy. Now that the left is turning on them, they want back over to right and hid for cover. Axelrod now threatening to pull support in order to blackmail Biden into complicity in Israel. It is the only thing they care about.
@chukenotothebone Says:
Bidens supporters are voting from the grave
@TickedOffPriest Says:
It is President Trump or the Deep State.
@user-re7oq8sp2o Says:
Who is that Jew?
@JGSnave Says:
Trump is really leading by 50 points
@dantheplumber3233 Says:
Mark too bad the poles are wrong! Trump is probably leading by 10 or 15 points.
@backspaceninja9860 Says:
I’m voting Trump. But how the heck is Nimarata ahead of Desantis?
@JLCra87 Says:
I like Vivek, my plan has to be to support him in Primaries, even if it didn't amount to him being Trump. BUT... the BS that Colorado just pulled is the most un-American thing I've seen the government do in my lifetime. If Trump isn't on our ballot, I'm writing his name in. I'm supporting all those whose voice the crap shoot State of Colorado is trying to silence and suppress.
@holybigbang Says:
do americans not have the freedom to be antisemitic or against jews? why would they care in the first place anyway?
@jameslorain1122 Says:
That is freaking amazing that woman said. And you can find it on a YouTube video somewhere. Don't remember where where she said. Joe Biden is not too old to be the President and wrong. Look it up, it's there. She really said that he is not too old to run. It's really out there she said it so she's a toothface liar
@DigAPonyY Says:
There's nobody else. Everyone knows what is coming. Nobody is going to beat him and if anyone thinks otherwise, you're ignorant and delusional at this point in time. Biden isn't even that close. They're fudging the numbers so it doesn't look so bad. They should just be honest but they're in entertainment.
@CaptainArgyle Says:
"Trump trailed Biden at this time in previous election" - yeah, no. B.S. polls.
@scotyb131 Says:
They create a losing environment for themselves and then scratch their heads wondering what happened. Zero self-reflection.
@kennyt8730 Says:
Retribution is going to be sooo schweeeeeet!!!!
@jackwalkerhunts7367 Says:
We don’t need turn coats. To me he still stands on the other side of the line in the dirt when we have a civil war. And I hope I spot him 🤠
@jeffreypia7777 Says:
How is Biden above even 10%?
@juicevino4288 Says:
Rappaport is such a diva. That’s a grown ass man always pouting and throwing tantrums.
@1rustyboy1 Says:
Dems cheating will make up for a small margin
@rudyverajr68 Says:
2016 all over again. Trump is tricking idiots into thinking he gonna change things for the better. It only took 4 years to forget 2016-2020, the economic metrics trump bragged about are better under biden and the economy still is garbage. Trump wanna cut taxs but not have prices lowered or wages raised... sounds like a great idea it probably work haha
@toddgalbreath9717 Says:
K Mark to start with with these fake convert jews who call themselves jews would u not have to be semitic in order for their to be or have anti semitism. Now seeing as how these jews are 12th or 13th centery converts from the Khazarian Empire which was above Turkey across the sea
@user-retirelife7107 Says:
This country was founded as a republic under God! Nations across the world are trying to return to western values the woke leftest view is like a disease eating away at their national identities. Thank God for the revival of western values.
@jackhenry290 Says:
They are probably just setting up for newsome to enter. Then he will get more votes than any candidate in history.
@feet765102 Says:
Okay is it me or Donna brazile looks about 10 years younger??…how you doin’😉😉??
@randyjackson6468 Says:
America currency is DEBT CURRENCY (-NEGATIVE) OUR National DEBT is Negative So that mean the value of the dollar is Negative And since 1974 has been declining A Negative +a Negative = Negative So how is the America dollar (+positive) Double certified platinum broke debt currency America Dollar is WORTHLESS And NO FDIC If the economy collapses thete nothing to help recover you money Rich people 😂😢
@brokenot Says:
Actually I'm Trump's biggest critic. And I've experienced no change of heart whatsoever.
@Getzer928 Says:
its wild how anybody still votes for Biden but they do!
@danielsharon524 Says:
I can feel sorry for the civilians of Gaza BUT Hamas started this (as always). Hamas knew darn well whay the retaliation would entail AND the people of Gaza elected Hamas. Good case of f*** around & find out.
@danielsharon524 Says:
"Operations 2024 Steal" will have to be huge but I'm confident the Dems can do it again.
