Nikki Haley: Sure, I'll Cut Social Security Because It's What My Billionaire Friends Want
Nikki Haley: Sure, I'll Cut Social Security Because It's What My Billionaire Friends Want



@li8533 Says:
I hate Nikki Haley. She looks like a total witch.
@anthonycordero5733 Says:
It's time for all Americans affected by this liberal attacks sue the government the illegals and the rest
@anthonycordero5733 Says:
F her and her billionaire friends we the people commie who.... entitled are the illegals never us the real Americans f you commies get out of America commies
@mochafudgetruffle Says:
Well bless her heart. She knows who is paying her.
@nicara64 Says:
Nikki is another Kamala Harris.
@bobblacka918 Says:
Did you know that every company will go bankrupt if they don't raise prices? So if Social Security raises the tax from 6.5% to 8%. Bingo. Problem solved.
@berk1990 Says:
Republicans dont like her either stop saying Republicans. Shes the only twit trying to do this
@ruffusp768 Says:
All they have to do is raise the cap on social security
@amyjones2490 Says:
The only entitlements are subsidies to corporations
@machine1600 Says:
Americans Invest their hard earned money into SS and they call it Entitlements ? Such BS. Food stamps and Government FReebie programs are entitlements, NOT SS. They best get that sht straight
@maryj2671 Says:
Nikki Hayley will never get my vote! She is another of the Devil's workers.
@johnn8388 Says:
Congress stole the money we put in then aborted the very people the were hoping would pay it back. They should be in jail. And increase Medicare advantage plans? I bet you don’t have one of those worthless plans. Medicare disadvantage, call it what it is. Trump 2024🇺🇸
@johnn8388 Says:
I have been working full time since I was 14 physical labor. I’m turning 65 this year. I saved but don’t forget. Social Security is not an entitlement, it is the insurance that Americans pay for through the Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA) with every paycheck.
@jimrays2896 Says:
She needs to drop out and just officially go to the democrat side
@rubyrodriguez3365 Says:
Lost my vote enirely
@francesmorgan6397 Says:
How about cut rich people
@francesmorgan6397 Says:
Oh yea let's just take from elderly who can barely make it just because the rich want you too . Really n how about hard working people
@rosalindamacom4810 Says:
she will never be president, she will be another one that will drive this Nation to its grave.
@itwasntme3191 Says:
If you cut my SS your not getting me vote 👎👎👎👎👎
@LynnHack Says:
I think TYT is taking words she heard from a recording a little of context. TYT needs to get the facts before running her mouth.
@carlfletcher7553 Says:
I guess so they got money,they don’t care about nobody
@musicman532 Says:
@edwardj8942 Says:
Nikki Haley is a puppet and a narcissist that cheats on her husband that is deployed
@Luis-pz6ni Says:
Shes exactly what America does not need ,shes a paid for politician, cant be trusted.
@burrillgray4812 Says:
Haley is a Moron… the US can’t go bankrupt! The US is a country that has Monetary Sovereignty. In addition, the US dollar is the primary international exchange currency which is why petroleum is denominated in…wait for it, the US DOLLAR! Clearly she has never read what appears on the top of any US currency…”Federal Reserve Note” it comes from our… you guessed it, FEDERAL RESERVE!!! The FED “prints” the damn stuff, are you kidding me? If, for argument sake, the US were to go “bankrupt” as Haley suggests, then to whom do we pay back the “debt” Madame Ambassador?” Furthermore, Japan’s debt-to-GDP ratio is much higher than ours and their fine. But all this is no surprise, especially coming from someone who is from South Carolina, and apparently didn’t realize that slavery was a central issue of the Civil War. Again, she’s a moron!!
@GinaPersonal Says:
iT'S NOT YOUR MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@mangographics225 Says:
Make EVERYONE pay the same "Income Taxes" - with NO Tax Shelters"!!!
@mangographics225 Says:
Oh my, this sounds like the "Ryan Tax Cuts" who was crafted by billionaires - the recrafting of the American Lower Class for everyone else...
