The Guardian Reacts After TikTokers Promote HORRIFIC Osama Bin Laden Letter
The Guardian Reacts After TikTokers Promote HORRIFIC Osama Bin Laden Letter



@maclanekeller8308 Says:
If you can't Condemn Hamas, the Taliban, or any other terror worshipping vermin, then you aren't worthy of being an American citizen.
@TheBenpg Says:
osamas letter was just full of hypocrisy, condemning the US for unaliving the same women and children that the taliban used to send to american troops strapped with explosives. the taliban could care less if their own women and children blew up to pieces in the name of jihad. i have family members that served in afghanistan and witnessed the atrocities commited by these terrorists. There is no excuse for 911.
@Mossaab-kg3cj5hc5s Says:
The American people and the west in general are the enemies of the rest of humanity .
@ziephk Says:
lol ok let’s listen to dough boy and the used up passed around hag. lol what a bunch of ahistorical intellectual midgets and moral snakes 🐍
@AJxxxxxxxx Says:
riticizing Israel does not mean your anti semitic, this is there way of discrediting anyone who criticizes anything Israel does, AIPAC is literally paying the media and our government to go around calling anyone an antisemitic who criticizes Israel
@الدقمالعالي Says:
Yes, our government was not great in its foreign policies. It only caused the killing of millions of people and the destruction of their homelands. It is very ridiculous!!!?
@donkunes8630 Says:
there was and still is no proof that he was behind the 911 attacks
@deqaabbi8509 Says:
Who really killed those people?
@jaffermajeed3515 Says:
These two guys trying there best, to attack the letter in so many bs ways, by calling it "mumbo jumbo " blah blah
@alexlee917 Says:
cenk = fat
@jackandblaze5956 Says:
Bin Laden may have "orchistrated" the attacks, but make no mistake, our intelligence organizations, and British intelligence KNEW an attack was coming and even knew most of the details of how and where it was going to happen. The "hijackers" trained in the US and were being tracked by the CIA. They were known radicals. There had been a previous unsuccessful attempt to topple the twin towers in 1993, by members of the same group of extremeists. They managed to severely damage six sublevels below the buildings. In 1997, a project set up by the men who became George W Bush's cabinet and advisors called itself the Project for the New American Century, or PNAC. The founders of the PNAC included Richard Perle, Vice President Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld (defence secretary), Paul Wolfowitz (deputy defence secretary), I Lewis Libby (Cheney's chief of staff), William J Bennett (Reagan's education secretary), and Zalmay Khalilzad (Bush's ambassador to Afghanistan). A document written by the PNAC in 1998 disclosed "what was needed for America to dominate much of humanity and the world's resources", it said, was "some catastrophic and catalysing event - like a new Pearl Harbor". The motivation behind the PNAC advisors who exploited 11 September came from the era of Ronald Reagan, when far-right groups and "think-tanks" were established to avenge the American "defeat" in Vietnam. In the 1990s, there was an added agenda: to justify the denial of a "peace dividend" following the cold war. After the attacks of 11 September 2001 provided the "new Pearl Harbor", members of the group of advisors described the attack as "the opportunity of ages". Richard Perle, in an interview with John Pilger during his advisory to the Reagan administration, stated "This is total war. We are fighting a variety of enemies. There are lots of them out there. All this talk about first we are going to do Afghanistan, then we will do Iraq... this is entirely the wrong way to go about it. If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely and we don't try to piece together clever diplomacy, but just wage a total war... our children will sing great songs about us years from now." Bush's advisors knew about the attacks beforehand, and they LET it happen, they even helped facilitate it. VP Cheney even inexplicably shut down NORAD for "maintenance and exercises" the morning of the attcks, something that has never been done before or since. GW Bush's original cabinet and advisors, the PNAC, are the modern chartists of American terrorism.
@Taporeee Says:
George Orwell would be proud
@yazidhail4878 Says:
Merci !
@wadetitsworth2599 Says:
1.5 mill to 3000. Bush got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and didnt want to have a fair trade. Back lash
@user-qq6rr2je4q Says:
Various intelligence analysts have concluded the letter is actually the work of lsrael intelligence agency Moossaad and not OBL
@theemporium5899 Says:
An eye for an eye. You can blame a dictator for the actions of war but in a democracy you blame the people who elected the president. Look at those who claim to be the most democratic and the most free. Look at the documented history of America's involvement in Israel, Iraq, Afghanistan and so many other countries. Look how you killed and starved innocent civilians while claiming to bring them peace and freedom. Read the letter. Ignore this foolishly woman.