@hoangling4344 Says:
None of this matters. We still have unverified, mandatory mail in ballots with no voter I.D. required. The election system in the U.S. is a world-wide joke.
@angelabaldwin5460 Says:
Stormie Daniels liked your money.
@ciscoflores5512 Says:
Rapport is only talking crap about Biden. Because of Israel that’s it. Dude only cares about Israel
@michaelwills1926 Says:
45 said something during his victory speech something to the effect of “whoever isn’t with me yet they will be, they just don’t know it yet.”
@alericc1889 Says:
It doesnt matter what the polls say, it matters WHO COUNTS THE VOTES...
@noah_d_turtle1435 Says:
Dems are doing this to try and scare Biden to not run as a democrat so they can get Michael Obama or Gavin Newsome. 🤮
@jasenrichards6590 Says:
There scared because you have Democrat waking up now.....😂
@dougieballew4679 Says:
What did the little girl say? I couldn't hear it.
@luislaplume8261 Says:
Meathead is still MEAT HEAD! 😂
@luislaplume8261 Says:
Can you imagine what the polls will be like by November 1, 2024? 😊
@mac5856 Says:
Guess what? It wont matter again, they will do what they did last time and steal the election so polls dont matter, looks what happened last time, Biden hid in his basement and Trump held record rallies and "somehow" Biden got more votesmthan any other president ever, yeah and we all had to swallow that and we all will again
@e8iMm7KE999 Says:
The American Middle-Class has been destroyed just like the Native Americans got destroyed in past history. The big money people want more and more power. MSM's purpose is to distract the American people from the fact that the Middle-Class has been destroyed. You can't correct a problem if you don't admit and/or realize one exists. The OUT SOURCING OF AMERICAN JOBS TO OVERSEAS CAN BE REVERSED !!! BUT THE GREEDY COMPANIES LOVE THEIR EXTRA BIG PROFITS. As long as people are distracted and divided the problem will not get corrected. To add insult to injury the big money people want to import illegally or legally cheap labor. So what you see happening today is jobs going overseas to cheap labor and cheap labor imported to take away the jobs from Americans that can't be out sourced . The Corporations profit Middle-Class destroyed.
@DonnieLeroy Says:
To hell with Hollywood. Dont need your support America can do this on there own. Nothing but Haters.
@Devlins10 Says:
Been awhile since i watched a Dice video! 🎲. What the hell was a thinking! Lol. Great as usual Mark!
@chriswendschlag1856 Says:
Like Woody being the biggest Reganknight you ever seen to hanging out with Pelosi.
@prometheus5700 Says:
Archie was absolutely right. I thought it was just a joke for the show, but Meathead was/still is useless.
@tevitatupouniua2930 Says:
@joedmac78 Says:
Mark..make a Tee shirt that says "vote Hillary 24" mimicking Haley campaign sign
@sheryldouglas9669 Says:
I am having a really tough time believing these polls when you look at the Trump rallies that fill stadiums. Plus, overwhelmingly, the news shows Biden to be at the very best confused, stumbling, & inept! Come on, man!!!
@johnnys2714 Says:
It’s nice being able to thumbs you up, we couldn’t on the tv show of conspiracy theories show, great old day
@felaciosuxonadik8517 Says:
The fact that the only time in 100 years an incumbent has been losing in the polls was with President Trump and now Biden is 100% proof that the last "election" was rigged!!! How does the most popular presidential candidate in human history end up hated sooo bad by 80% of his own people?!?!?! That never happened to Obama and he lied as much as Biden and put over 13 million Americans (mostly people of color) out of their jobs and homes in record numbers never seen in American history! When Democrats like "Meathead" Rob Reiner say he needs to help protect "democracy" what they all mean is protect human trafficking and child sex slave trafficking!!! Remember when Rob and his wife were down at the border a few years back welcoming the invaders into our country with food and lemonade? Just remember, friends, how the Satanist kiddie diddlers say things in the opposite of reality. For example, Satanist Democrat cult members call murdering babies "reproductive medical care", even though killing babies PREVENTS reproducing and growing your family and killing babies means you don't "care" and a dead baby isn't healthy so there's no "health" in healthcare that kills babies! By the Democrat's own definition, what Hamas did by beheading babies in Israel falls under the protection of "reproductive healthcare" practices. LOL And then Democrats lied about Israel doing it also. So, why are Democrats angry at Israel for doing "reproductive healthcare" that Democrats hold sooo dearly?!?!?!

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