@Lee-fx7md Says:
Trump is lying!! That f*** won't protect social security,Medicare, Medicaid or Veteran pensions. Trump says he'll dismantle the affordable care act. He vows to give more tax breaks to the rich. C'mon. Once a snake always a snake. Trump, Haley, house speaker Mike Johnson, none of these Republicans can be trusted. House Republicans have done nothing but lie, cause chaos and division, con, fight amongst themselves, and try to shut the government down, knowing it effects our soldiers. They're busy being obstructionists, blocking anything that will help avarage citizens. their loyalty is to Trump not this country. Vote blue!! 🇺🇲💙🇺🇲
@dianalester1351 Says:
haley has no right to make cuts to Social Security, our money e paid, and she has no right, nor does any politician!!!!!!!!!!!!////???????
@Alex-lz1so Says:
She is just another puppet .
@2148aa Says:
Flat tax including social security. National Healthcare as long as I am dreaming.
@candacekelland2268 Says:
Nilki Haley you won't win anything
@candacekelland2268 Says:
She won't get any votes. What a stupid loon!
@11shadowdweller Says:
Republicans suck! Still, she's less dangerous than Trump, that's for sure.
@akbauer2525 Says:
Your Billionaire buds don't have to live on it. SS is NOT an entitlement! It is a retirement/disablity fund I and everyone else has paid into it! That disability fund should not be supporting kids who have ADHD and the like. The amount that congress stole from it MUST be returned.
@Joe-lk6oc Says:
And yet they allow millions of illegals to pour into America and send billions to Ukraine and enemy nations like Iran and many others! America needs Trump. RINOS and democrats are destroying America.
@deannasnuffer1980 Says:
I get tired of hearing about cutting "entitlements" such as social security, when you never hear about cutting all the "tax entitlements" that the rich think they are entitled to! If they would stop giving away social security funds to every foreigner that comes here, we would have enough for americans!
@noemitorres6829 Says:
Why would anyone with any self respect vote for this pos Yup take away more from hard working ppl give to pos like trumph.her makes me sick fuck them vote for a better perso
@DJW-TN501 Says:
Of course she would. Nikki, please exit "left", you're in the way - nobody wants you.
@jamesmcmurray6871 Says:
She’s will loose. 100%
@jamesmcmurray6871 Says:
@wallynut1682 Says:
Vote trump
@wallynut1682 Says:
Dont want her in office
@charlesrobert6211 Says:
I retired at 68 having worked part time from 16 and fulltime since 18 blue collar all the way. When I visited the S.S. there were at least 40 people in there with more coming through the door. All but three where under 50 years of age. Mothers with young children made up the largest group followed by people in their mid-twenties to thirties. I realize a lot of the families were applying for SSI and the others it may have been for disability although all of them looked healthy. Why blame the rich for all the social ills? Why not blame the drug cartels, fathers who abandon their families or social activist looting and burning everything in sight? I'm 74 now in good health, house paid for and enough to live on. I decided to go back to work part time. I can still pick up 50 pounds of concrete and throw it ten feet. I think we should start an elderly Olympics to challenge progressive activist who carry signs all over the country but never built anything more than a joint. I challenge them to build a house. If one then ten, if ten then a hundred and so on. I like Nikki Haley; she sees the danger of this country going bankrupt like Russia did in 1990. Unlike social dreamers who dream and dream, she knows we must build more housing to solve the homeless problem, produce more food to bring down grocery prices. We must have reform to save social programs which is to deny benefits to people who should be motivated to learn a trade like their doing with the Hood project in Chicago. Once a person learns a trade, they can become part of the solution to our nation's problems instead of making a career out of being one.
@DanasJohnson Says:
Your money won't get you elected but it will make for some good spending change after the election and Mr.Trump wins 😊
@shareurtube Says:
Nikki Haley: ""Sure, I'll Cut Social Security Because It's What My Billionaire Friends Want"" That is who is running the United States, billionaire friends of both Republican and Democrat Congressman. "We the People" don't count.
@Mamali316 Says:
Please call her by her real name, Nimrata Randhawa. Then ask the question why she is clueless about the US Civil War. Or anything in between for that matter!
@bruceking6217 Says:
Nikkinomic = Tax and spend and punish the working people, and the retirees!! Not getting my vote,,,Liberal Rino
@michaelbilodeau8412 Says:
She doesn't know what the civil war was about so what the hell would She know about social security

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