@daijonbostick7348 Says:
This shit gone start a Civil War
@khskeofb Says:
I was watching fox and one of the commentators used the same logic. He justified Israel action by saying “Palestinian voted for Hamas”
@neviamuktar Says:
I mean he wasn't lying let's be honest !!!! America has done alot sht to other countries of minorities 😢
@datboinate0192 Says:
Slavery was the worst Dumb ass
@thisismetoday Says:
“The transcript of the letter had been shared without its full context.” Original source documents shouldn’t need any framing. That’s adding bias. I guess the Guardian felt readers didn’t draw the conclusions from the letter as they wanted them to, and that readers rejected their preferred narrative. So they took it down!
@thisismetoday Says:
You can sympathise with someone’s feelings, without having to agree with the way they decide to act on that. This concept isn’t that hard to understand, people!!
@HailTheFun Says:
How is it hatred if it's true? Israel has such a massive hold on the USA and control many facets of American life. Anyway, FREE PALESTINE. Israel does NOT have a right to exist.
@Laura-yd3ds Says:
Isreal, did 911
@denisemughrabi8171 Says:
I question if the letter was even written by O’Sama Bin Laden? I mean how do we even know if it is legit? It sounds suspicious to me! But, I think that this could have been constructed by someone else & attributed to him writing it! How would we know? We can’t be sure, especially when they’re taking it down.🤔
@mirsadakolar64 Says:
I don’t think he had nothing to do with 9/1
@keralytekid Says:
This was almost 15 years ago:
@outofthemud.7477 Says:
Of course bin laden did it because he hated America's freedom and it's way of life. Any other alternative reasons are 100% worthless and deceiving.
@Morenitto89 Says:
Thats crazy. Took a news article down due to context
@ZerqTM Says:
technically osama bin laden didnt orchastarte shit he was only a stocastic terrorist technically like trump though he did fund them so there is that... But as i understand it he was more a thought leader then any kind of organizer... which makes the afgan war all the worse since the taliban where perfectly happy to hand osama bin laden over to a independant 3rd country . at any rate his roll in Al'Qaeda seam very over stated...
@RadikSharkas Says:
americans s h i t, b i c h and craps! usa and co...terorr org. unrermansh's national. f u * c you our pigs.
@TroubleHarris Says:
That just proved the point by remove. Look how America is backing Israel now. With everything that has proven by video. The United States is backing Israel or Palestine.
@AmanSingh-IITBombay Says:
9/11 was an inside job, they can try to defame him but you will never change my mind.
@crispycruiser4654 Says:
Civilians are never legitimate targets. I can condemn it when the USA does it, when Israel does it, and when Islamic extremists do it. Yes, you can abhor two evils at the same time. I was there in New York that day. 12 years old. I don't know a New Yorker who didn't know someone who died or was injured. Because the US government did horrible things in Iraq and Afghanistan, among other things before 911, it doesn't justify 9/11 or mean he was "misunderstood." It's just edgelords online trying to be contrarian, and out-edgelord one another on who can hate the west more in favor of propping up any dictatorial regimes that happen to be our enemy. You have lunatics online supporting North Korea, when Dear Fatboy has 25 style Auschwitz camps in his country today. These people are insufferable.
@iseered1280 Says:
The west keeps taking L’s.
@Abo_Obaida105 Says:
just write in google ( old dollar 911 ) and you gonna know who did 911
@heisenberg9739 Says:
Israel is destroying the US. US destroys everything else.
@heisenberg9739 Says:
This man wants to run for President in the US. No wonder he supports gambling & crap.
@heisenberg9739 Says:
3,000 people died in the US. The last 4 presidents in the US have been responsible for over 220 million civilian deaths...stfu!
@joveke13 Says:
It was our own government that did that. Stop the BS already 💯💯🤷🏾‍♂️
@u.s.constitution1776 Says:
Everyone reading the bin laden letter from 2002 talking about all of his grievances and they are relating to him and feeling like they are in the wrong. That is what you call the complete indoctrination of the elitist leftist democrat in colleges and younger kids successfully destroying from the inside.
@kaiser77777 Says:
The definition of: -Terrorist : who against U.K. n NATO -Freedom Fighter : who on the side of U.K. n NATO -U.S.A : just a potential protagonist actor made by U.K. -U.N. : Talk show that U.S.A being executive producer in it.
@Renegade2786 Says:
Might as well ban the MSG series as like Bin Liden, Liquid Snake, Solidus Snake, Ocelot, and Big Boss were terrorists that were spoke the harsh truth about America and the rest of the West.
@gh0stcrz978 Says:
Amazing, these Gen Z idiot radicals managed to make TYT seem like reasonable moderates.
@abdullahalfaruq912 Says:
Just shut up
@jalenjames3869 Says:
As a black Muslim America who think Osama did a terrible act let’s not act like he told some truth. A lot of truth.
@ricojones-fernandez2165 Says:
U didn't include his whole reasoning. U did not U left out out clearly.
@akhtarizod5802 Says:
OBL is confused, he is half right, Actually Zionists are responsible but Zionists hide behind Jewish, use Judaism as shield!
@akhtarizod5802 Says:
Truth at walking speed eventually catches up to lighting speed lies !!

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